The Sensitivity of West African Convective Line Water Budgets to Land Cover

Karen I. Mohr Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University at Albany, State University of New York, Albany, New York

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R. David Baker Physics Department, Austin College, Sherman, Texas

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Wei-Kuo Tao Laboratory for Atmospheres, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland

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James S. Famiglietti Department of Earth System Science, University of California, Irvine, Irvine, California

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This study used a two-dimensional coupled land–atmosphere (cloud resolving) model to investigate the influence of land cover on the water budgets of convective lines in West Africa. Study simulations used the same initial sounding and one of three different land covers: a sparsely vegetated semidesert, a grassy savanna, and a dense evergreen broadleaf forest. All simulations began at midnight and ran for 24 h to capture a full diurnal cycle. During the morning, the forest had the highest latent heat flux, the shallowest, moistest, slowest growing boundary layer, and more convective available potential energy than the savanna and semidesert. Although the savanna and forest environments produced virtually the same total rainfall mass (semidesert 18%), the spatial and temporal patterns of the rainfall were significantly different and can be attributed to the boundary layer evolution. The forest produced numerous convective cells with very high rain rates mainly during the early afternoon. During the morning, the savanna built up less but still significant amounts of convective available potential energy and enough convective inhibition so that the strongest convection in the savanna did not occur until late afternoon. This timing resulted in the largest, most intense convective line of the three land covers.

Corresponding author address: Karen I. Mohr, Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University at Albany, SUNY, Albany, NY 12222. Email:


This study used a two-dimensional coupled land–atmosphere (cloud resolving) model to investigate the influence of land cover on the water budgets of convective lines in West Africa. Study simulations used the same initial sounding and one of three different land covers: a sparsely vegetated semidesert, a grassy savanna, and a dense evergreen broadleaf forest. All simulations began at midnight and ran for 24 h to capture a full diurnal cycle. During the morning, the forest had the highest latent heat flux, the shallowest, moistest, slowest growing boundary layer, and more convective available potential energy than the savanna and semidesert. Although the savanna and forest environments produced virtually the same total rainfall mass (semidesert 18%), the spatial and temporal patterns of the rainfall were significantly different and can be attributed to the boundary layer evolution. The forest produced numerous convective cells with very high rain rates mainly during the early afternoon. During the morning, the savanna built up less but still significant amounts of convective available potential energy and enough convective inhibition so that the strongest convection in the savanna did not occur until late afternoon. This timing resulted in the largest, most intense convective line of the three land covers.

Corresponding author address: Karen I. Mohr, Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University at Albany, SUNY, Albany, NY 12222. Email:

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