The Hybrid Kelvin–Edge Wave and Its Role in Tidal Dynamics

Ziming Ke Marine Science Program, University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina

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Alexander E. Yankovsky Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences, University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina

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A full set of long waves trapped in the coastal ocean over a variable topography includes a zero (fundamental) mode propagating with the coast on its right (left) in the Northern (Southern) Hemisphere. This zero mode resembles a Kelvin wave at lower frequencies and an edge wave (Stokes mode) at higher frequencies. At the intermediate frequencies this mode becomes a hybrid Kelvin–edge wave (HKEW), as both rotational effects and the variable depth become important. Furthermore, the group velocity of this hybrid mode becomes very small or even zero depending on shelf width. It is found that in midlatitudes a zero group velocity occurs at semidiurnal (tidal) frequencies over wide (∼300 km), gently sloping shelves. This notion motivated numerical experiments using the Regional Ocean Modeling System in which the incident HKEW with a semidiurnal period propagates over a wide shelf and encounters a narrowing shelf so that the group velocity becomes zero at some alongshore location. The numerical experiments have demonstrated that the wave energy increases upstream of this location as a result of the energy flux convergence while farther downstream the wave amplitude is substantially reduced. Instead of propagating alongshore, the wave energy radiates offshore in the form of Poincaré modes. Thus, it is concluded that the shelf areas where the group velocity of the HKEW becomes zero are characterized by an increased tidal amplitude and (consequently) high tidal energy dissipation, and by offshore wave energy radiation. This behavior is qualitatively consistent with the dynamics of semidiurnal tides on wide shelves narrowing in the direction of tidal wave propagation, including the Patagonia shelf and the South China Sea.

Corresponding author address: Alexander Yankovsky, Dept. of Earth and Ocean Sciences, University of South Carolina, 701 Sumter St. EWS-617, Columbia, SC 29208. Email:


A full set of long waves trapped in the coastal ocean over a variable topography includes a zero (fundamental) mode propagating with the coast on its right (left) in the Northern (Southern) Hemisphere. This zero mode resembles a Kelvin wave at lower frequencies and an edge wave (Stokes mode) at higher frequencies. At the intermediate frequencies this mode becomes a hybrid Kelvin–edge wave (HKEW), as both rotational effects and the variable depth become important. Furthermore, the group velocity of this hybrid mode becomes very small or even zero depending on shelf width. It is found that in midlatitudes a zero group velocity occurs at semidiurnal (tidal) frequencies over wide (∼300 km), gently sloping shelves. This notion motivated numerical experiments using the Regional Ocean Modeling System in which the incident HKEW with a semidiurnal period propagates over a wide shelf and encounters a narrowing shelf so that the group velocity becomes zero at some alongshore location. The numerical experiments have demonstrated that the wave energy increases upstream of this location as a result of the energy flux convergence while farther downstream the wave amplitude is substantially reduced. Instead of propagating alongshore, the wave energy radiates offshore in the form of Poincaré modes. Thus, it is concluded that the shelf areas where the group velocity of the HKEW becomes zero are characterized by an increased tidal amplitude and (consequently) high tidal energy dissipation, and by offshore wave energy radiation. This behavior is qualitatively consistent with the dynamics of semidiurnal tides on wide shelves narrowing in the direction of tidal wave propagation, including the Patagonia shelf and the South China Sea.

Corresponding author address: Alexander Yankovsky, Dept. of Earth and Ocean Sciences, University of South Carolina, 701 Sumter St. EWS-617, Columbia, SC 29208. Email:

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