The Relationship Between Convective Adjustment Hadley Circulation and Normal Modes of the ANMRC Spectral Model

Kamal Puri Australian Numerical Meteorology Research. Centre, P.O. Box 5089AA, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 3001

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By expanding model forecasts with and without convection in terms of three-dimensional normal mode functions it is shown that convective adjustment mainly influences gravity modes for vertical mode 4 of the nine-level ANMRC spectral model. It is also shown that the dominant influence of convective adjustment occurs in the lowest frequency gravity modes for all zonal wavenumbers and in particular wavenumbers 0 to 8. By applying various gravity mode filters it is shown that the Hadley circulation in this model is also dominated by these low-frequency gravity modes.


By expanding model forecasts with and without convection in terms of three-dimensional normal mode functions it is shown that convective adjustment mainly influences gravity modes for vertical mode 4 of the nine-level ANMRC spectral model. It is also shown that the dominant influence of convective adjustment occurs in the lowest frequency gravity modes for all zonal wavenumbers and in particular wavenumbers 0 to 8. By applying various gravity mode filters it is shown that the Hadley circulation in this model is also dominated by these low-frequency gravity modes.
