Statistical Properties of a Layered Medium Disturbed by Internal Waves

C. C. Tung Department of Civil Engineering, North Carolina Stage University, Raleigh 27607

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Statistical properties of the density of a two-layer medium, disturbed by random internal waves, are studied. Explicit expressions of probability function, the first and second statistical moments and the correlation function of density at specified but arbitrary location are derived. The spectrum of density cannot be obtained in closed form and is computed numerically. Results show that within certain range of frequencies, the (frequency)−2 characteristics of the spectrum of density, first suggested by Phillips, are indeed a fair approximation; the range being wider for points in close proximity of the interface than those farther removed from it.


Statistical properties of the density of a two-layer medium, disturbed by random internal waves, are studied. Explicit expressions of probability function, the first and second statistical moments and the correlation function of density at specified but arbitrary location are derived. The spectrum of density cannot be obtained in closed form and is computed numerically. Results show that within certain range of frequencies, the (frequency)−2 characteristics of the spectrum of density, first suggested by Phillips, are indeed a fair approximation; the range being wider for points in close proximity of the interface than those farther removed from it.
