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N. C. Privé
Matthew McLinden
Bing Lin
Isaac Moradi
Meta Sienkiewicz
G. M. Heymsfield
, and
Will McCarty


A new instrument has been proposed for measuring surface air pressure over the marine surface with a combined active/passive scanning multichannel differential absorption radar to provide an estimate of the total atmospheric column oxygen content. A demonstrator instrument, the Microwave Barometric Radar and Sounder (MBARS), has been funded by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration for airborne test missions. Here, a proof-of-concept study to evaluate the potential impact of spaceborne surface pressure data on numerical weather prediction is performed using the Goddard Modeling and Assimilation Office global observing system simulation experiment (OSSE) framework. This OSSE framework employs the Goddard Earth Observing System model and the hybrid 4D ensemble variational Gridpoint Statistical Interpolation data assimilation system. Multiple flight and scanning configurations of potential spaceborne orbits are examined. Swath width and observation spacing for the surface pressure data are varied to explore a range of sampling strategies. For wider swaths, the addition of surface pressures reduces the root-mean-square surface pressure analysis error by as much as 20% over some ocean regions. The forecast sensitivity observation impact tool estimates impacts on the Pacific Ocean basin boundary layer 24-h forecast temperatures for spaceborne surface pressures that are on par with rawinsondes and aircraft and estimates greater impacts than the current network of ships and buoys. The largest forecast impacts are found in the Southern Hemisphere extratropics.

Free access
S. L. Durden
R. M. Beauchamp
S. Graniello
V. Venkatesh
, and
S. Tanelli


The displaced phased center antenna (DPCA) method of clutter cancellation for ground moving target detection from airborne platforms has been in use for a number of decades. Application of the DPCA method for spaceborne Doppler weather radar velocity estimation was suggested in 2007. The initial description and analysis of the technique was followed several years ago by demonstration using a multiantenna airborne radar. Recent reviews of methods and technology for spaceborne cloud and precipitation radar have also mentioned possible use of DPCA. However, to date, analyses of the application of DPCA to spaceborne Doppler weather radar have assumed that the two channels and antennas are identical, including perfect alignment, and that the DPCA condition is well-satisfied. This study uses simulation to examine the effects of relaxing these assumptions. The simulation method and its validation are discussed, with companion analytical calculations in the appendix. Next, simulations are used to show the effects on the Doppler estimates from errors in pointing and positioning relative to the ideal DPCA. The DPCA technique is relatively robust to possible errors, indicating that a practical DPCA radar system can provide precise Doppler measurements from space.

Significance Statement

Analytical and simulation results show that the displaced phase center antenna approach can enable spaceborne atmospheric Doppler radar measurements with good accuracy, even in the presence of antenna mispointing and other system errors.

Free access
Jie Yu
Cheryl Ann Blain
Paul J. Martin
, and
Tim J. Campbell


Presented is the approach, implementation, and evaluation of two-way nesting in a split-implicit ocean model, the Navy Coastal Ocean Model (NCOM). Emphasis is on the strategies applied to feed back fields from the fine-mesh nest (child grid) to the coarse mesh (parent grid). On an appropriate separation of dynamic and feedback interfaces, attention is especially needed for the feedback interface of surface elevation. One particular issue addressed is the inconsistency between the 3D baroclinic velocities and 2D barotropic transports in the feedback. The discrepancy is inherently associated with bathymetry, depth integration, and the need to average over spatial grid points. A simple remedy is proposed and proven to be effective and necessary in realistic coastal applications. In addition to the full two-way nesting, a simplified two-way nesting approach is provided in which only the temperature and salinity are fed back from the nest, and the velocity fields are assumed to self-adjust according to the geostrophic balance. The performance of both approaches is evaluated using the idealized benchmark, propagation of a baroclinic vortex, and an application to the Mississippi River outflow in the northeast Gulf of Mexico, including a comparison with available observations. Discussions are also made on the computational efficiency of the two-way nesting and its sensitivity to the open boundary conditions in regard to noise suppression.

