The evolution and finescale structure of a dryline that initiated a line of thunderstorms is presented. Both the along-line variability and mean vertical structure were examined using data collected by an airborne Doppler radar and a water vapor differential absorption lidar (DIAL). The initiation of convection appeared to result from the diurnally induced easterly flow in the maritime air east of the dryline that typically develops late in the day. This flow increased the low-level convergence and allowed rising parcels of air to reach the level of free convection. The along-line variability was largely attributed to numerous misocyclones distorting the thin line of radar reflectivity by advecting dry (moist) air across the dryline south (north) of the misocyclone. The misocyclones also influenced the location of the updrafts, with most of the peak values positioned north of the circulations. As a result, these updrafts were fortuitously positioned in regions of high mixing ratio where the first convective cells initiated.
* Current affiliation: Earth Observing Laboratory, NCAR, Boulder, Colorado.
Corresponding author address: Hanne V. Murphey, Dept. of Atmospheric Sciences, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90095. Email: hanne@atmos.ucla.edu