An experiment whose objective was to determine the wind and reflectivity substructure of severe convective storms is detailed. A 3-mm-wavelength (95 GHz) pulsed Doppler radar was installed in a van and operated in the Southern Plains of the United States during May and early June of 1993 and 1994. Using a narrow-beam antenna with computer-controlled scanning and positioning the van several kilometers from targets in severe thunderstorms, the authors were able to achieve 30-m spatial resolution and also obtain video documentation. A dual-polarization pulse-pair technique was used to realize a maximum unambiguous velocity of ±80 m s−1. Analyses of data collected in a mesocyclone near the intersection of two squall lines, in a low-precipitation storm, and in a hook echo in a supercell are discussed. A strategy to achieve 10-m spatial resolution and obtain analyses of the internal structure of tornadoes is proposed.
*School of Meteorology, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma.
+Microwave Remote Sensing Laboratory, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts.