Using the Connecticut River basin as an example, this study assesses the extent to which remote sensing data can help improve hydrological modeling and how it may influence projected future hydrological trends. The dynamic leaf area index (LAI) derived from satellite remote sensing was incorporated into the Variable Infiltration Capacity model (VIC) to enable an interannually varying seasonal cycle of vegetation (VICVEG); the evapotranspiration (ET) data based on remote sensing were combined with ET from a default VIC simulation to develop a simple bias-correction algorithm, and the simulation was then repeated with the bias-corrected ET replacing the simulated ET in the model (VICET). VICET performs significantly better in simulating the temporal variability of river discharge at daily, biweekly, monthly, and seasonal time scales, while VICVEG better captures the interannual variability of discharge, particularly in the winter and spring, and shows slight improvements to soil moisture estimates. The methodology of incorporating ET data into VIC as a bias-correction tool also influences the modeled future hydrological trends. Compared to the default VIC, VICET portrays a future characterized by greater drought risk and a stronger decreasing trend of minimum river flows. Integrating remote sensing data with hydrological modeling helps characterize the range of model-related uncertainties and more accurately reconstruct historic river flow estimates, leading to a better understanding and prediction of hydrological response to future climate changes.