Dynamic budgets of an average synoptic-scale wave have been made by Stevens (1979) from GARP Atlantic Tropical Experiment Phase III B- and A/B-scale data composited by Thompson et al. (1979). In the present study the apparent sources of momentum and vorticity, computed from the large-scale budgets, are compared with parameterized sources from independently derived cumulus mass fluxes and one-dimensional steady-state cloud models. The cloud models include spectral and bulk, as well as single-cloud models. The cumulus mass fluxes are determined from a thermodynamic budget analysis of Johnson (1 978).
A simple single-cloud model is found to adequately account for the net effect of the cumulus transport and production of vorticity. The one-dimensional cloud models, however, do not account for the apparent momentum source in the upper troposphere. An evaluation is made of the sensitivity of the results to the assumed cloud-base vorticity and radiative heating rate. The limitations of the simple cloud models for the parameterization of convective effects in both the momentum and vorticity budgets are discussed.