Biases in Thorpe-Scale Estimates of Turbulence Dissipation. Part II: Energetics Arguments and Turbulence Simulations

Alberto Scotti Department of Marine Sciences, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina

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This paper uses the energetics framework developed by Scotti and White to provide a critical assessment of the widely used Thorpe-scale method, which is used to estimate dissipation and mixing rates in stratified turbulent flows from density measurements along vertical profiles. This study shows that the relevant displacement scale in general is not the rms value of the Thorpe displacement. Rather, the displacement field must be Reynolds decomposed to separate the mean from the turbulent component, and it is the turbulent component that ought to be used to diagnose mixing and dissipation. In general, the energetics of mixing in an overall stably stratified flow involves potentially complex exchanges among the available potential energy and kinetic energy associated with the mean and turbulent components of the flow. The author considers two limiting cases: shear-driven mixing, where mixing comes at the expense of the mean kinetic energy of the flow, and convective-driven mixing, which taps the available potential energy of the mean flow to drive mixing. In shear-driven flows, the rms of the Thorpe displacement, known as the Thorpe scale is shown to be equivalent to the turbulent component of the displacement. In this case, the Thorpe scale approximates the Ozmidov scale, or, which is the same, the Thorpe scale is the appropriate scale to diagnose mixing and dissipation. However, when mixing is driven by the available potential energy of the mean flow (convective-driven mixing), this study shows that the Thorpe scale is (much) larger than the Ozmidov scale. Using the rms of the Thorpe displacement overestimates dissipation and mixing, since the amount of turbulent available potential energy (measured by the turbulent displacement) is only a fraction of the total available potential energy (measured by the Thorpe scale). Corrective measures are discussed that can be used to diagnose mixing from knowledge of the Thorpe displacement. In a companion paper, Mater et al. analyze field data and show that the Thorpe scale can indeed be much larger than the Ozmidov scale.

Corresponding author address: Alberto Scotti, CB 3300, Dept. of Marine Sciences, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3300. E-mail:


This paper uses the energetics framework developed by Scotti and White to provide a critical assessment of the widely used Thorpe-scale method, which is used to estimate dissipation and mixing rates in stratified turbulent flows from density measurements along vertical profiles. This study shows that the relevant displacement scale in general is not the rms value of the Thorpe displacement. Rather, the displacement field must be Reynolds decomposed to separate the mean from the turbulent component, and it is the turbulent component that ought to be used to diagnose mixing and dissipation. In general, the energetics of mixing in an overall stably stratified flow involves potentially complex exchanges among the available potential energy and kinetic energy associated with the mean and turbulent components of the flow. The author considers two limiting cases: shear-driven mixing, where mixing comes at the expense of the mean kinetic energy of the flow, and convective-driven mixing, which taps the available potential energy of the mean flow to drive mixing. In shear-driven flows, the rms of the Thorpe displacement, known as the Thorpe scale is shown to be equivalent to the turbulent component of the displacement. In this case, the Thorpe scale approximates the Ozmidov scale, or, which is the same, the Thorpe scale is the appropriate scale to diagnose mixing and dissipation. However, when mixing is driven by the available potential energy of the mean flow (convective-driven mixing), this study shows that the Thorpe scale is (much) larger than the Ozmidov scale. Using the rms of the Thorpe displacement overestimates dissipation and mixing, since the amount of turbulent available potential energy (measured by the turbulent displacement) is only a fraction of the total available potential energy (measured by the Thorpe scale). Corrective measures are discussed that can be used to diagnose mixing from knowledge of the Thorpe displacement. In a companion paper, Mater et al. analyze field data and show that the Thorpe scale can indeed be much larger than the Ozmidov scale.

Corresponding author address: Alberto Scotti, CB 3300, Dept. of Marine Sciences, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3300. E-mail:
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