Over the eastern Pacific, recent studies have shown that a shallow large-scale meridional circulation with its return flow just above the boundary layer coexists with a deep Hadley circulation. This study examines how the vertical structure of large-scale circulations is related to satellite-observed individual precipitation properties over the eastern Pacific in boreal autumn. Three reanalysis datasets are used to describe differences in their behavior. The results are compared among reanalyses and three distinctly different convection periods, which are defined according to their radar echo depths. Shallow and deep circulations are shown to often coexist for each of the three periods, resulting in the multicell circulation structure. Deep (shallow) circulations preferentially appear in the mostly deep (shallow) convection period of radar echo depths. Thus, depth of convection basically corresponds to which circulation branch is dominant. This anticipated relationship between the circulation structure and depths of convection is common in all three reanalyses. Notable differences among reanalyses are found in the mid- to upper troposphere in either the time-mean state or the composite analysis based on the convection periods. Reanalyses have large variations in characteristics associated with deep circulations such as the upper-tropospheric divergence and outflows and the midlevel inflows, which are consistent with their different profiles of latent heating in the mid- to upper troposphere. On the other hand, discrepancies in shallow circulations and shallow convection are also found, but they are not as large as those in deep ones.
Current affiliation: Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, University of Tokyo, Chiba, Japan.