Significance Statement

The two-way nesting approach reported here can be adapted to other structured-grid ocean models, in particular those using the split-implicit technique. The treatment of the feedback interface for surface elevation is especially important for suppressing the noise production and improving the feedback consistency. An effective procedure is given to amend the inconsistency in the velocity field feedback that is inherently due to bathymetry.

Free access
Douglas Vandemark
Marc Emond
Scott D. Miller
Shawn Shellito
Ivan Bogoev
, and
Jason M. Covert


One long-standing technical problem affecting the accuracy of eddy correlation air–sea CO2 flux estimates has been motion contamination of the CO2 mixing-ratio measurement. This sensor-related problem is well known but its source remains unresolved. This report details an attempt to identify and reduce motion-induced error and to improve the infrared gas analyzer (IRGA) design. The key finding is that a large fraction of the motion sensitivity is associated with the detection approach common to most closed- and open-path IRGA employed today for CO2 and H2O measurements. A new prototype sensor was developed to both investigate and remedy the issue. Results in laboratory and deep-water tank tests show marked improvement. The prototype shows a factor of 4–10 reduction in CO2 error under typical at-sea buoy pitch and roll tilts in comparison with an off-the-shelf IRGA system. A similar noise reduction factor of 2–8 is observed in water vapor measurements. The range of platform tilt motion testing also helps to document motion-induced error characteristics of standard analyzers. Study implications are discussed including findings relevant to past field measurements and the promise for improved future flux measurements using similarly modified IRGA on moving ocean observing and aircraft platforms.

Open access
Valentin Louf
Alain Protat


We present an integrated framework that leverages multiple weather radar calibration and monitoring techniques to provide real-time diagnostics on reflectivity calibration, antenna pointing, and dual-polarization moments. This framework uses a volume-matching technique to track the absolute calibration of radar reflectivity with respect to the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) spaceborne radar, the relative calibration adjustment (RCA) technique to track relative changes in the radar calibration constant, the solar calibration technique to track daily change in solar power and antenna pointing error, and techniques that track properties of light-rain medium to monitor the differential reflectivity and dual-polarization moments. This framework allows for an evaluation of various calibration and monitoring techniques. For example, we found that a change in the RCA is highly correlated to a change in absolute calibration, with respect to GPM, if a change in antenna pointing can first be ruled out. It is currently monitoring 67+ radars from the Australian radar network. Because of the diverse and evolving nature of the Australian radar network, flexibility and modularity are at the core of the calibration framework. The framework can tailor its diagnostics to the specific characteristics of a radar (band, beamwidth, etc.). Because of its modularity, it can be expanded with new techniques to provide additional diagnostics (e.g., monitoring of radar sensitivity). The results are presented in an interactive dashboard at different level of details for a wide and diverse audience (radar engineers, researchers, forecasters, and management), and it is operational at the Australian Bureau of Meteorology.

Significance Statement

Weather radars, like all instruments, require maintenance and upgrades. Rainfall measurements are highly variable and sensitive to change, and this can lead to inconsistencies within a radar network. Calibration is the process to counteract those inconsistencies. Any calibration requires a fixed standard to which the changed/upgraded radar can be compared. The SCAR calibration framework presented herein makes use of several standards to retrieve a full set of diagnostics about the radar data. We apply these techniques over the entire Australian weather radar network and demonstrate that, by using this integrated approach, absolute calibration can be achieved to within 1 dBZ of reflectivity, antenna pointing can be monitored within 0.1°, and the various measurements of the radars can be quality controlled.

