Cloud-radiative interaction (CRI) is a fundamental process that modulates tropical circulation and intraseasonal variability, including the Madden–Julian oscillation (MJO). In this study, we investigate how the mean state of the tropical atmosphere and the MJO respond to CRI intensity changes and provide insights into the underlying mechanisms, using the aquaplanet configuration in the Community Earth System Model, version 2 (CESM2). By enhancing CRI through tuning the DCS parameter (an autoconversion threshold size in the Morrison and Gettelman cloud microphysics scheme), we demonstrate that DCS-induced CRI intensification is linked to a warmer troposphere, increased tropical moisture, strengthened Hadley cell (HC), stronger trade winds, and a stronger equatorward intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ) with more clouds and precipitation, reflecting stronger cloud–radiation–circulation feedback. The intensified CRI also leads to the intensification and slower propagation of the simulated MJO-like mode despite the MJO-like signals becoming less distinguishable from the background due to the influence of other waves. The MJO intensification is likely associated with the mean state changes that support the development of deep convection. Moreover, the CRI itself, especially the interaction with the longwave radiation, also directly influences the MJO’s maintenance and propagation, more contributing to the maintenance of column moist static energy (MSE) and deceleration of its eastward propagation on intraseasonal time scales.
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