Nonlinear Dispersion of Surface Gravity Waves in Shallow Water

T. H. C. Herbers Department of Oceanography, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California

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Steve Elgar Department of Applied Ocean Physics and Engineering, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, Massachusetts

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N. A. Sarap Department of Oceanography, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California

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R. T. Guza Center for Coastal Studies, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, California

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The nonlinear dispersion of random, directionally spread surface gravity waves in shallow water is examined with Boussinesq theory and field observations. A theoretical dispersion relationship giving a directionally averaged wavenumber magnitude as a function of frequency, the local water depth, and the local wave spectrum and bispectrum is derived for waves propagating over a gently sloping beach with straight and parallel depth contours. The linear, nondispersive shallow water relation is recovered as the first-order solution, with weak frequency and amplitude dispersion appearing as second-order corrections. Wavenumbers were estimated using four arrays of pressure sensors deployed in 2–6-m depth on a gently sloping sandy beach. When wave energy is low, the observed wavenumbers agree with the linear, finite-depth dispersion relation over a wide frequency range. In high energy conditions, the observed wavenumbers deviate from the linear dispersion relation by as much as 20%–30% in the frequency range from two to three times the frequency of the primary spectral peak, but agree well with the nonlinear Boussinesq dispersion relation, confirming that the deviations from linear theory are finite amplitude effects. In high energy conditions, the predicted frequency and amplitude dispersion tend to cancel, yielding a nearly nondispersive wave field in which waves of all frequencies travel with approximately the linear shallow water wave speed, consistent with the observations. The nonlinear Boussinesq theory wavenumber predictions (based on the assumption of irrotational wave motion) are accurate even within the surf zone, suggesting that wave breaking on gently sloping beaches has little effect on the dispersion relation.

Corresponding author address: Dr. Thomas H. C. Herbers, Department of Oceanography, Code OC/He, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA 93943-5122. Email:


The nonlinear dispersion of random, directionally spread surface gravity waves in shallow water is examined with Boussinesq theory and field observations. A theoretical dispersion relationship giving a directionally averaged wavenumber magnitude as a function of frequency, the local water depth, and the local wave spectrum and bispectrum is derived for waves propagating over a gently sloping beach with straight and parallel depth contours. The linear, nondispersive shallow water relation is recovered as the first-order solution, with weak frequency and amplitude dispersion appearing as second-order corrections. Wavenumbers were estimated using four arrays of pressure sensors deployed in 2–6-m depth on a gently sloping sandy beach. When wave energy is low, the observed wavenumbers agree with the linear, finite-depth dispersion relation over a wide frequency range. In high energy conditions, the observed wavenumbers deviate from the linear dispersion relation by as much as 20%–30% in the frequency range from two to three times the frequency of the primary spectral peak, but agree well with the nonlinear Boussinesq dispersion relation, confirming that the deviations from linear theory are finite amplitude effects. In high energy conditions, the predicted frequency and amplitude dispersion tend to cancel, yielding a nearly nondispersive wave field in which waves of all frequencies travel with approximately the linear shallow water wave speed, consistent with the observations. The nonlinear Boussinesq theory wavenumber predictions (based on the assumption of irrotational wave motion) are accurate even within the surf zone, suggesting that wave breaking on gently sloping beaches has little effect on the dispersion relation.

Corresponding author address: Dr. Thomas H. C. Herbers, Department of Oceanography, Code OC/He, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA 93943-5122. Email:

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