The Denver Hailstorm of 13 June 1984

David O. Blanchard NOAA/Environmental Research Laboratories/Weather Research Program, Boulder, CO 80303

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Kenneth W. Howard NOAA/Environmental Research Laboratories/Weather Research Program, Boulder, CO 80303

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A brief overview of the 13 June 1984 Denver hailstorm is presented. This storm produced very large hail in a few locations and copious amounts of small hail over a large area. Documentation of the storm includes data from a surface mesonetwork, cooperative observers and storm spotters, dual Doppler radar, profiler winds, radiosonde, lightning detectors, and photographs of smoke tracers. Integration of these data sets provides an interesting and informative look at this destructive storm.

A brief overview of the 13 June 1984 Denver hailstorm is presented. This storm produced very large hail in a few locations and copious amounts of small hail over a large area. Documentation of the storm includes data from a surface mesonetwork, cooperative observers and storm spotters, dual Doppler radar, profiler winds, radiosonde, lightning detectors, and photographs of smoke tracers. Integration of these data sets provides an interesting and informative look at this destructive storm.
