Modeling Tropical Convergence Based on the Moist Static Energy Budget

J. David Neelin Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Program, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08542

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Isaac M. Held Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory/N0AA, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08542

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The vertically integrated moist static energy equation provides a convenient starting point for the construction of simple models of the time-mean low level convergence in the tropics. A vertically integrated measure of the moist static stability, the “gross moist stability,” proves to be of central importance. Minima in this quantity mark the positions of the tropical convergence zones. We argue that the positions of these minima are determined by the time-mean moisture field, which is, in turn, closely tied to the time-mean surface temperature.


The vertically integrated moist static energy equation provides a convenient starting point for the construction of simple models of the time-mean low level convergence in the tropics. A vertically integrated measure of the moist static stability, the “gross moist stability,” proves to be of central importance. Minima in this quantity mark the positions of the tropical convergence zones. We argue that the positions of these minima are determined by the time-mean moisture field, which is, in turn, closely tied to the time-mean surface temperature.
