The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration/Earth System Research Laboratory (NOAA/ESRL) generated a multidecadal (from 1985 to present) ensemble reforecast database for the 2012 version of the Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS). This dataset includes 11-member reforecasts initialized once per day at 0000 UTC. This GEFS version has a strong cold bias for winter and warm bias for summer in the Northern Hemisphere. Although the operational decaying average bias-correction approach performs well in winter and summer, it sometimes fails during the spring and fall transition seasons at long lead times (>~5 days). In this paper, 24- (1985–2008) and 25-yr (1985–2009) reforecast biases are used to calibrate 2-m temperature forecasts in 2009 and 2010, respectively. The reforecast-calibrated forecasts for both years are more accurate than those adjusted by the decaying average method during transition seasons. A long training period (>5 yr) is necessary to help avoid a large impact on bias correction from an extreme year case and keep a broader diversity of weather scenarios. The improvement from using the full 25-yr, 31-day window, weekly training dataset is almost equivalent to that from using daily training samples. This provides an option to reduce computational expenses while maintaining a desired accuracy. To provide the potential to improve forecast accuracy for transition seasons, reforecast information is added into the current operational bias-correction method. The relative contribution of the two methods is determined by the correlation between the ensemble mean and analysis. This method improves the forecast accuracy for most of the year with a maximum benefit during April–June.