In the second phase of the Canadian Historical Forecasting Project (HFP2), four global atmospheric general circulation models (GCMs) were used to perform seasonal forecasts over the period of 1969–2003. Little predictive skill was found from the uncalibrated GCM ensemble seasonal predictions for the Canadian winter precipitation. This study is an effort to improve the precipitation forecasts through a postprocessing approach.
Canadian winter precipitation is significantly influenced by two of the most important atmospheric large-scale patterns: the Pacific–North American pattern (PNA) and the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). The time variations of these two patterns were found to be significantly correlated with those of the leading singular value decomposition (SVD) modes that relate the ensemble mean forecast 500-mb geopotential height over the Northern Hemisphere and the tropical Pacific SST in the previous month (November). A statistical approach to correct the ensemble forecasts was formulated based on the regression of the model’s leading forced SVD patterns and the observed seasonal mean precipitation. The performance of the corrected forecasts was assessed by comparing its cross-validated skill with that of the original GCM ensemble mean forecasts. The results show that the corrected forecasts predict the Canadian winter precipitation with statistically significant skill over the southern prairies and a large area of Québec–Ontario.
Corresponding author address: Dr. Hai Lin, MRD/ASTD, Environment Canada, 2121 Route Trans-Canadienne, Dorval, QC H9P 1J3, Canada. Email: hai.lin@ec.gc.ca