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Jeffrey D. Duda
David D. Turner


The object-based verification procedure described in a recent paper by Duda and Turner was expanded herein to compare forecasts of composite reflectivity and 6-h precipitation objects between the two most recent operational versions of the High-Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR) model, versions 3 and 4, over an expanded set of warm season cases in 2019 and 2020. In addition to analyzing all objects, a reduced set of forecast–observation object pairs was constructed by taking the best forecast match to a given observation object for the purposes of bias-reduction and unequivocal object comparison. Despite the apparent signal of improved scalar metrics such as the object-based threat score in HRRRv4 compared to HRRRv3, no statistically significant differences were found between the models. Nonetheless, many object attribute comparisons revealed indications of improved forecast performance in HRRRv4 compared to HRRRv3. For example, HRRRv4 had a reduced overforecasting bias for medium- and large-sized reflectivity objects, and all objects during the afternoon. HRRRv4 also better replicated the distribution of object complexity and aspect ratio. Results for 6-h precipitation also suggested superior performance in HRRRv4 over HRRRv3. However, HRRRv4 was worse with centroid displacement errors and more severely overforecast objects with a high maximum precipitation amount. Overall, this exercise revealed multiple forecast deficiencies in the HRRR, which enables developers to direct development efforts on detailed and specific endeavors to improve model forecasts.

Significance Statement

This work builds upon the authors’ prior work in assessing model forecast quality using an alternative verification method—object-based verification. In this paper we verified two versions of the same model (one an upgrade from the other) that were making forecasts covering the same time window, using the object-based verification method. We found that the updated model was not statistically significantly better, although there were indications it performed better in certain aspects such as capturing the change in the number of storms during the daytime. We were able to identify specific problem areas in the models, which helps us direct model developers in their efforts to further improve the model.

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Cameron Bertossa
Peter Hitchcock
Arthur DeGaetano
, and
Riwal Plougonven


A previous study has shown that a large portion of subseasonal-to-seasonal European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) ensemble forecasts for 2-m temperature exhibit properties of univariate bimodality, in some locations occurring in over 30% of forecasts. This study introduces a novel methodology to identify “bimodal events,” meteorological events that trigger the development of spatially and temporally correlated bimodality in forecasts. Understanding such events not only provides insight into the dynamics of the meteorological phenomena causing bimodal events, but also indicates when Gaussian interpretations of forecasts are detrimental. The methodology that is developed allows one to systematically characterize the spatial and temporal scales of the derived bimodal events, and thus uncover the flow states that lead to them. Three distinct regions that exhibit high occurrence rates of bimodality are studied: one in South America, one in the Southern Ocean, and one in the North Atlantic. It is found that bimodal events in each region appear to be triggered by synoptic processes interacting with geographically specific processes: in South America, bimodality is often related to Andes blocking events; in the Southern Ocean, bimodality is often related to an atmospheric Rossby wave interacting with sea ice; and in the North Atlantic, bimodality is often connected to the displacement of a persistent subtropical high. This common pattern of large-scale circulation anomalies interacting with local boundary conditions suggests that any deeper dynamical understanding of these events should incorporate such interactions.

Significance Statement

Repeatedly running weather forecasts with slightly different initial conditions provides some information on the confidence of a forecast. Occasionally, these sets of forecasts spread into two distinct groups or modes, making the “typical” interpretation of confidence inappropriate. What leads to such a behavior has yet to be fully understood. This study contributes to our understanding of this process by presenting a methodology that identifies coherent bimodal events in forecasts of near-surface air temperature. Applying this methodology to a database of such forecasts reveals several key dynamical features that can lead to bimodal events. Exploring and understanding these features is crucial for saving forecasters’ resources, creating more skillful forecasts for the public, and improving our understanding of the weather.

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Paul D. Mykolajtchuk
Keenan C. Eure
David J. Stensrud
Yunji Zhang
Steven J. Greybush
, and
Matthew R. Kumjian


