This paper discusses the role of the Izu Ridge in blocking the Kuroshio large meander from propagating eastward across the ridge. It is shown that a combination of the sloping bottom with baroclinicity in the Kuroshio flow is important for blocking of the large meander. It produces a cyclonic torque over the western slope of the ridge when the large meander impinges upon it. That is, the cyclonic torque is formed ahead of the large meander, which results in blocking and amplification of the meander upstream of the Izu Ridge. The baroclinicity of the Kuroshio over the ridge is caused by baroclinic topographic Rossby waves generated when the large meander encounters the ridge.
Corresponding author address: Humio Mitsudera, Institute of Low Temperature Science, Hokkaido University, Nishi-8, Kita-19, Sapporo 060-0819, Japan. Email: humiom@lowtem.hokudai.ac.jp