What Stakeholder Needs Tell Us about Enabling Adaptive Capacity: The Intersection of Context and Information Provision across Regions in the United States

Lisa Dilling Center for Science and Technology Policy Research, and Western Water Assessment, Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, and Environmental Studies Program, University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, Colorado

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Kirsten Lackstrom Department of Geography, and Carolinas Integrated Sciences and Assessments, University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina

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Benjamin Haywood Department of Geography, and Carolinas Integrated Sciences and Assessments, University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina

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Kirstin Dow Department of Geography, and Carolinas Integrated Sciences and Assessments, University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina

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Maria Carmen Lemos Great Lakes Integrated Sciences and Assessment, School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan

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John Berggren Center for Science and Technology Policy Research, and Western Water Assessment, Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, and Environmental Studies Program, University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, Colorado

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Scott Kalafatis Great Lakes Integrated Sciences and Assessment, School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan

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In recent years increasing attention has been focused on understanding the different resources that can support decision makers at all levels in responding to climate variability and change. This article focuses on the role that access to information and other potential constraints may play in the context of water decision making across three U.S. regions (the Intermountain West, the Great Lakes, and the Carolinas). The authors report on the degree to which climate-related needs or constraints pertinent to water resources are regionally specific. They also find that stakeholder-identified constraints or needs extended beyond the need for data/information to enabling factors such as governance arrangements and how to improve collaboration and communication. As climate information networks expand and emphasis is placed on encouraging adaptation more broadly, these constraints have implications not only for how information dissemination efforts are organized but for how those efforts need to be informed by the larger regional context in a resource-limited and fragmented landscape.

Corresponding author address: Lisa Dilling, Environmental Studies and CIRES/CSTPR, University of Colorado Boulder, 1333 Grandview Ave., Boulder, CO 80304. E-mail: ldilling@colorado.edu


In recent years increasing attention has been focused on understanding the different resources that can support decision makers at all levels in responding to climate variability and change. This article focuses on the role that access to information and other potential constraints may play in the context of water decision making across three U.S. regions (the Intermountain West, the Great Lakes, and the Carolinas). The authors report on the degree to which climate-related needs or constraints pertinent to water resources are regionally specific. They also find that stakeholder-identified constraints or needs extended beyond the need for data/information to enabling factors such as governance arrangements and how to improve collaboration and communication. As climate information networks expand and emphasis is placed on encouraging adaptation more broadly, these constraints have implications not only for how information dissemination efforts are organized but for how those efforts need to be informed by the larger regional context in a resource-limited and fragmented landscape.

Corresponding author address: Lisa Dilling, Environmental Studies and CIRES/CSTPR, University of Colorado Boulder, 1333 Grandview Ave., Boulder, CO 80304. E-mail: ldilling@colorado.edu
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