Long time series of reanalyses, from NCEP–NCAR and from ECMWF, are used to investigate the occurrence of persistent positive anomalies (PPAs) in the 500-hPa geopotential height field over the Southern Hemisphere extratropics during 1958–2001. Defining persistent anomalies as those of at least 100 m in magnitude lasting for at least 5 days, it is found that the region of most frequent occurrence is over the South Pacific. A cluster analysis of monthly PPA counts shows two distinct patterns, one a zonal wavenumber-1 (ZW1) pattern centered over the southeast Pacific near 60°S and the other a zonal wavenumber-3 (ZW3) pattern with centers near New Zealand and over the southern Atlantic and Indian Oceans. Results were insensitive to the choice of dataset, and to the removal of a linear trend from the daily height fields. The southeast Pacific PPA region is strongly modulated by ENSO, while the ZW3 pattern appears only weakly related to ENSO variability. A strong upward trend is apparent in occurrence of the ZW3 cluster, related to a matching trend in the variance of the height fields, particularly those from ECMWF. Such trends are at least in part a consequence of changes in the observing system, particularly the introduction of satellite soundings in the late 1970s.
Corresponding author address: James A. Renwick, NIWA Private Bag 14901, Wellington, New Zealand. Email: J.Renwick@niwa.co.nz