The relative contributions to mean global atmospheric moisture transport by both the time-mean circulation and by synoptic and low-frequency (periods greater than 10 days) anomalies are evaluated from the vertically integrated atmospheric moisture budget based on 40 yr of “chi corrected” NCEP–NCAR reanalysis data. In the extratropics, while the time-mean circulation primarily moves moisture zonally within ocean basins, low-frequency and synoptic anomalies drive much of the mean moisture transport both from ocean to land and toward the poles. In particular, during the cool-season low-frequency variability is the largest contributor to mean moisture transport into southwestern North America, Europe, and Australia. While some low-frequency transport originates in low latitudes, much is of extratropical origin due to large-scale atmospheric anomalies that extract moisture from the northeast Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. Low-frequency variability is also integral to the Arctic (latitudes > 70°N) mean moisture budget, especially during summer, when it drives mean poleward transport from relatively wet high-latitude continental regions. Synoptic variability drives about half of the mean poleward moisture transport in the midlatitudes of both hemispheres, consistent with simple “lateral mixing” arguments. Extratropical atmospheric transport is also particularly focused within “atmospheric rivers” (ARs), relatively narrow poleward-moving moisture plumes associated with frontal dynamics. AR moisture transport, defined by compositing fluxes over those locations and times where column-integrated water vapor and poleward low-level wind anomalies are both positive, represents most of the total extratropical meridional moisture transport. These results suggest that understanding potential anthropogenic changes in the earth ’s hydrological cycle may require understanding corresponding changes in atmospheric variability, especially on low-frequency time scales.