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Víctor C. Mayta
Ángel F. Adames Corraliza


Observations of column water vapor in the tropics show significant variations in space and time, indicating that it is strongly influenced by the passage of weather systems. It is hypothesized that many of the influencing systems are moisture modes, systems whose thermodynamics are governed by moisture. On the basis of four objective criteria, results suggest that all oceanic convectively coupled tropical depression (TD)-like waves and equatorial Rossby waves are moisture modes. These modes occur where the horizontal column moisture gradient is steep and not where the column water vapor content is high. Despite geographical basic-state differences, the moisture modes are driven by the same mechanisms across all basins. The moist static energy (MSE) anomalies propagate westward by horizontal moisture advection by the trade winds. Their growth is determined by the advection of background moisture by the anomalous meridional winds and anomalous radiative heating. Horizontal maps of column moisture and 850-hPa streamfunction show that convection is partially collocated with the low-level circulation in nearly all the waves. Both this structure and the process of growth indicate that the moisture modes grow from moisture–vortex instability. Last, space–time spectral analysis reveals that column moisture and low-level meridional winds are coherent and exhibit a phasing that is consistent with a poleward latent energy transport. Collectively, these results indicate that moisture modes are ubiquitous across the tropics. That they occur in regions of steep horizontal moisture gradients and grow from moisture–vortex instability suggests that these gradients are inherently unstable and are subject to continuous stirring.

Significance Statement

Over the tropics, column water vapor has been found to be highly correlated with precipitation, especially in slowly evolving systems. These observations and theory support the hypothesis that moisture modes exist, a type of precipitating weather system that does not exist in dry theory. In this study, we found that all oceanic tropical depression (TD)-like waves and equatorial Rossby waves are moisture modes. These systems exist in regions where moisture varies greatly in space, and they grow by transporting air from the humid areas of the tropics toward their low pressure center. These results indicate that the climatological-mean distribution of moisture in the tropics is unstable and is subject to stirring by moisture modes.

Open access
Simon Ageet
Andreas H. Fink
Marlon Maranan
, and
Benedikt Schulz


Despite the enormous potential of precipitation forecasts to save lives and property in Africa, low skill has limited their uptake. To assess the skill and improve the performance of the forecast, validation and postprocessing should continuously be carried out. Here, we evaluate the quality of reforecasts from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts over equatorial East Africa (EEA) against satellite and rain gauge observations for the period 2001–18. The 24-h rainfall accumulations are analyzed from short- to medium-range time scales. Additionally, 48- and 120-h rainfall accumulations were also assessed. The skill was assessed using an extended probabilistic climatology (EPC) derived from the observations. Results show that the reforecasts overestimate rainfall, especially during the rainy seasons and over high-altitude areas. However, there is potential of skill in the raw forecasts up to 14-day lead time. There is an improvement of up to 30% in the Brier score/continuous ranked probability score relative to EPC in most areas, especially the higher-altitude regions, decreasing with lead time. Aggregating the reforecasts enhances the skill further, likely due to a reduction in timing mismatches. However, for some regions of the study domain, the predictive performance is worse than EPC, mainly due to biases. Postprocessing the reforecasts using isotonic distributional regression considerably improves skill, increasing the number of grid points with positive Brier skill score (continuous ranked probability skill score) by an average of 81% (91%) for lead times 1–14 days ahead. Overall, the study highlights the potential of the reforecasts, the spatiotemporal variation in skill, and the benefit of postprocessing in EEA.

Open access
Andreas Schäfler
Marc Rautenhaus


In summer 2021, microphysical properties and climate impact of high- and midlatitude ice clouds over Europe and the North Atlantic were studied during the Cirrus High Latitude (CIRRUS-HL) airborne field campaign. The related forecasting and flight planning tasks provided a testbed for interactive 3D visual analysis. Operational analyses and forecasts from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) were visualized with the open-source software “Met.3D.” A combination of traditional 2D displays with innovative 3D views in the interactive visualization framework facilitated rapid and comprehensive exploration of the NWP data. By this means, the benefit of interactive 3D visual forecast products in the routine flight planning procedure was evaluated. Here, we describe the use of 3D tropopause and cloud visualizations during a convective event over the Alps, which became one of the CIRRUS-HL observation targets. For the planning of the research flight on 8 July 2021, our analysis revealed that simulated strong convective updrafts locally disturb the tropopause and inject ice water across the dynamical tropopause into the lower stratosphere. The presented example provides a novel 3D perspective of convective overshooting in a global NWP model and its impact on the tropopause and lower stratosphere. The case study shall encourage the atmospheric science community to further evaluate the use of modern 3D visualization capabilities for NWP analysis.

