Eddy Structure in the Central South Pacific Ocean

W. C. Patzert Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, Calif. 92093

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R. L. Bernstein Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, Calif. 92093

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Two west-to-cast temperature sections (∼2500 km in length) have been constructed from closely spaced (∼37 km) XBT measurements in the central South Pacific collected during Legs J and K of the Pacific GEOSECS Expedition. For these portions of track passing through the islands of the Tuamotu Archipelago, the main thermocline exhibited 50 m station-to-station variability on a scale too short to be resolved. In the open ocean away from these islands, the variability was smaller, 10–20 m, with only one 200 km scale eddy spatially resolved.


Two west-to-cast temperature sections (∼2500 km in length) have been constructed from closely spaced (∼37 km) XBT measurements in the central South Pacific collected during Legs J and K of the Pacific GEOSECS Expedition. For these portions of track passing through the islands of the Tuamotu Archipelago, the main thermocline exhibited 50 m station-to-station variability on a scale too short to be resolved. In the open ocean away from these islands, the variability was smaller, 10–20 m, with only one 200 km scale eddy spatially resolved.
