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William D. Scheftic
Xubin Zeng
Michael A. Brunke
Michael J. DeFlorio
Amir Ouyed
, and
Ellen Sanden


Multi-model ensemble forecasts have gained widespread use over the past decade. A yet unresolved issue is whether forecast skill benefits from the use of prior skill from each model in providing a weighted combination. Here we use the available seasonal ensemble forecasts of six models from the North American Multi-Model Ensemble (NMME) to study various aspects of prior skill-based weighting schemes and explore ways to merge multi-model forecasts. First, we post-process each NMME model through quantile mapping and a simple spread error adjustment. Then, using an equal weighted combination as the baseline forecast, we test merging the models together through skill-based weights by varying the prior skill metric and varying how the metrics are aggregated across the different subbasins and time of year. Results confirm prior work that the combined forecasts do outperform individual models. When evaluating prior skill, equal weighting generally performed as well or slightly better than all weighting schemes tried. The skill of the weighting scheme was not found to be strongly dependent on prior metric but did improve when aggregating all forecasted months and subbasins together to provide one overall weight to each model. Also, we found that including an offset to the prior metric that nudged the weights closer to equal weighting improves skill especially at longer leads where individual model skill is low. Results also show that the weighting schemes performed better than regression-based techniques including multiple linear regression and random forest.

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Joshua McCurry
Jonathan Poterjoy


The Maryland Mesonet Project will construct a network of 75 surface observing stations with aims that include mitigating the statewide impact of severe convective storms and improving analyses of record. The spatial configuration of mesonet stations is expected to affect the utility newly provided observations will have via data assimilation, making it desirable to study the effects of mesonet configuration. Furthermore, the impact associated with any observing system configuration is constrained by errors inherent to the prediction systems used to generate forecasts, which may change with future advances in data assimilation methodology, physical parameterization schemes, and resource availability. To address such possibilities, we perform sets of observing system simulation experiments using a high-resolution regional modeling system to assess the expected impact of four candidate mesonet configurations. Experiments cover seven 18-hour case-study events featuring moist convective regimes associated with severe weather over the state of Maryland and are performed using two versions of our experimental modeling system: a ’standard-uncertainty’ configuration tuned to be representative of existing convective-allowing prediction systems, and a ’constrained-uncertainty’ configuration with reduced boundary condition and model error that reflects a possible trajectory for future prediction systems. We find that the assimilation of mesonet data produces definitive improvements to analysis fields below 1000 m that are mediated by modeling system uncertainty. Conversely, mesonet impact on forecast verification is inconclusive and strongly variable across verification metrics. The impact of mesonet configuration appears limited by a saturation effect that caps local analysis improvements past a minimal density of observing stations.

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Matthew J. Bunkers
Matthew S. Van Den Broeke
, and
John T. Allen


A sample of 889 left-moving (LM) supercells of varying rotational strength across the United States was examined to determine if improvements could be made in predicting their motion using an existing hodograph-based technique. This technique was previously applied to a sample of only 30 LM supercells, and it was assumed that the same off-hodograph deviation from the mean wind for right-moving (RM) supercells was appropriate for LM supercells. However, our larger sample herein reveals the average deviation for LM supercells is less than the assumed 7.5 m s−1 based on a subset of 207 observed proximity soundings. At the same time, the 0–6-km mean-wind layer is still optimal for the advective component of storm motion (consistent with that for RM supercells). Applying the same methods to a subset of 678 model-derived RUC/RAP proximity soundings generally confirms these results, but with slightly smaller deviations. These findings support decreasing the deviation parameter to 5.0 m s−1 for predicting LM supercell motion (at least for the United States).

The sample of LM supercells additionally was subdivided based on strength and duration, and then reevaluated using the observed proximity soundings. The predicted motion of moderate-strength mesoanticyclones had the least error, whereas the strong category had the largest errors by about 1 m s−1. Similarly, mesoanticyclones lasting 60–120 min had the least error in predicted motion. These two findings also are consistent with the results when using the RUC/RAP proximity soundings.

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Fei Peng
Xiaoli Li
, and
Jing Chen


Stochastic representations of model uncertainties are of great importance for the performance of ensemble prediction systems (EPSs). The stochastically perturbed parameterization tendencies (SPPT) scheme with a single-scale random pattern has been used in the operational global EPS of China Meteorological Administration (CMA-GEPS) since 2018. To deal with deficiencies in this operational single-scale SPPT scheme, a combined scheme based on the multiscale SPPT (mSPPT) scheme and the stochastically perturbed parameterization for the planetary boundary layer (SPP-PBL) scheme is developed. In the combined scheme, the mSPPT component aims to expand model uncertainties characterized by SPPT at mesoscale, synoptic scale, and planetary scale. The SPP-PBL component with six vital parameters is used to capture uncertainties in PBL processes, which is underrepresented by SPPT for the tapering treatment within PBL. Comparisons between the operational SPPT scheme and the mSPPT scheme reveal that the mSPPT scheme can generate more improvements in both ensemble reliability and forecast skills mainly in tropics. Besides, additional benefits from SPP-PBL on top of mSPPT are shown to be primarily distributed in tropics at the lower layers below 850 hPa and surface. Furthermore, the combined scheme of mSPPT and SPP-PBL is suggested to yield better spread–error relationships and forecast skills than the operational SPPT scheme in terms of objective verification scores for standard upper-air variables and surface parameters. A case study for the extreme precipitation event on 20 July 2021 in Henan Province of China also demonstrates the better ability of the combined scheme in forecasting the precipitation intensity and location.

