The impact of water stress on plant stomatal conductance (g) has been widely studied but with little consensus as to the processes governing its responses. The photosynthesis-driven stomatal conductance models usually employ constant model parameters and attribute the decrease of g from water stress to the reduction of leaf photosynthesis. This has been challenged by studies showing that the model parameter values decrease when the plant is under water stress. In this study, the impact of plant water stress on the parameter values in stomatal conductance models is evaluated using the approach recently developed by S. Wang et al. and the tower flux measurements at a Canadian boreal aspen forest. Results show that the slope parameter (α) in the stomatal conductance models decreases substantially with the development of plant water stress. The magnitude of this reduction is dependent on how plant water stress is represented. Overall, the relative reduction of α from its maximum value is 28% when soil water content decreases from 0.38 to 0.18 m3 m−3, and is 38% when Bowen ratio increases from 0.25 to 3.5. Equations for α correction to account for water stress impacts are proposed. Further studies on different ecosystems are necessary to quantify the parameter variations with water stress among different climate regions and plant species.