The ocean–atmosphere response to the surfacing of temperature anomalies from the oceanic thermocline is a key process in climate variability with decadal time scales. Using a coupled general circulation model, it is shown how density-compensating temperature and salinity (spiciness) anomalies emerging in the upwelling region of the equatorial Pacific modulate tropical climate.
Upon reaching the surface in the central equatorial Pacific, warm and salty spiciness anomalies increase sea surface temperature and salinity, and vent their heat anomaly to the atmosphere, primarily by the latent heat flux. The associated surface buoyancy flux increases vertical mixing, and thereby dampens surface temperature anomalies. The moisture added to the atmosphere increases precipitation in the western Pacific and intertropical convergence zone, and strengthens the trade winds east, and weakens them west of the date line. Central equatorial Pacific surface temperatures are slightly warmed by the resulting deepened thermocline, and additional warm spiciness anomalies due to a northward displacement of the climatological spiciness front on the equator, recycling salt anomalies in the shallow equatorial circulation and subduction from the Southern Hemisphere. From the Northern Hemisphere source regions of equatorial thermocline waters, cool and fresh anomalies result from the increased air–sea freshwater fluxes and wind-driven changes of the flow paths in the thermocline. The amplitudes of the model's El Niño–La Niña are diminished by warm spiciness anomalies due to a reduction of the temperature gradient in density coordinates that controls the thermocline feedback.
The coupled response is qualitatively consistent with a coupled climate mode that results from a positive feedback between the equatorial emergence of spiciness anomalies and the equatorial pycnocline and Southern Hemisphere responses, and a delayed, negative feedback due to Northern Hemisphere subduction. However, feedbacks are weak, and, at best, slightly enhance a decadal modulation of the Tropics due to spiciness anomalies generated by stochastic atmospheric forcing.
Corresponding author address: Dr. Niklas Schneider, International Pacific Research Center, University of Hawaii at Manoa, 1680 East West Road, Honolulu, HI 96822. Email: nschneid@hawaii.edu