A comparison of three global reanalyses is conducted based on probability density functions of daily maximum and minimum temperature at 2-m and 1000-hPa levels. The three reanalyses compare very favorably in both maximum and minimum temperatures at 1000 hPa, in both the mean and the 99.7th and 0.3rd percentiles of both quantities in most regions. At 2 m, there are large and widespread differences in the mean and 99.7th percentiles in maximum temperature between the three reanalyses over land commonly exceeding ±5°C and regionally exceeding ±10°C. The 2-m minimum temperatures compare unfavorably between the three reanalyses over virtually all continental surfaces with differences exceeding ±10°C over widespread areas. It is concluded that the three reanalyses are generally interchangeable in 1000-hPa temperatures. The three reanalyses of 2-m temperatures are very different owing to the methods used to diagnose these quantities. At this time, the probability distribution functions of the 2-m temperatures from the three reanalyses are sufficiently different that either the 2-m air temperatures should not be used or all three products should be used independently in any application and the differences highlighted.
Corresponding author address: Professor A. J. Pitman, Climate Change Research Centre, Mathews Building, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia. Email: a.pitman@unsw.edu.au
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