Signatures of Doubly Diffusive Convection and Turbulence in an Intrusive Regime

Thomas R. Osborn Chesapeake Bay Institute, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21211

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Doubly diffusive convection and turbulence were measured from a submarine in a region where the mean gradients do not support doubly diffusive processes but intrusions provide favorable sites. The stability of the submarine-mounted CTD system enabled us to see the unique signature in the T-S relation. The “salt finger” type of doubly diffusive convection contributed substantially less to the buoyancy flux than the laboratory laws predicted and were not important when compared to the load turbulent buoyancy flux.


Doubly diffusive convection and turbulence were measured from a submarine in a region where the mean gradients do not support doubly diffusive processes but intrusions provide favorable sites. The stability of the submarine-mounted CTD system enabled us to see the unique signature in the T-S relation. The “salt finger” type of doubly diffusive convection contributed substantially less to the buoyancy flux than the laboratory laws predicted and were not important when compared to the load turbulent buoyancy flux.
