The seasonal rainfall over the U.S. central plains features a late-spring maximum. A spring–fall annual mode revealed from the empirical orthogonal function analysis on rainfall delineates a maximum center over the central plains that coincides with the large late-spring rainfall. This paper examines the large-scale dynamical and hydrological processes in forming the rainfall center. The NCEP–Department of Energy (DOE) reanalysis 2 data reveal that the baroclinic structure of the continental-scale circulation during late spring (May and June) induces a vertically out-of-phase divergent circulation forming strong convergence of water vapor flux over the central plains. Such circulation features generate concentrated convective activity in this region. The upper-level anticyclone development with the North American monsoon in July replaces the late-spring baroclinic structure and, in turn, reduces the convective activity. The Great Plains low-level jet (LLJ) plays a role in the downscaling process that connects the continental-scale circulation to rainfall. The LLJ coupled with approaching baroclinic waves leads to stronger moisture convergence in the central plains than that occurring under the upper-level anticyclone. The former type of the LLJ occurs most frequently in late spring and contributes to more than 60% of the rainfall. During midsummer (July and August), such a coupling is hindered by the well-developed upper-level anticyclone, subsequently decreasing the rainfall.
Corresponding author address: Tsing-Chang (Mike) Chen, Atmospheric Science Program, Department of Geological and Atmospheric Sciences, 3010 Agronomy Hall, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011. Email: tmchen@iastate.edu