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Prasanjit Dash
Korak Saha
Paul DiGiacomo
Steven D. Miller
Huai-Min Zhang
Rachel Lazzaro
, and
Seung-Hyun Son


This study investigated trends in satellite-based chlorophyll-a (Chl-a; 1998–2022), sea surface temperature (SST; 1982–2022), and sea level anomaly (SLA; 1993–2021) from the European Space Agency’s Climate Change Initiative records, integrating time series decomposition and spectral analysis. Trends in parameters signify prolonged increases, decreases, or no changes over time. These are time series in the same space as original parameters, excluding seasonalities and noise, and can exhibit nonlinearity. Trend rates approximate the pace of change per time unit. We quantified trends using conventional linear-fit and three incrementally advancing methods for time series decomposition: simple moving average (SMA), seasonal-trend decomposition using locally estimated scatterplot smoothing (STL), and multiple STL (MSTL), across the global ocean, the Bay of Bengal, and the Chesapeake Bay. Challenges in decomposition include specifying accurate seasonal periods that are derived here by combining Fourier and Wavelet Transforms. Globally, SST and SLA trend upwards, and Chl-a has no significant change, yet regional variations are notable. We highlight the advantage of extracting multiple periods with MSTL and, more broadly, decomposition’s role in disentangling time-series components (seasonality, trend, noise) without resorting to monotonic functions, thereby preventing overlooking episodic events. Illustrations include extreme events temporarily counteracting background trends, e.g., the 2010–2011 SLA drop due to La Niña-induced rainfall over land. The continuous analysis clarifies the warming hiatus debate, affirming sustained warming. Decadal trend rates per grid cell are also mapped. These are ubiquitously significant for SST and SLA, whereas Chl-a trend rates are globally low but extreme across coasts and boundary currents.

Open access
Todd McKinney
Nick Perlaky
Mason Mills
Darby Stevenson
Alice Crawford
Bill Brown
, and
Michael J. Newchurch


We present the Pico Balloon Archive (PBA), a specialized platform for archiving, visualizing, and verifying data from pico balloons— lightweight, super pressure balloons capable of operating in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere for durations ranging from weeks to years. With a latitudinal range from 88.77°S to 89.60°N and data collection ongoing since 2021, the PBA stands as the most spatially extensive repository for super pressure balloons to date. It offers a centralized, user-friendly online portal ( for data access, featuring a summary of flight details, downloadable raw data, and individual flight visualizations. In this study, we validate the PBA’s wind speed and direction calculations against the Integrated Radiosonde Archive (IGRA), showing strong correlations (r2 = 0.66 and 0.78 for wind speed and direction, respectively). We also highlight the PBA’s effectiveness in charting global atmospheric circulation and the capacity of certain balloons to traverse hemispheres, a feat made possible by unique stratospheric dynamics. Furthermore, we demonstrate the PBA’s effectiveness in validating Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) Lagrangian trajectories, quantifying errors based on model initialization latitude. This continuously updated super pressure balloon network is poised to significantly aid the atmospheric science community, facilitating a deeper understanding of global atmospheric processes.

Restricted access
Helen C. Kenion
Kenneth J. Davis
Natasha L. Miles
Vanessa C. Monteiro
Scott J. Richardson
, and
Jason P. Horne


The purpose of this study is to determine whether urban greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes can be quantified from tower-based mole fraction measurements using Monin–Obukhov similarity theory (MOST). Tower-based GHG mole fraction networks are used in many cities to quantify whole-city GHG emissions. Local-scale, micrometeorological flux estimates would complement whole-city estimates from atmospheric inversions. CO2 mole fraction and eddy-covariance flux data at an urban site in Indianapolis, Indiana, from October 2020 through January 2022 are analyzed. Using MOST flux–variance and flux–gradient relationships, CO2 fluxes were calculated using these mole fraction data and compared to the eddy-covariance fluxes. MOST-based fluxes were calculated using varying measurement heights and methods of estimating stability. The MOST flux–variance relationship method showed good temporal correlation with eddy-covariance fluxes at this site but overestimated flux magnitudes. Fluxes calculated using flux–gradient relationships showed lower temporal correlation with eddy-covariance fluxes but closer magnitudes to eddy-covariance fluxes. Measurement heights closer to ground level produce more precise flux estimates for both MOST-based methods. For flux–gradient methods, flux estimates are more accurate and precise when low-altitude measurements are combined with a large vertical separation between measurement heights. When stability estimates based on eddy-covariance flux measurements are replaced with stability estimates based on the weather station or net radiation data, the MOST-based fluxes still capture the temporal patterns measured via eddy covariance. Based on these results, MOST can be used to estimate the temporal patterns in local GHG fluxes at mole fraction tower sites, complementing the small number of eddy-covariance flux measurements available in urban settings.

