Oceanic tracers are transported by oceanic motions of all scales, but only the large-scale motions are resolved by the present-day Earth system models. In these models, the unresolved lateral sub-gridscale tracer transport is generally parameterized through diffusive closures with a scale-independent diffusion coefficient. However, evidence from observations and theory suggests that diffusivity varies spatially and is length-scale dependent. Here we provide new scale-dependent quantification of the global surface diffusivities. To this end we use a recently developed statistical inversion method, MicroInverse, to diagnose horizontal surface diffusivities from observed sea surface temperature and idealized model simulation. We compare the results to theoretical estimates of mixing by the large-scale shear and by the sub-gridscale velocity fluctuations. The diagnosed diffusivity magnitude peaks in the tropics and western boundary currents with minima in the subtropical gyres (~3000 and ~100 m2 s−1) at ~40-km scale, respectively. Focusing on the 40–200-km length scale range, we find that the diffusivity magnitude scales with the length scale to a power n that is between 1.22 and 1.54 (90% confidence) in the tropics and also peaks at values above 1 in the boundary currents. In the midlatitudes we find that 0.58 < n < 0.87 (90% confidence). Comparison to the theory suggests that in regions with n > 1 the horizontal mixing is dominated by large-scale shear, whereas in regions where n < 1 the horizontal mixing is due to processes that are small compared to the 40–200-km length scale range considered in this study.
Supplemental information related to this paper is available at the Journals Online website: https://doi.org/10.1175/JPO-D-19-0256.s1.
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