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  • Catchment-scale Hydrological Modelling & Data Assimilation (CAHMDA) III x
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Damian J. Barrett
Luigi J. Renzullo


Data assimilation applications require the development of appropriate mathematical operators to relate model states to satellite observations. Two such “observation” operators were developed and used to examine the conditions under which satellite microwave and thermal observations provide effective constraints on estimated soil moisture. The first operator uses a two-layer surface energy balance (SEB) model to relate root-zone moisture with top-of-canopy temperature. The second couples SEB and microwave radiative transfer models to yield top-of-atmosphere brightness temperature from surface layer moisture content. Tangent linear models for these operators were developed to examine the sensitivity of modeled observations to variations in soil moisture. Assuming a standard deviation in the observed surface temperature of 0.5 K and maximal model sensitivity, the error in the analysis moisture content decreased by 11% for a background error of 0.025 m3 m−3 and by 29% for a background error of 0.05 m3 m−3. As the observation error approached 2 K, the assimilation of individual surface temperature observations provided virtually no constraint on estimates of soil moisture. Given the range of published errors on brightness temperature, microwave satellite observations were always a strong constraint on soil moisture, except under dense forest and in relatively dry soils. Under contrasting vegetation cover and soil moisture conditions, orthogonal information contained in thermal and microwave observations can be used to improve soil moisture estimation because limited constraint afforded by one data type is compensated by strong constraint from the other data type.

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M. F. P. Bierkens
L. P. H. van Beek


In this paper the skill of seasonal prediction of river discharge and how this skill varies between the branches of European rivers across Europe is assessed. A prediction system of seasonal (winter and summer) discharge is evaluated using 1) predictions of the average North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index for the coming winter based on May SST anomalies of the North Atlantic; 2) a global-scale hydrological model; and 3) 40-yr European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts Re-Analysis (ERA-40) data. The skill of seasonal discharge predictions is investigated with a numerical experiment. Also Europe-wide patterns of predictive skill are related to the use of NAO-based seasonal weather prediction, the hydrological properties of the river basin, and a correct assessment of initial hydrological states. These patterns, which are also corroborated by observations, show that in many parts of Europe the skill of predicting winter discharge can, in theory, be quite large. However, this achieved skill mainly comes from knowing the correct initial conditions of the hydrological system (i.e., groundwater, surface water, soil water storage of the basin) rather than from the use of NAO-based seasonal weather prediction. These factors are equally important for predicting subsequent summer discharge.

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Yongqiang Zhang
Francis H. S. Chiew
Lu Zhang
, and
Hongxia Li


This paper explores the use of the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), mounted on the polar-orbiting Terra satellite, to determine leaf area index (LAI), and use actual evapotranspiration estimated using MODIS LAI data combined with the Penman–Monteith equation [remote sensing evapotranspiration (E RS)] in a lumped conceptual daily rainfall–runoff model. The model is a simplified version of the HYDROLOG (SIMHYD) model, which is used to estimate runoff in ungauged catchments. Two applications were explored: (i) the calibration of SIMHYD against both the observed streamflow and E RS, and (ii) the modification of SIMHYD to use MODIS LAI data directly. Data from 2001 to 2005 from 120 catchments in southeast Australia were used for the study. To assess the modeling results for ungauged catchments, optimized parameter values from the geographically nearest gauged catchment were used to model runoff in the ungauged catchment. The results indicate that the SIMHYD calibration against both the observed streamflow and E RS produced better simulations of daily and monthly runoff in ungauged catchments compared to the SIMHYD calibration against only the observed streamflow data, despite the modeling results being assessed solely against the observed streamflow data. The runoff simulations were even better for the modified SIMHYD model that used the MODIS LAI directly. It is likely that the use of other remotely sensed data (such as soil moisture) and smarter modification of rainfall–runoff models to use remotely sensed data directly can further improve the prediction of runoff in ungauged catchments.

