We conducted field observations using two water vapor Raman lidars (RLs) in Kyushu, Japan, to clarify the characteristics of a moist low-level jet (MLLJ), which plays a fundamental role in the formation and maintenance of mesoscale convective systems (MCSs). The two RLs observed the inside and outside of an MLLJ, providing moisture to an MCS with local heavy precipitation on 9 July 2021. Our observations revealed that the MLLJ contained large amounts of moisture below the convective mixing layer height of 1.6 km. The large amount of moisture in the MLLJ might be intensified by low-level convergences and/or water vapor buoyancy facilitated by strong horizontal wind. We conducted four data assimilation experiments: CNTL that assimilated Japan Meteorological Agency operational observation data and three other experiments that ingested the lidar-derived vertical moisture profiles as well as the operational observation data. The experiments assimilating lidar-derived vertical moisture profiles caused intensification and southwestward extensions of the low-level convergence zone, resulting in local heavy precipitation at lower latitudes in experiments assimilating lidar-derived moisture profiles than in CNTL. All three experiments ingesting vertical moisture profiles generally produced better 9-h precipitation forecasts than CNTL, implying that the assimilation of vertical moisture profiles could be well suited for numerical weather prediction of local heavy precipitation. Moreover, the experiment assimilating both of the two RL sites’ data reproduced better forecast fields than experiments assimilating a single RL site’s data, implying that data assimilation of vertical moisture profiles at multiple RL sites enables us to improve initial conditions compared to a single RL site.
Significance Statement
Moist low-level jets (MLLJs) are moisture-rich airflows in the low-level atmosphere that play an important role in developing mesoscale convective systems and local heavy rainfall. To better understand the mechanisms affecting the development of local heavy rainfall events and to improve our ability to forecast them, studying the moisture structures in MLLJs is important. We succeeded in observing an MLLJ in western Japan using water vapor Raman lidars (RLs), which obtained vertical moisture profiles, and revealed details of vertical moisture structures in the MLLJ. We also performed data assimilation experiments to examine the impact of assimilating vertical moisture profiles observed by the RLs. The results showed that the assimilation of the moisture data improved the forecasting of local heavy rainfall.
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