Statistical methods commonly used for forecasting climate and streamflows require the selection of appropriate predictors. Poorly designed predictor selection procedures can result in poor forecasts for independent events. This paper introduces a predictor selection method for the Bayesian joint probability modeling approach to seasonal streamflow forecasting at multiple sites. The method compares forecasting models using a pseudo-Bayes factor (PsBF). A stepwise expansion of a base model is carried out by including the candidate predictor with the highest PsBF that exceeds a selection threshold. Predictors representing the initial catchment conditions are selected on their ability to forecast streamflows and predictors representing future climate influences are selected on their ability to forecast rainfall. The final forecasting model combines selected predictors representing both initial catchment conditions and future climate influences to jointly forecast seasonal streamflows and rainfall. Applications of the predictor selection method to two catchments in eastern Australia show that the best predictors representing initial catchment conditions and future climate influences vary with location and forecast date. Antecedent streamflows are the best indicator of the initial catchment conditions. Predictors representing future climate influences are only selected for forecasts made between July and January. Indicators of El Niño dominate the selected predictors representing future climate influences. The skill of streamflow forecasts varies considerably between locations and throughout the year. Skill scores for the perennial streams of the Goulburn River catchment exceed 40% for several seasons, while for the intermittent streams in the Burdekin River catchment, the skill scores are lower.