Large-magnitude pressure signatures associated with a wide range of atmospheric phenomena (e.g., mesoscale gravity waves, convective complexes, tropical disturbances, and synoptic storm systems) are examined using a unique set of surface pressure sensors deployed as part of the National Science Foundation EarthScope USArray Transportable Array. As part of the USArray project, approximately 400 seismic stations were deployed in a pseudogrid fashion across a portion of the United States for 1–2 yr, then retrieved and redeployed farther east. Surface pressure observations at a sampling frequency of 1 Hz were examined during the period 1 January 2010–28 February 2014 when the seismic array was transitioning from the central to eastern continental United States. Surface pressure time series at over 900 locations were bandpass filtered to examine pressure perturbations on three temporal scales: meso- (10 min–4 h), subsynoptic (4–30 h), and synoptic (30 h–5 days) scales.
Case studies of strong pressure perturbations are analyzed using web tools developed to visualize and track tens of thousands of such events with respect to archived radar imagery and surface wind observations. Seasonal assessments of the bandpass-filtered variance and frequency of large-magnitude events are conducted to identify prominent areas of activity. Large-magnitude mesoscale pressure perturbations occurred most frequently during spring in the southern Great Plains and shifted northward during summer. Synoptic-scale pressure perturbations are strongest during winter in the northern states with maxima located near the East Coast associated with frequent synoptic development along the coastal storm track.