Free access
Philippe Baron
Kohei Kawashima
Dong-Kyun Kim
Hiroshi Hanado
Seiji Kawamura
Takeshi Maesaka
Katsuhiro Nakagawa
Shinsuke Satoh
, and
Tomoo Ushio


We present nowcasts of sudden heavy rains on meso-γ scales (2–20 km) using the high spatiotemporal resolution of a multiparameter phased-array weather radar (MP-PAWR) sensitive to rain droplets. The onset of typical storms is successfully predicted with 10-min lead time, i.e., the current predictability limit of rainfall caused by individual convective cores. A supervised recurrent neural network based on long short-term memory with 3D spatial convolutions (RN3D) is used to account for the horizontal and vertical changes of the convective cells with a time resolution of 30 s. The model uses radar reflectivity at horizontal polarization ZH and the differential reflectivity. The input parameters are defined in a volume of 64 × 64 × 8 km3 with the lowest level at 1.9 km and a resolution of 0.4 × 0.4 × 0.25 km3. The prediction is a 10-min sequence of ZH at the lowest grid level. The model is trained with a large number of observations of summer 2020 and an adversarial technique. RN3D is tested with different types of rapidly evolving localized heavy rainfalls of summers 2018 and 2019. The model performance is compared to that of an advection model for 3D extrapolation of PAWR echoes (A3DM). RN3D better predicts the formation and dissipation of precipitation. However, RN3D tends to underestimate heavy rainfall especially when the storm is well developed. In this phase of the storm, A3DM nowcast scores are found slightly higher. The high skill of RN3D to predict the onset of sudden localized rainfall is illustrated with an example for which RN3D outperforms the operational precipitation nowcasting system of Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA).

Significance Statement

Temporal extrapolation of radar observations is a means of nowcasting sudden heavy rains, i.e., forecasts with a few tens of minutes and a high spatial resolution better than 500 m. They are necessary to set up warning systems to anticipate damage to infrastructure and reduce the fatalities these storms cause. It is a difficult task due to the storm suddenness, restricted area, and nonlinear behavior that are not well captured by current operational observation and numerical systems. In this study, we use a new high-resolution weather radar with polarimetric information and a 3D recurrent neural network to improve 10-min nowcasts, the current limit of operational systems. This is a first and essential step before applying such a method for increasing the prediction lead time.

Open access
Jessie C. Moore Torres
Christopher R. Jackson
Tyler W. Ruff
Sean R. Helfrich
, and
Roland Romeiser


Since the 1960s, meteorological satellites have been able to monitor tropical cyclones and typhoons. Their images have been acquired by passive remote sensing instruments that operate in the visible and infrared bands, where they only display the cloud-top structure of tropical cyclones and make it a challenge to study the air–sea interaction near the sea surface. On the other hand, active remote sensors, such as spaceborne microwave scatterometers and synthetic aperture radars (SARs), can “see” through clouds and facilitate observations of the air–sea interaction processes. However, SAR acquires images and provides the wind field at a much higher resolution, where the eye of a tropical cyclone at surface level can be identified. The backscattered signals received by the SAR can be processed into a high-resolution image and calibrated to represent the normalized radar cross section (NRCS) of the sea surface. In this study, 33 RADARSAT-2 and 102 Sentinel-1 SAR images of Atlantic and Indian Ocean tropical cyclones and Pacific typhoons from 2016 to 2021, which display eye structure, have been statistically analyzed with ancillary tropical cyclone intensity information. To measure the size of the eye, a 34-kt (∼17 m s−1) contour is defined around it and the amount and size of pixels within the eye is utilized to provide its area in square kilometers. Additionally, an azimuthal wavenumber for each shape of the eye was assigned. Results showed that eye areas increase with decreasing wind speed and increasing wavenumber and demonstrate that SAR-derived data are useful for studying tropical cyclones at the air–sea interface and provide results of these behaviors closely to data derived from best track archives.

Free access
Susana Jorquera
Felipe Toledo Bittner
Julien Delanoë
Alexis Berne
Anne-Claire Billault-Roux
Alfons Schwarzenboeck
Fabien Dezitter
Nicolas Viltard
, and
Audrey Martini