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Gabriëlle J. M. De Lannoy
Paul R. Houser
Niko E. C. Verhoest
, and
Valentijn R. N. Pauwels


Data assimilation aims to provide an optimal estimate of the overall system state, not only for an observed state variable or location. However, large-scale land surface models are typically column-based and purely random ensemble perturbation of states will lead to block-diagonal a priori (or background) error covariance. This facilitates the filtering calculations but compromises the potential of data assimilation to influence (unobserved) vertical and horizontal neighboring state variables. Here, a combination of an ensemble Kalman filter and an adaptive covariance correction method is explored to optimize the variances and retrieve the off-block-diagonal correlations in the a priori error covariance matrix. In a first time period, all available soil moisture profile observations in a small agricultural field are assimilated into the Community Land Model, version 2.0 (CLM2.0) to find the adaptive second-order a priori error information. After that period, only observations from single individual soil profiles are assimilated with inclusion of this adaptive information. It is shown that assimilation of a single profile can partially rectify the incorrectly simulated soil moisture spatial mean and variability. The largest reduction in the root-mean-square error in the soil moisture field varies between 7% and 22%, depending on the soil depth, when assimilating a single complete profile every two days during three months with a single time-invariant covariance correction.

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Dongryeol Ryu
Wade T. Crow
Xiwu Zhan
, and
Thomas J. Jackson


Hydrologic data assimilation has become an important tool for improving hydrologic model predictions by using observations from ground, aircraft, and satellite sensors. Among existing data assimilation methods, the ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) provides a robust framework for optimally updating nonlinear model predictions using observations. In the EnKF, background prediction uncertainty is obtained using a Monte Carlo approach where state variables, parameters, and forcing data for the model are synthetically perturbed to explicitly simulate the error-prone representation of hydrologic processes in the model. However, it is shown here that, owing to the nonlinear nature of these processes, an ensemble of model forecasts perturbed by mean-zero Gaussian noise can produce biased background predictions. This ensemble perturbation bias in soil moisture states can lead to significant mass balance errors and degrade the performance of the EnKF analysis in deeper soil layers. Here, a simple method of bias correction is introduced in which such perturbation bias is corrected using an unperturbed model simulation run in parallel with the EnKF analysis. The proposed bias-correction scheme effectively removes biases in soil moisture and reduces soil water mass balance errors. The performance of the EnKF is improved in deeper layers when the filter is applied with the bias-correction scheme. The interplay of nonlinear hydrologic processes is discussed in the context of perturbation biases, and implications of the bias correction for real-data assimilation cases are presented.

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Dingchen Hou
Kenneth Mitchell
Zoltan Toth
Dag Lohmann
, and
Helin Wei


Hydrological processes are strongly coupled with atmospheric processes related, for example, to precipitation and temperature, and a coupled atmosphere–land surface system is required for a meaningful hydrological forecast. Since the atmosphere is a chaotic system with limited predictability, ensemble forecasts offer a practical tool to predict the future state of the coupled system in a probabilistic fashion, potentially leading to a more complete and informative hydrologic prediction. As ensemble forecasts with coupled meteorological–hydrological models are operationally running at major numerical weather prediction centers, it is currently possible to produce a gridded streamflow prognosis in the form of a probabilistic forecast based on ensembles. Evaluation and improvement of such products require a comprehensive assessment of both components of the coupled system.

In this article, the atmospheric component of a coupled ensemble forecasting system is evaluated in terms of its ability to provide reasonable forcing to the hydrological component and the effect of the uncertainty represented in the atmospheric ensemble system on the predictability of streamflow as a hydrological variable. The Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS) of NCEP is evaluated following a “perfect hydrology” approach, in which its hydrological component, including the Noah land surface model and attached river routing model, is considered free of errors and the initial conditions in the hydrological variables are assumed accurate. The evaluation is performed over the continental United States (CONUS) domain for various sizes of river basins. The results from the experiment suggest that the coupled system is capable of generating useful gridded streamflow forecast when the land surface model and the river routing model can successfully simulate the hydrological processes, and the ensemble strategy significantly improves the forecast. The expected forecast skill increases with increasing size of the river basin. With the current GEFS system, positive skill in short-range (one to three days) predictions can be expected for all significant river basins; for the major rivers with mean streamflow more than 500 m3 s−1, significant skill can be expected from extended-range (the second week) predictions. Possible causes for the loss of skills, including the existence of systematic error and insufficient ensemble spread, are discussed and possible approaches for the improvement of the atmospheric ensemble forecast system are also proposed.