Open access
Christopher Polster
Volkmar Wirth


Recently, Nakamura and Huang proposed a theory of blocking onset based on the budget of finite-amplitude local wave activity on the midlatitude waveguide. Blocks form in their idealized model due to a mechanism that also describes the emergence of traffic jams in traffic theory. The current work investigates the development of a winter European block in terms of finite-amplitude local wave activity to evaluate the possible relevance of the “traffic jam” mechanism for the flow transition. Two hundred members of a medium-range ensemble forecast of the blocking onset period are analyzed with correlation- and cluster-based sensitivity techniques. Diagnostic evidence points to a traffic jam onset on 17 December 2016. Block development is sensitive to upstream Rossby wave activity up to 1.5 days prior to its initiation and consistent with expectations from the idealized theory. Eastward transport of finite-amplitude local wave activity in the southern part of the block is suppressed by nonlinear flux modification from the large-amplitude blocking pattern, consistent with the expected obstruction in the traffic jam model. The relationship of finite-amplitude local wave activity and its zonal flux as mapped by the ensemble exhibits established characteristics of a traffic jam. This study suggests that the traffic jam mechanism may play an important role in some cases of blocking onset and more generally that applying finite-amplitude local wave activity diagnostics to ensemble data is a promising approach for the further examination of individual onset events in light of the Nakamura and Huang theory.

Significance Statement

Blocking is an occasional phenomenon in the mid- and high-latitude atmosphere characterized by the stalling of weather systems. Episodes of blocking are linked to extreme weather but their occurrence is not completely understood. A recent theory suggests that blocks may form in the jet stream like traffic jams on a highway. The onset mechanism contained in the theory could explain why forecasts of blocking are sometimes poor. In this work, we investigate the formation of a 2016 European winter block in the context of the traffic jam theory. Though questions remain regarding the implications for forecast uncertainty, our findings strongly support the notion of a traffic jam onset.

Open access
Benedikt Schulz
Sebastian Lerch
Free access
Víctor C. Mayta
Ángel F. Adames


Convectively coupled waves (CCWs) over the Western Hemisphere are classified based on their governing thermodynamics. It is found that only the tropical depressions (TDs; TD waves) satisfy the criteria necessary to be considered a moisture mode, as in the Rossby-like wave found in an earlier study. In this wave, water vapor fluctuations play a much greater role in the thermodynamics than temperature fluctuations. Only in the eastward-propagating inertio-gravity (EIG) wave does temperature govern the thermodynamics. Temperature and moisture play comparable roles in all the other waves, including the Madden–Julian oscillation over the Western Hemisphere (MJO-W). The moist static energy (MSE) budget of CCWs is investigated by analyzing ERA5 data and data from the 2014/15 observations and modeling of the Green Ocean Amazon (GoAmazon 2014/15) field campaign. Results reveal that vertical advection of MSE acts as a primary driver of the propagation of column MSE in westward inertio-gravity (WIG) wave, Kelvin wave, and MJO-W, while horizontal advection plays a central role in the mixed Rossby gravity (MRG) and TD wave. Results also suggest that cloud radiative heating and the horizontal MSE advection govern the maintenance of most of the CCWs. Major disagreements are found between ERA5 and GoAmazon. In GoAmazon, convection is more tightly coupled to variations in column MSE, and vertical MSE advection plays a more prominent role in the MSE tendency. These results along with substantial budget residuals found in ERA5 data suggest that CCWs over the tropical Western Hemisphere are not represented adequately in the reanalysis.

Significance Statement

In comparison to other regions of the globe, the weather systems that affect precipitation in the tropical Western Hemisphere have received little attention. In this study, we investigate the structure, propagation, and thermodynamics of convectively coupled waves that impact precipitation in this region. We found that slowly evolving tropical systems are “moisture modes,” i.e., moving regions of high humidity and precipitation that are maintained by interactions between clouds and radiation. The faster waves are systems that exhibit relatively larger fluctuations in temperature. Vertical motions are more important for the movement of rainfall in these waves. Last, we found that reanalysis and observations disagree over the importance of different processes in the waves that occurred over the Amazon region, hinting at potential deficiencies on how the reanalysis represents clouds in this region.