This article presents a calibration transfer methodology that can be used between radars of the same or different frequency bands. This method enables the absolute calibration of a cloud radar by transferring it from another collocated instrument with known calibration, by simultaneously measuring vertical ice cloud reflectivity profiles. The advantage is that the added uncertainty in the newly calibrated instrument can converge to the magnitude of the reference instrument calibration. This is achieved by carefully selecting comparable data, including the identification of the reflectivity range that avoids the disparities introduced by differences in sensitivity or scattering regime. The result is a correction coefficient used to compensate measurement bias in the uncalibrated instrument. Calibration transfer uncertainty can be reduced by increasing the number of sampling periods. The methodology was applied between collocated W-band radars deployed during the ICE-GENESIS campaign (Switzerland 2020/21). A difference of 2.2 dB was found in their reflectivity measurements, with an uncertainty of 0.7 dB. The calibration transfer was also applied to radars of different frequency, an X-band radar with unknown calibration and a W-band radar with manufacturer calibration; the difference found was −16.7 dB with an uncertainty of 1.2 dB. The method was validated through closure, by transferring calibration between three different radars in two different case studies. For the first case, involving three W-band radars, the bias found was of 0.2 dB. In the second case, involving two W-band and one X-band radar, the bias found was of 0.3 dB. These results imply that the biases introduced by performing the calibration transfer with this method are negligible.

Open access
Dylan Dumas
Charles-Antoine Guérin


Original techniques are proposed for the improvement of surface current mapping with phased-array oceanographic high-frequency radars. The first idea, which works only in bistatic configuration, is to take advantage of a remote transmitter to perform an automatic correction of the receiving antennas based on the signal received in the direct path, an adjustment that is designated as “self-calibration.” The second idea, which applies to both mono- and bistatic systems, consists in applying a direction finding (DF) technique (instead of traditional beamforming), not only to the full antenna array but also to subarrays made of a smaller number of sequential antennas, a method that is referred to as “antenna grouping.” In doing this, the number of sources can also be varied, leading to an increased number of DF maps that can be averaged, an operation that is designated as “source stacking.” The combination of self-calibration, antenna grouping, and source stacking makes it possible to obtain high-resolution maps with increased coverage and is found robust to damaged antennas. The third improvement concerns the mitigation of noise in the antenna signal. These methods are illustrated with the multistatic high-frequency radar network in Toulon and their performances are assessed with drifters. The improved DF technique is found to significantly increase the accuracy of radar-based surface current when compared to the conventional beamforming technique.

Free access
Curtis J. Seaman
William Line
Robert Ziel
Jennifer Jenkins
Carl Dierking
, and
Greg Hanson


Two multispectral satellite imagery products are presented that were developed for use within the fire management community. These products, which take the form of false color red–green–blue composites, were designed to aid fire detection and characterization, and for assessment of the environment surrounding a fire. The first, named the Fire Temperature RGB, uses spectral channels near 1.6, 2.2, and 3.9 μm for fire detection and rapid assessment of the range of fire intensity through intuitive coloration. The second, named the Day Fire RGB, uses spectral channels near 0.64, 0.86, and 3.9 μm for rapid scene assessment. The 0.64 μm channel provides information on smoke, the 0.86 μm channel provides information on vegetation health and burn scars, and the 3.9 μm channel provides active fire detections. Examples of these red–green–blue composite images developed from observations collected by three operational satellite imagers (VIIRS on the polar-orbiting platform and the Advanced Baseline Imager and Advanced Himawari Imager on the geostationary platform) demonstrate that both red–green–blue composites are useful for fire detection and contain valuable information that is not present within operational fire detection algorithms. In particular, it is shown that Fire Temperature RGB and Day Fire RGB images from VIIRS have similar utility for fire detection as the operational VIIRS Active Fire products, with the added benefit that the imagery provides context for more than just the fires themselves.

Significance Statement

The current generation of operational polar-orbiting weather satellites that began with the launch of Suomi NPP offers new capabilities with regard to fire detection and monitoring. In particular, false color red–green–blue composite imagery is now being used by fire managers, incident meteorologists, and others in the fire management community to visualize a fire’s behavior and the context in which it occurs. This paper outlines two of these red–green–blue composites that have gained widespread use throughout the U.S. National Weather Service and the Alaska Fire Service. These red–green–blue composites have been applied to the current generation of geostationary and polar-orbiting satellites to great effect and have changed how incident management teams respond to wildland fires.

Open access