Hourly station rain gauge data are employed to study the seasonal variation of the diurnal cycle of rainfall in southern contiguous China. The results show a robust seasonal variation of the rainfall diurnal cycle, which is dependent both on region and duration. Difference in the diurnal cycle of rainfall is found in the following two neighboring regions: southwestern China (region A) and southeastern contiguous China (region B). The diurnal cycle of annual mean precipitation in region A tends to reach the maximum in either midnight or early morning, while precipitation in region B has a late-afternoon peak. In contrast with the weak seasonal variation of the diurnal phases of precipitation in region A, the rainfall peak in region B shifts sharply from late afternoon in warm seasons to early morning in cold seasons. Rainfall events in south China are classified into short- (1–3 h) and long-duration (more than 6 h) events. Short-duration precipitation in both regions reaches the maximum in late afternoon in warm seasons and peaks in either midnight or early morning in cold seasons, but the late-afternoon peak in region B exists during February–October, while that in region A only exists during May–September. More distinct differences between regions A and B are found in the long-duration rainfall events. The long-duration events in region A show dominant midnight or early morning peaks in all seasons. But in region B, the late-afternoon peak exists during July–September. Possible reasons for the difference in the diurnal cycle of rainfall between the two regions are discussed. The different cloud radiative forcing over regions A and B might contribute to this difference.
Corresponding author address: Jian Li, Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, Beijing 100081, China. Email: lijian@cams.cma.gov.cn