On 28 April 2019, hourly forecasts from the operational High-Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR) model consistently predicted an isolated supercell storm late in the day near Dodge City, Kansas, that subsequently was not observed. Two convection-allowing model (CAM) ensemble runs are created to explore the reasons for this forecast error and implications for severe weather forecasting. The 40-member CAM ensembles are run using the HRRR configuration of the WRF-ARW Model at 3-km horizontal grid spacing. The Gridpoint Statistical Interpolation (GSI)-based ensemble Kalman filter is used to assimilate observations every 15 min from 1500 to 1900 UTC, with resulting ensemble forecasts run out to 0000 UTC. One ensemble only assimilates conventional observations, and its forecasts strongly resemble the operational HRRR with all ensemble members predicting a supercell storm near Dodge City. In the second ensemble, conventional observations plus observations of WSR-88D radar clear-air radial velocities, WSR-88D diagnosed convective boundary layer height, and GOES-16 all-sky infrared brightness temperatures are assimilated to improve forecasts of the preconvective environment, and its forecasts have half of the members predicting supercells. Results further show that the magnitude of the low-level meridional water vapor flux in the moist tongue largely separates members with and without supercells, with water vapor flux differences of 12% leading to these different outcomes. Additional experiments that assimilate only radar or satellite observations show that both are important to predictions of the meridional water vapor flux. This analysis suggests that mesoscale environmental uncertainty remains a challenge that is difficult to overcome.

Significance Statement

Forecasts from operational numerical models are the foundation of weather forecasting. There are times when these models make forecasts that do not come true, such as 28 April 2019 when successive forecasts from the operational High-Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR) model predicted a supercell storm late in the day near Dodge City, Kansas, that subsequently was not observed. Reasons for this forecast error are explored using numerical experiments. Results suggest that relatively small changes to the prestorm environment led to large differences in the evolution of storms on this day. This result emphasizes the challenges to operational severe weather forecasting and the continued need for improved use of all available observations to better define the atmospheric state given to forecast models.

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Kevin M. Lupo
Craig S. Schwartz
, and
Glen S. Romine


Cutoff lows are often associated with high-impact weather; therefore, it is critical that operational numerical weather prediction systems accurately represent the evolution of these features. However, medium-range forecasts of upper-level features using the Global Forecast System (GFS) are often subjectively characterized by excessive synoptic progressiveness, i.e., a tendency to advance troughs and cutoff lows too quickly downstream. To better understand synoptic progressiveness errors, this research quantifies seven years of 500-hPa cutoff low position errors over the globe, with the goal of objectively identifying regions where synoptic progressiveness errors are common and how frequently these errors occur. Specifically, 500-hPa features are identified and tracked in 0–240-h 0.25° GFS forecasts during April 2015–March 2022 using an objective cutoff low and trough identification scheme and compared to corresponding 500-hPa GFS analyses. In the Northern Hemisphere, cutoff lows are generally underrepresented in forecasts compared to verifying analyses, particularly over continental midlatitude regions. Features identified in short- to long-range forecasts are generally associated with eastward zonal position errors over the conterminous United States and northern Asia, particularly during the spring and autumn. Similarly, cutoff lows over the Southern Hemisphere midlatitudes are characterized by an eastward displacement bias during all seasons.

Significance Statement

Cutoff lows are often associated with high-impact weather, including excessive rainfall, winter storms, and severe weather. GFS forecasts of cutoff lows over the United States are often subjectively noted to advance cutoff lows too quickly downstream, and thus limit forecast skill in potentially impactful scenarios. Therefore, this study quantifies the position error characteristics of cutoff lows in recent GFS forecasts. Consistent with typically anecdotal impressions of cutoff low position errors, this analysis demonstrates that cutoff lows over North America and central Asia are generally associated with an eastward position bias in medium- to long-range GFS forecasts. These results suggest that additional research to identify both environmental conditions and potential model deficiencies that may exacerbate this eastward bias would be beneficial.

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Nikolay V. Balashov
Amy K. Huff
, and
Anne M. Thompson


The use of probabilistic forecasting has been growing in a variety of disciplines because of its potential to emphasize the degree of uncertainty inherent in a prediction. Interpretation of probabilistic forecasts, however, is oftentimes difficult, deterring users who may benefit from such forecasts. To encourage broader use of probabilistic forecasts in the field of air quality, a process for interpreting forecasts from a statistical probabilistic air quality surface ozone model [the Regression in Self Organizing Map (REGiS)] is demonstrated. Four procedures to convert probabilistic to deterministic forecasts are explored for the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, metropolitan area. These procedures calibrate the predicted probability of daily maximum 8-h-average ozone exceeding a standard value by 1) estimating climatological relative frequency, 2) establishing a probability of an exceedance threshold as 50%, 3) maximizing the threat score, and 4) determining the unit bias ratio. REGiS is trained using 2000–11 ozone-season (1 May–30 September) data, calibrated using 2012–14 data, and evaluated using 2015–18 data. Assessment of the calibration data with the Pierce skill score suggests an exceedance threshold based on climatological relative frequency for the conversion from probabilistic to deterministic forecasts. Calibrated REGiS generally compares well to predictions from the U.S. national air quality model and operational “expert” forecasts over the evaluation period. For other probabilistic models and situations, different procedures of converting probabilistic to deterministic forecasts may be more beneficial. The methods presented in this paper represent an approach for operational air quality forecasters seeking to use probabilistic model output to support forecasts designed to protect public health.