Significance Statement

A comprehensive and reasonable representation of model uncertainties helps to improve the performance of ensemble prediction systems (EPSs). Despite the popular usage in simulating model uncertainties, the stochastically perturbed parameterization tendencies (SPPT) scheme possesses several shortcomings. To overcome this, a combined scheme based on the multiscale SPPT (mSPPT) scheme and the stochastically perturbed parameterization for the planetary boundary layer (SPP-PBL) scheme is proposed. Based on the global EPS of China Meteorological Administration (CMA-GEPS), additional benefits from the independent usage of mSPPT and SPP-PBL are disclosed. And the combined scheme can inherit the merits of mSPPT and SPP-PBL and generate more improvements on ensemble performance than the original single-scale SPPT scheme. This research provides a guideline for future upgradation of CMA-GEPS.

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Jorge L. García-Franco
Chia-Ying Lee
Suzana J. Camargo
Michael K. Tippett
Geraldine N. Emlaw
Daehyun Kim
Young-Kwon Lim
, and
Andrea Molod


This paper analyzes the climatology, prediction skill, and predictability of tropical cyclones (TCs) in NASA’s Goddard Earth Observing System Subseasonal to Seasonal (GEOS-S2S) forecast system version 2. GEOS reasonably simulates the number and spatial distribution of TCs compared to observations except in the Atlantic where the model simulates too few TCs due to low genesis rates in the Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico. The environmental conditions, diagnosed through a genesis potential index, do not clearly explain model biases in the genesis rates, especially in the Atlantic. At the storm scale, GEOS reforecasts replicate several key aspects of the thermodynamic and dynamic structures of observed TCs, such as a warm core and the secondary circulation. The model, however, fails to simulate an off-center eyewall when evaluating vertical velocity, precipitation, and moisture. The analysis of the prediction skill of TC genesis and occurrence shows that GEOS has comparable skill to other global models in WMO S2S archive and that its skill could be further improved by increasing the ensemble size. After calibration, GEOS forecasts are skillful in the western North Pacific and southern Indian Ocean up to 20 days in advance. A model-based predictability analysis demonstrates the importance of the Madden–Julian oscillation (MJO) as a source of predictability of TC occurrence beyond the 14-day lead time. Forecasts initialized under strong MJO conditions show evidence of predictability beyond week 3. However, due to model biases in the forecast distribution, there are notable gaps between the MJO-related prediction skill and predictability, which require further study.

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Aaron J. Hill
Russ S. Schumacher
, and
Mitchell L. Green


The implications of definitions of excessive rainfall observations on machine learning-model forecast skill is assessed using the Colorado State University Machine Learning Probabilities (CSU-MLP) forecast system. The CSU-MLP uses historical observations along with reforecasts from a global ensemble to train random forests to probabilistically predict excessive rainfall events. Here, random forest models are trained using two distinct rainfall datasets, one that is composed of fixed-frequency (FF) average recurrence intervals exceedances and flash flood reports, and the other a compilation of flooding and rainfall proxies (Unified Flood Verification System; UFVS). Both models generate 1–3 day forecasts and are evaluated against a climatological baseline to characterize their overall skill as a function of lead time, season, and region. Model comparisons suggest that regional frequencies in excessive rainfall observations contribute to when and where the ML models issue forecasts, and subsequently their skill and reliability. Additionally, the spatio-temporal distribution of observations have implications for ML model training requirements, notably, how long of an observational record is needed to obtain skillful forecasts. Experiments reveal that shorter-trained UFVS-based models can be as skillful as longer-trained FF-based models. In essence, the UFVS dataset exhibits a more robust characterization of excessive rainfall and impacts, and machine learning models trained on more representative datasets of meteorological hazards may not require as extensive training to generate skillful forecasts.

