Antarctic 150 mb Pressure Maps from TWERLF, and Radiosondes (November–1975March 1976)

Nadav Levanon Department of Electronic Systems. Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, Israel

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Paul R. Julian National Center for Atmospheric Research Boulder, CO

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Daily 150 mb maps south of 45°S were prepared for the period 16 November 1975–16 March 1976, using the extensive coverage of the TWERLE balloons in that area, in addition to the sparse radiosonde network. A sample of one daily map for each month, and five monthly average maps am given to demonstrate the technique and the potential information in the TWERLE data.


Daily 150 mb maps south of 45°S were prepared for the period 16 November 1975–16 March 1976, using the extensive coverage of the TWERLE balloons in that area, in addition to the sparse radiosonde network. A sample of one daily map for each month, and five monthly average maps am given to demonstrate the technique and the potential information in the TWERLE data.