Significance Statement

Because probabilistic forecasting is becoming more prevalent in the field of air quality, the purpose of this article is to draw attention to the importance of defining a framework to accurately interpret these forecasts. This work shows that 1) probabilistic forecasts are potentially more useful to forecasters when converted into deterministic forecasts and 2) that some conversion methods are more skillful than others. It is recommended that, if it begins to produce probabilistic air quality products, the National Weather Service should implement some of the strategies presented herein to help with the interpretation of such forecasts.

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Andrew Brown
Andrew Dowdy
Todd P. Lane
, and
Stacey Hitchcock


Regional understanding of severe surface winds produced by convective processes [severe convective winds (SCWs)] is important for decision-making in several areas of society, including weather forecasting and engineering design. Meteorological studies have demonstrated that SCWs can occur due to a number of different mesoscale and microscale processes, in a range of large-scale atmospheric environments. However, long-term observational studies of SCW characteristics often have not considered this diversity in physical processes, particularly in Australia. Here, a statistical clustering method is used to separate a large dataset of SCW events, measured by automatic weather stations around Australia, into three types, associated with strong background wind, steep lapse rate, and high moisture environments. These different types of SCWs are shown to have different seasonal and spatial variations in their occurrence, as well as different measured wind gust, lightning, and parent-storm characteristics. In addition, various convective diagnostics are tested in their ability to discriminate between measured SCW events and nonsevere events, with significant variations in skill between event types. Differences in environmental conditions and wind gust characteristics between event types suggests potentially different physical processes for SCW production. These findings are intended to improve regional understanding of severe wind characteristics, as well as environmental prediction of SCWs in weather and climate applications, by considering different event types.

Significance Statement

The purpose of this study is to improve regional understanding of different types of severe wind events in Australia, specifically those associated with atmospheric convection. We did this by constructing a dataset of 413 severe convective wind events, using weather station and radar data within 20 regions around Australia. We then split those events into three different types, based on the environmental conditions that they occur within. We found that each event type tends to occur at different times of the year and in different regions, while also having different wind gust and lightning characteristics. In addition, the atmospheric conditions that are helpful for prediction of severe wind events differs between each type. These results are intended to be useful for prediction of severe wind events associated with convection and assessing their variability, characteristics, and impacts, in both weather forecasting and climate analysis.

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Lidia Cucurull


A Constellation Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere and Climate (COSMIC) follow-on constellation, COSMIC-2, was successfully launched into equatorial orbit on 24 June 2019. With an increased signal-to-noise ratio due to improved receivers and digital beam-steering antennas, COSMIC-2 is producing about 5000 high-quality radio occultation (RO) profiles daily over the tropics and subtropics. The initial evaluation of the impact of assimilating COSMIC-2 into NOAA’s Global Forecast System (GFS) showed mixed results, and adjustments to quality control procedures and observation error characteristics had to be made prior to the assimilation of this dataset in the operational configuration in May 2020. Additional changes in the GFS that followed this initial operational implementation resulted in a larger percentage of rejection (∼90%) of all RO observations, including COSMIC-2, in the mid- to lower troposphere. Since then, two software upgrades directly related to the assimilation of RO bending angle observations were developed. These improvements were aimed at optimizing the utilization of COSMIC-2 and other RO observations to improve global weather analyses and forecasts. The first upgrade was implemented operationally in September 2021 and the second one in November 2022. This study describes both RO software upgrades and evaluates the impact of COSMIC-2 with this most recently improved configuration. Specifically, we show that the assimilation of COSMIC-2 observations has a significant impact in improving temperature and winds in the tropics, though benefits also extend to the extratropical latitudes.