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Belinda Trotta
Benjamin Owen
Jiaping Liu
Gary Weymouth
Thomas Gale
Timothy Hume
Anja Schubert
James Canvin
Daniel Mentiplay
Jennifer Whelan
, and
Robert Johnson


Probabilistic forecasts derived from ensemble prediction systems (EPS) have become the standard basis for many products and services produced by modern operational forecasting centres. However statistical post-processing is generally required to ensure forecasts have the desired properties expected for probability-based outputs. Precipitation, a core component of any operational forecast, is particularly challenging to calibrate due to its discontinuous nature and the extreme skew in rainfall amounts. A skillful forecasting system must maintain accuracy for low-to-moderate precipitation amounts, but preserve resolvability for high-to-extreme rainfall amounts, which, though rare, are important to forecast accurately in the interest of public safety. Existing statistical and machine-learning approaches to rainfall calibration address this problem, but each has drawbacks in design, training approaches, and/or performance. We describe RainForests, a machine-learning approach for calibrating ensemble rainfall forecasts using gradient-boosted decision trees. The model is based on the ecPoint system recently developed at ECMWF by Hewson and Pillosu (2021), but uses machine-learning models in place of the semi-subjective decision trees of ecPoint, along with some other improvements to the model structure. We evaluate RainForests on the Australian domain against some simple benchmarks, and show that it outperforms standard calibration approaches both in overall skill and in accurately forecasting high rainfall conditions, while being computationally efficient enough to be used in an operational forecasting system.

Open access
Vasubandhu Misra
C. B. Jayasankar


In this study, we introduce an ensemble approach to provide a probabilistic seasonal outlook of the length and seasonal rainfall anomaly of the wet season over Florida using the observed variations of the onset date of the season at the granularity of ∼10km grid resolution (which is the spatial resolution of the observed rainfall data used for this work). The timeseries of daily precipitation at the grid resolution of NASA’s Global Precipitation Mission is randomly perturbed 1000 times to account for the uncertainty of synoptic to mesoscale variations on the diagnosis of the onset and demise date of the wet season. The strong co-variability of the onset date with the seasonal length and seasonal rainfall anomaly of the wet season is then leveraged to provide the seasonal outlooks by monitoring the onset date of the wet season. This simple seasonal outlook is effective in predicting extreme tercile and even extreme pentile anomalies across Florida. We suggest that the proposed approach to the seasonal outlook of the wet season of Florida provides a viable alternative in the absence of strong external forcing like ENSO or tropical Atlantic variability that potentially limits the predictability of numerical climate models used for seasonal prediction.

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John A. Knaff
Charles R. Sampson
Christopher J. Slocum
, and
Natalie D. Tourville


A skill baseline for five-day, 34-, 50-, and 64-knot (1 kt = 0.514 m s−1) tropical cyclone (TC) wind radii forecasts is described. The Markov Model CLiper (MMCL) generates a sequence of 12-h forecasts out to a forecast length limited only by the length of the forecast track and intensity. The model employs a climatology of TC size based on infrared satellite imagery, a Markov chain, and a basin-specific drift. MMCL uses the initial wind radii and initial forecast track and intensity as input. Unlike the previously developed wind radii climatology and persistence model (DRCL) that reverts to a climatological size and shape after approximately 48 h, MMCL retains more of its initial size and asymmetry and is likely more palatable for use in operational forecasting. MMCL runs operationally in the western North Pacific basin, the North Indian Ocean, and the Southern Hemisphere for the Joint Typhoon Warning Center (JTWC) in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. This work also describes the development of Atlantic and eastern North Pacific versions of MMCL. MMCL’s formulation allows unlimited extension of forecast lead time without reverting to a generic climatological size and shape. Independent forecast comparisons between MMCL and DRCL for the 2020–2022 seasons demonstrates that MMCL’s mean absolute errors are generally smaller and biases are closer to zero in North Atlantic, and eastern North Pacific basins, and in the Southern Hemisphere. This validation includes a few example forecasts and demonstrates that MMCL can be used both as a baseline for assessing wind radii forecast skill and operational use.

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Jose-Henrique Alves
Roberto Padilla-Hernandez
Deanna Spindler
Walter Kolczynski
Bhavani Rajan
Todd Spindler
Ali Abdolali
Ricardo Campos
Saeideh Banihashemi
, and
Jessica Meixner


We describe the development of the wave component in the first global-scale coupled operational forecast system using the Unified Forecasting System (UFS) at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), part of the US National Weather Service (NWS) operational forecasting suite. The operational implementation of the atmosphere-wave coupled Global Ensemble Forecast System version 12 (GEFSv12) in September 2020 was a critical step in NOAA’s transition to the broader community-based UFS framework. GEFSv12 represents a significant advancement, extending forecast ranges and empowering the NWS to deliver advanced weather predictions with extended lead times for high-impact events. The integration of a coupled wave component with higher spatial and temporal resolution and optimized physics parameterizations notably enhanced forecast skill and predictability, particularly benefiting winter storm predictions of wave heights and peak wave periods. This successful endeavor encountered challenges that were addressed by the simultaneous development of new features that enhanced wave model forecast skill and product quality and facilitated by a multidisciplinary team collaborating with NOAA’s operational forecasting centers. The GEFSv12 upgrade marks a pivotal shift in NOAA’s global forecasting capabilities, setting a new standard in wave prediction. We also describe the coupled GEFSv12-Wave component impacts on NOAA operational forecasts, and ongoing experimental enhancements, which altogether represent a substantial contribution to NOAA’s transition to the fully-coupled UFS framework.

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