In an idealized two-layer fluid, surface waves can generate waves at the internal interface through class-3 resonant triads in which all waves are propagating in the same direction. The triads are restricted to wavenumbers above a critical value kcrit that depends on the density ratio R between the two layers and their depths. We perform numerical simulations to analyze the evolution of a surface wave field, initially specified by a Pierson–Moskowitz-type spectrum, for R = 0.97 (representing a realistic lower a bound for oceanic stratification). At high initial steepness and peak wavenumber kp ≪ kcrit, the energy increases in the spectral tail; as a parameterization of resulting wave breaking, at each time step individual waves with a steepness greater than the limiting Stokes steepness are removed. The energy change of the surface wave field is a combination of energy transfer to the interfacial waves, spectral downshift, and wave breaking dissipation. At wavenumbers
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