The influence of nonlinear lateral advection on estuarine exchange flow is examined with a scaling analysis and eight groups of idealized numerical experiments. Nonlinear lateral advection is related to the linkage between lateral circulation and the lateral shear of the along-estuary flow. The relative contribution of lateral advection to the overall dynamics of a microtidal estuary is found to be a function of width and depth, and of vertical mixing. Lateral advection is dynamically important in narrow and deep estuaries, particularly under relatively weak vertical mixing. The relative importance of lateral advection and the earth’s rotation on estuarine dynamics can be evaluated in terms of the nondimensional Rossby and Ekman numbers (Ro and Ek). Lateral advection is most effective at large Ro and small Ek and is negligible at small Ro and large Ek. As expected, the earth’s rotation is most significant at small Ro and Ek, and is negligible at large Ro and Ek. Under the influence of lateral advection and the earth’s rotation, the lateral structure of estuarine exchange flows is a function of Ro and Ek. In some instances, the exchange flow is vertically sheared and in others it is laterally sheared. Classical estuarine dynamics, which yields vertically sheared exchange flows, occurs at intermediate Ro and large Ek. The main role of lateral advection is to reduce lateral variability of estuarine exchange flow and generate a vertically sheared, two-layer exchange flow structure.
Corresponding author address: Peng Cheng, Department of Civil and Coastal Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611. Email: cheng@coastal.ufl.edu