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Minghua Zheng
Luca Delle Monache
Xingren Wu
Brian Kawzenuk
F. Martin Ralph
Yanqiu Zhu
Ryan Torn
Vijay S. Tallapragada
Zhenhai Zhang
Keqin Wu
, and
Jia Wang


Satellites provide the largest dataset for monitoring the earth system and constraining analyses in numerical weather prediction models. A significant challenge for utilizing satellite radiances is the accurate estimation of their biases. High-accuracy nonradiance data are commonly employed to anchor radiance bias corrections. However, aside from the impacts of radio occultation data in the stratosphere, the influence of other types of “anchor” observation data on radiance assimilation remains unclear. This study provides an assessment of impacts of dropsonde data collected during the Atmospheric River (AR) Reconnaissance program, which samples ARs over the northeast Pacific, on the radiance assimilation using the Global Forecast System (GFS) and Global Data Assimilation System at the National Centers for Environmental Prediction. The assimilation of this dropsonde dataset has proven crucial for providing enhanced anchoring for bias corrections and improving the model background, leading to an increase of ∼5%–10% in the number of assimilated microwave radiance in the lower troposphere/midtroposphere over the northeast Pacific and North America. The impact on tropospheric infrared radiance is not only small but also beneficial. Impacts of dropsondes on the use of stratospheric channels are minimal due to the absence of dropsonde observations at certain altitudes, such as aircraft flight levels (e.g., 150 hPa). Results in this study underscore the usefulness of dropsondes, along with other conventional data, in optimizing the assimilation of satellite radiance. This study reinforces the importance of a diverse observing network for accurate weather forecasting and highlights the specific benefits derived from integrating dropsonde data into radiance assimilation processes.

Significance Statement

This study aims to evaluate the impact of aircraft reconnaissance dropsondes on the assimilation of satellite radiance data, utilizing observations from the 2020 Atmospheric River Reconnaissance program. The key findings reveal a substantial enhancement in the model first guess and improved estimates of radiance biases. Notably, there is a significant 5%–10% increase in microwave radiance observations over the northeastern Pacific and North America, with positive yet modest effects observed in tropospheric infrared radiance. These findings underscore the crucial role of atmospheric river reconnaissance dropsondes as anchor data, enhancing the assimilation of radiance observations. In essence, the inclusion of these dropsondes in routine networks is particularly valuable for optimizing data assimilation in regions with sparse observational data.

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AMS Publications Commission
Open access
Henry F. Houskeeper
Stanford B. Hooker
, and
Randall N. Lind


Earth and planetary radiometry requires spectrally dependent observations spanning an expansive range in signal flux due to variability in celestial illumination, spectral albedo, and attenuation. Insufficient dynamic range inhibits contemporaneous measurements of dissimilar signal levels and restricts potential environments, time periods, target types, or spectral ranges that instruments observe. Next-generation (NG) advances in temporal, spectral, and spatial resolution also require further increases in detector sensitivity and dynamic range corresponding to increased sampling rate and decreased field-of-view (FOV), both of which capture greater intrapixel variability (i.e., variability within the spatial and temporal integration of a pixel observation). Optical detectors typically must support expansive linear radiometric responsivity, while simultaneously enduring the inherent stressors of field, airborne, or satellite deployment. Rationales for significantly improving radiometric observations of nominally dark targets are described herein, along with demonstrations of state-of-the-art (SOTA) capabilities and NG strategies for advancing SOTA. An evaluation of linear dynamic range and efficacy of optical data products is presented based on representative sampling scenarios. Low-illumination (twilight or total lunar eclipse) observations are demonstrated using a SOTA prototype. Finally, a ruggedized and miniaturized commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) NG capability to obtain absolute radiometric observations spanning an expanded range in target brightness and illumination is presented. The presented NG technology combines a Multi-Pixel Photon Counter (MPPC) with a silicon photodetector (SiPD) to form a dyad optical sensing component supporting expansive dynamic range sensing, i.e., exceeding a nominal 10 decades in usable dynamic range documented for SOTA instruments.

Open access
E. Riley Blocker
Kenneth J. Voss


PixPol is an in-water multi-spectral polarized upwelling radiance distribution fisheye camera system. Its imaging sensors utilize a pixel-level polarizer structure allowing for polarimetric retrieval from one image capture, offering an advantage compared to other in-water polarimetric fisheye camera systems that require information from multiple images. When submerged, PixPol images a scene from which the first three Stokes parameters are derived at an angular resolution of 1° within a field of view that encompasses all azimuthal angles up to an elevation of 43° from nadir. For all viewing angles, Stokes parameter I and the linear polarization parameters, Q/I and U/I, are retrieved with an inter-pixel uncertainty of ±5%, ±0.02, and ±0.02, respectively. From these parameters, an uncertainty of ±0.01 is attained for the degree of linear polarization and ±0.9° for the angle of linear polarization. A description of the camera system, its radiometric and polarization calibration, and the associated uncertainties are described. Example images of the distribution of downwelling polarized light in the sky just above the ocean’s surface and upwelling polarized light just below the surface are provided.

