The maintenance of the westerlies in the lower troposphere and the easterlies in the upper troposphere in the Indian southwest monsoon is studied by considering the angular momentum balance in the region. The main source term for the zonal angular momentum is the Coriolis or the Ω-transport term. This term contributes enough to maintain the lower tropospheric westerlies against friction. The zonal pressure gradient term and the mountain torque are of a smaller magnitude. The flux divergence at the boundaries is small in the lower troposphere; it is large in the upper troposphere and serves to export the easterly momentum produced in the region.
Thus, it is concluded that the mean meridional circulation (which is direct) mainly contributes to the maintenance of the mean zonal motion. Actually there is divergence of eddy flux of momentum from the region of maximum zonal winds. The mean meridional circulation releases kinetic energy of the same order of magnitude as the release by the mean winter meridional cell over an equal area.