Free access
J. Li
Y. Li
J. Steppeler
A. Laurian
F. Fang
, and
D. Knapp
Open access
Alexander Lemburg
Andreas H. Fink


In the last few years, central Europe faced a number of severe, record-breaking heatwaves. Previous studies focused on predictability of heatwaves on medium-range to subseasonal time scales (5–30 days). However, also short-range (3-day) forecasts of maximum temperature (Tmax) can exhibit substantial errors even on larger spatial scales. This study investigates the causes of short-range forecast errors in Tmax over central Europe for the summers of 2015–20 using the 50-member ensemble of the operational ECMWF-IFS (ECMWF-ENS). The 3-day forecast errors, individually calculated for each ensemble member with respect to a 0–18-h control forecast, are fed into a multivariate linear regression model to study the relative importance of different error sources. Outside of heatwaves, errors in Tmax forecasts are predominantly caused by incorrectly predicted downwelling shortwave radiation, mainly due to errors in low cloud cover. During heatwaves, ECMWF-ENS exhibits a systematic underestimation of Tmax (−0.4 K), which is exacerbated under clear-sky and low wind conditions, and other error sources gain importance: the second most important error source is over- or underestimation of nocturnal temperatures in the residual layer. Additional Lagrangian trajectory analysis for the years 2018–20 (due to limited data availability) suggests a link to accumulating errors in near-surface diabatic heating of air masses associated with forecast errors in residence time over land and cloud cover. Regionally, other physical processes can be of dominant importance during heatwaves. Coastal regions are influenced by errors in near-surface wind whereas errors in soil moisture are more important in southeastern parts of central Europe.

Open access
Tobias Selz
Michael Riemer
, and
George C. Craig


This study investigates the transition from current practical predictability of midlatitude weather to its intrinsic limit. For this purpose, estimates of the current initial condition uncertainty of 12 real cases are reduced in several steps from 100% to 0.1% and propagated in time with a global numerical weather prediction model (ICON at 40 km resolution) that is extended by a stochastic convection scheme to better represent error growth from unresolved motions. With the provision that the perfect model assumption is sufficiently valid, it is found that the potential forecast improvement that could be obtained by perfecting the initial conditions is 4–5 days. This improvement is essentially achieved with an initial condition uncertainty reduction by 90% relative to current conditions, at which point the dominant error growth mechanism changes: With respect to physical processes, a transition occurs from rotationally driven initial error growth to error growth dominated by latent heat release in convection and due to the divergent component of the flow. With respect to spatial scales, a transition from large-scale up-amplitude error growth to a very rapid initial error growth on small scales is found. Reference experiments with a deterministic convection scheme show a 5%–10% longer predictability, but only if the initial condition uncertainty is small. These results confirm that planetary-scale predictability is intrinsically limited by rapid error growth due to latent heat release in clouds through an upscale-interaction process, while this interaction process is unimportant on average for current levels of initial condition uncertainty.

Significance Statement

Weather predictions provide high socioeconomic value and have been greatly improved over the last decades. However, it is widely believed that there is an intrinsic limit to how far into the future the weather can be predicted. Using numerical simulations with an innovative representation of convection, we are able to confirm the existence of this limit and to demonstrate which physical processes are responsible. We further provide quantitative estimates for the limit and the remaining improvement potential. These results make clear that our current weather prediction capabilities are not yet maxed out and could still be significantly improved with advancements in atmospheric observation and simulation technology in the upcoming decades.

Open access
Rachel H. White
Kai Kornhuber
Olivia Martius
, and
Volkmar Wirth


A notable number of high-impact weather extremes have occurred in recent years, often associated with persistent, strongly meandering atmospheric circulation patterns known as Rossby waves. Because of the high societal and ecosystem impacts, it is of great interest to be able to accurately project how such extreme events will change with climate change, and to predict these events on seasonal-to-subseasonal (S2S) time scales. There are multiple physical links connecting upper-atmosphere circulation patterns to surface weather extremes, and it is asking a lot of our dynamical models to accurately simulate all of these. Subsequently, our confidence in future projections and S2S forecasts of extreme events connected to Rossby waves remains relatively low. We also lack full fundamental theories for the growth and propagation of Rossby waves on the spatial and temporal scales relevant to extreme events, particularly under strongly nonlinear conditions. By focusing on one of the first links in the chain from upper-atmospheric conditions to surface extremes—the Rossby waveguide—it may be possible to circumvent some model biases in later links. To further our understanding of the nature of waveguides, links to persistent surface weather events and their representation in models, we recommend exploring these links in model hierarchies of increasing complexity, developing fundamental theory, exploiting novel large ensemble datasets, harnessing deep learning, and increased community collaboration. This would help increase understanding and confidence in both S2S predictions of extremes and of projections of the impact of climate change on extreme weather events.

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