Diagnosing Heat and Vorticity Budgets of Annual Coupled Rossby Waves

Warren B. White Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, California

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Jeffrey L. Annis Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, California

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Annual coupled Rossby waves are generated at the west coast of Australia and propagate westward across the eastern Indian Ocean from 10° to 30°S in covarying sea level height (SLH), sea surface temperature (SST), and meridional surface wind (MSW) residuals, generally traveling slower than uncoupled Rossby waves while increasing amplitude. The waves decouple in the western Indian Ocean as SST and SLH residuals become decorrelated, with wave amplitudes decreasing and westward phase speeds increasing. Here, the ocean and atmosphere thermal and vorticity budgets of the coupled Rossby waves in the eastern Indian Ocean along 20°S are diagnosed. In the upper ocean, these diagnostics find the residual SST tendency driven by the residual meridional geostrophic advection of mean temperature with warm SST residuals dissipated by upward latent heat flux to the atmosphere. In the troposphere, these upward latent heat fluxes drive mid-to-upper-level residual diabatic heating via excess condensation, balanced there by upward residual vertical thermal advection. The resulting upward residual vertical velocity drives residual upper-level divergence and lower-level convergence, the latter balanced in the troposphere vorticity budget by the residual meridional advection of planetary vorticity. This yields poleward MSW residuals collocated with warm SST residuals, as observed. The SLH tendency is modified by a positive feedback from wind stress curl residuals, the latter acting to increase the amplitude and decrease the westward phase speed of the wave. These diagnostics allow a more exact analytical model for coupled Rossby waves to be constructed, yielding wave characteristics as observed.

Corresponding author address: Warren B. White, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093-0230. Email: wbwhite@ucsd.edu


Annual coupled Rossby waves are generated at the west coast of Australia and propagate westward across the eastern Indian Ocean from 10° to 30°S in covarying sea level height (SLH), sea surface temperature (SST), and meridional surface wind (MSW) residuals, generally traveling slower than uncoupled Rossby waves while increasing amplitude. The waves decouple in the western Indian Ocean as SST and SLH residuals become decorrelated, with wave amplitudes decreasing and westward phase speeds increasing. Here, the ocean and atmosphere thermal and vorticity budgets of the coupled Rossby waves in the eastern Indian Ocean along 20°S are diagnosed. In the upper ocean, these diagnostics find the residual SST tendency driven by the residual meridional geostrophic advection of mean temperature with warm SST residuals dissipated by upward latent heat flux to the atmosphere. In the troposphere, these upward latent heat fluxes drive mid-to-upper-level residual diabatic heating via excess condensation, balanced there by upward residual vertical thermal advection. The resulting upward residual vertical velocity drives residual upper-level divergence and lower-level convergence, the latter balanced in the troposphere vorticity budget by the residual meridional advection of planetary vorticity. This yields poleward MSW residuals collocated with warm SST residuals, as observed. The SLH tendency is modified by a positive feedback from wind stress curl residuals, the latter acting to increase the amplitude and decrease the westward phase speed of the wave. These diagnostics allow a more exact analytical model for coupled Rossby waves to be constructed, yielding wave characteristics as observed.

Corresponding author address: Warren B. White, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093-0230. Email: wbwhite@ucsd.edu

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