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Han Zhang
Wansuo Duan
, and
Yichi Zhang


The orthogonal conditional nonlinear optimal perturbations (O-CNOPs) approach for measuring initial uncertainties is applied to the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model to provide skillful forecasts of tropical cyclone (TC) tracks. The hindcasts for 10 TCs selected from 2005 to 2020 show that the ensembles generated by the O-CNOPs have a greater probability of capturing the true TC tracks, and the corresponding ensemble forecasts significantly outperform the forecasts made by the singular vectors, bred vectors, and random perturbations in terms of both deterministic and probabilistic skills. In particular, for two unusual TCs, Megi (2010) and Tembin (2012), the ensembles generated by the O-CNOPs successfully reproduce the sharp northward-turning track in the former and the counterclockwise loop track in the latter, while the ensembles generated by the other methods fail to do so. Moreover, additional attempts are performed on the real-time forecasts of TCs In-Fa (2021) and Hinnamnor (2022), and it is shown that O-CNOPs are very useful for improving the accuracy of real-time TC track forecasts. Therefore, O-CNOPs, together with the WRF Model, could provide a new platform for the ensemble forecasting of TC tracks with much higher skill.

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Ling Liu
Avichal Mehra
Daryl Kleist
Guillaume Vernieres
Travis Sluka
Kriti Bhargava
Patrick Stegmann
Hyun-Sook Kim
Shastri Paturi
Jiangtao Xu
, and
Ilya Rivin


Realistic ocean initial conditions are essential for coupled hurricane forecasts. This study focuses on the impact of assimilating high-resolution ocean observations for initialization of the Modular Ocean Model (MOM6) in a coupled configuration with the Hurricane Analysis and Forecast System (HAFS). Based on the Joint Effort for Data Assimilation Integration (JEDI) framework, numerical experiments were performed for the Hurricane Isaias (2020) case, a category-1 hurricane, with use of underwater glider datasets and satellite observations. Assimilation of ocean glider data together with satellite observations provides opportunity to further advance understanding of ocean conditions and air–sea interactions in coupled model initialization and hurricane forecast systems. This comprehensive data assimilation approach has led to a more accurate prediction of the salinity-induced barrier layer thickness that suppresses vertical mixing and sea surface temperature cooling during the storm. Increased barrier layer thickness enhances ocean enthalpy flux into the lower atmosphere and potentially increases tropical cyclone intensity. Assimilation of satellite observations demonstrates improvement in Hurricane Isaias’s intensity forecast. Assimilating glider observations with broad spatial and temporal coverage along Isaias’s track in addition to satellite observations further increase Isaias’s intensity forecast. Overall, this case study demonstrates the importance of assimilating comprehensive marine observations to a more robust ocean and hurricane forecast under a unified JEDI–HAFS hurricane forecast system.

Significance Statement

This is the first comprehensive study of marine observations’ impact on hurricane forecast using marine JEDI. This study found that assimilating satellite observations increases upper-ocean stratification during the prestorm period of Isaias. Assimilating preprocessed observations from six gliders increases salinity-induced upper ocean barrier layer thickness, which reduces sea surface temperature cooling and increases enthalpy flux during the storm. This mechanism eventually enhances hurricane intensity forecast. Overall, this study demonstrates a positive impact of assimilating comprehensive marine observations to a successful ocean and hurricane forecast under a unified JEDI–HAFS hurricane forecast system.

Free access
Jacopo Alessandri
Nadia Pinardi
Ivan Federico
, and
Andrea Valentini


We developed a storm surge ensemble prediction system (EPS) for lagoons and transitional environments. Lagoons are often threatened by storm surge events with consequent risks for human life and economic losses. The uncertainties connected with a classic deterministic forecast are many, thus, an ensemble forecast system is required to properly consider them and inform the end-user community accordingly. The technological resources now available allow us to investigate the possibility of operational ensemble forecasting systems that will become increasingly essential for coastal management. We show the advantages and limitations of an EPS applied to a lagoon, using a very high-resolution unstructured grid finite element model and 45 EPS members. For five recent storm surge events, the EPS generally improves the forecast skill on the third forecast day compared to just one deterministic forecast, while they are similar in the first two days. A weighting system is implemented to compute an improved ensemble mean. The uncertainties regarding sea level due to meteorological forcing, river runoff, initial boundaries, and lateral boundaries are evaluated for a special case in the northern Adriatic Sea, and the different forecasts are used to compose the EPS members. We conclude that the largest uncertainty is in the initial and lateral boundary fields at different time and space scales, including the tidal components.

Significance Statement

Storm surges are extreme sea level events that may threaten densely populated coastal areas. The purpose of this work is to improve the extreme sea level forecast for transitional areas with the understanding of what are the most important forcing generating uncertainties and find a technique to reach a reliable sea level forecast. This is achieved by implementing an ensemble prediction system running 45 members for each event considered. Results show that initial and lateral boundary conditions provide most of the uncertainty, including the tidal components. The weighting system applied to find the ensemble mean improves the forecast skill on the third forecast day while it is comparable with the deterministic forecast in the first two days.

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