Restricted access
Chufan Fang
Alexandra J. Simpson
James A. Lerczak
, and
Merrick C. Haller


This work tests a methodology for estimating the ocean stratification gradient using remotely sensed, high temporal and spatial resolution field measurements of internal wave propagation speeds. The internal wave (IW) speeds were calculated from IW tracks observed using a shore-based, X-band marine radar deployed at a field site on the south-central coast of California. An inverse model, based on the work of Kar and Guha (2020), that utilizes the linear internal wave dispersion relation assuming a constant vertical density gradient is the basis for the inverse model. This allows the vertical gradient of density to be expressed as a function of the internal wave phase speed, local water depth, and a background average density. The inputs to the algorithm are the known cross-shore bathymetry, the background ocean density, and the remotely-sensed cross-shore profiles of IW speed. The estimated density gradients are then compared to the synchronously measured vertical density profiles collected from an in situ instrument array. The results show a very good agreement offshore in deeper water (∼50m-30m) but more significant discrepancies in shallow water (20-10m) closer to shore. In addition, a sensitivity analysis is conducted that relates errors in measured speeds to errors in the estimated density gradients.

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Matthew Lobo
David A. Jay
Silvia Innocenti
Stefan A. Talke
Steven L. Dykstra
, and
Pascal Matte


Tides are often non-stationary due to non-astronomical influences. Investigating variable tidal properties implies a tradeoff between separating adjacent frequencies (using long analysis windows) and resolving their time variations (short windows). Previous continuous wavelet transform (CWT) tidal methods resolved tidal species. Here, we present CWT_Multi, a Matlab code that: a) uses CWT linearity (via the “Response Coefficient Method”) to implement super-resolution (Munk and Hasselman 1964); b) provides a Munk-Hasselman constituent-selection criterion; and c) introduces an objective, time-variable form of inference (“dynamic inference”) based on time-varying data properties. CWT_Multi resolves tidal species on time-scales of days and multiple constituents per species with fortnightly filters. It outputs astronomical phase-lags and admittances, analyzes multiple records, and provides power spectra of the signal(s), residual(s) and reconstruction(s), confidence limits, and signal-to-noise ratios. Artificial data and water-levels from the Lower Columbia River Estuary (LCRE) and San Francisco Bay Delta (SFBD) are used to test CWT_Multi and compare it to harmonic analysis programs NS_Tide and UTide. CWT_Multi provides superior reconstruction, detiding, dynamic analysis utility, and time-resolution of constituents (but with broader confidence limits). Dynamic inference resolves closely spaced constituents (like K1, S1, and P1) on fortnightly time scales, quantifying impacts of diel power-peaking (with a 24-hour period, like S1) on water levels in the LCRE. CWT_Multi also helps quantify impacts of high flows and a salt-barrier closing on tidal properties in the SFBD. On the other hand, CWT_Multi does not excel at prediction, and results depend on analysis details, as for any method applied to non-stationary data.

Restricted access
Zhen-Xiong You
Duy-Toan Dao
Cheng-Da Lee
Li-Hung Tsai
, and
Hwa Chien


Antenna-arrayed high-frequency coastal radar is widely used to monitor the ocean and obtain metocean parameters such as sea surface current, sea wave height, and surface wind. However, the accuracy of these parameters can be significantly influenced by the spectral width and Doppler velocity of the sea echo signals across azimuthal directions, and insufficient spectrum resolution increases uncertainties in the estimates of spectral width and Doppler velocity. To address this, we demonstrate an alternative approach to beamforming by utilizing the norm-constrained Capon (NC-Capon) method to enhance the Doppler spectral resolution and improve the localization accuracy of the spectral peaks. The efficacy of the NC-Capon method is exemplified through an application to a coastal radar dataset collected from 16 receiving channels, operated at a central frequency of 27.75 MHz. A comparative investigation of the NC-Capon beamforming method with the conventional Fourier beamforming method showed that the widths of the spectral peaks at different range cells and azimuthal angles are noticeably improved at lower signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) conditions. Given this, the NC-Capon beamforming method exhibits more robustness to noise and could effectively enhance the concentration of the radar sea echo signals in the Doppler-frequency spectrum, thereby reducing the uncertainties of the spectral width and Doppler/radial velocity of the first-order sea echoes. These characteristics are substantiated by the comparative analysis of spectral parameters between the two beamforming methods across various ranges, beamforming angles, and SNR levels. Finally, the computed radial velocities are benchmarked against in-situ measurements obtained from a bottom-mounted acoustic current profiler to confirm the validity of the NC-Capon method.

Open access