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Adriaan J. Teuling
Remko Uijlenhoet
Bart van den Hurk
, and
Sonia I. Seneviratne


Integration of simulated and observed states through data assimilation as well as model evaluation requires a realistic representation of soil moisture in land surface models (LSMs). However, soil moisture in LSMs is sensitive to a range of uncertain input parameters, and intermodel differences in parameter values are often large. Here, the effect of soil parameters on soil moisture and evapotranspiration are investigated by using parameters from three different LSMs participating in the European Land Data Assimilation System (ELDAS) project. To prevent compensating effects from other than soil parameters, the effects are evaluated within a common framework of parsimonious stochastic soil moisture models. First, soil parameters are shown to affect soil moisture more strongly than the average evapotranspiration. In arid climates, the effect of soil parameters is on the variance rather than the mean, and the intermodel flux differences are smallest. Soil parameters from the ELDAS LSMs differ strongly, most notably in the available moisture content between the wilting point and the critical moisture content, which differ by a factor of 3. The ELDAS parameters can lead to differences in mean volumetric soil moisture as high as 0.10 and an average evapotranspiration of 10%–20% for the investigated parameter range. The parsimonious framework presented here can be used to investigate first-order parameter sensitivities under a range of climate conditions without using full LSM simulations. The results are consistent with many other studies using different LSMs under a more limited range of possible forcing conditions.

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J. M. Schuurmans
M. F. P. Bierkens


This study mimics an online forecast system to provide nine day-ahead forecasts of regional soil moisture. It uses modified ensemble rainfall forecasts from the numerical weather prediction model of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), which is provided by the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Office (KNMI). Both the individual ensembles as well as the mean of the ensembles are used as input for a hydrological model of a 70-km2 study area during March–November 2006. The outcomes are compared to the model run with high-resolution rainfall fields (based on 14 rain gauges within the study area and meteorological radar) as input. It is shown that the total spatial mean rainfall is forecasted very well for all lead times. The measured rainfall (spatial mean) shows a distribution with peaks at 0–1 and >10 mm day−1. These peaks are underestimated by the ensemble mean of the forecasts and this underestimation increases with lead time. This is not the case when ensemble members are used. Besides, the modeled uncertainty in rainfall by ECMWF underestimates the true uncertainty for all lead times and the number of rainfall events (thresholds 0.1, 0.5, and 1.0 mm) is overestimated. Absolute temporal mean bias values in root zone storage—that is, soil moisture—larger than 1 mm start to show for lead times longer than 3 days. The lower and upper bounds of bias for a lead time of 9 days are approximately −4 and 7 mm, respectively (negative values mean the forecasted soil moisture is underestimated). The bias in root zone storage shows a spatial pattern that represents the spatial pattern of total rainfall: areas with less rainfall than spatial average show a negative bias and vice versa. Local differences within this spatial pattern are due to land use and soil type. The results suggest that ensemble forecasts of soil moisture using ensemble rainfall forecasts from ECMWF are of practical use for water management, even at regional scales.

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Vahid Naeimi
Zoltan Bartalis
, and
Wolfgang Wagner


This article presents a first comparison between remotely sensed surface soil moisture retrieved with the European Remote Sensing Satellite-2 (ERS-2) scatterometer (SCAT) and the corresponding product provided by the Advanced Scatterometer (ASCAT) on board Meteorological Operation satellite (MetOp), the first of a series of three satellites providing, among other things, continuity of global soil moisture observations using active microwave techniques for the next 15 yr. Three months of collocated 2007 data were used from the SCAT and ASCAT, limited to two study regions with different land cover composition. The result of the assessment is satisfactory and ensures consistency of migrating soil moisture retrieval from the long-term SCAT dataset to ASCAT measurements. The influence of a shift of observation incidence angle ranges between the two instrument generations was not found to be significant for the soil moisture retrieval. The correlation coefficients (R) between two relative soil moisture (normalized water content) datasets compared in different incidence angle ranges are around 0.90 with root-mean-square error (RMSE) values in the order of 8.5. Results are expected to improve slightly further once the calibration of the ASCAT instrument is finalized.

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