As artificial intelligence (AI) methods are increasingly used to develop new guidance intended for operational use by forecasters, it is critical to evaluate whether forecasters deem the guidance trustworthy. Past trust-related AI research suggests that certain attributes (e.g., understanding how the AI was trained, interactivity, and performance) contribute to users perceiving the AI as trustworthy. However, little research has been done to examine the role of these and other attributes for weather forecasters. In this study, we conducted 16 online interviews with National Weather Service (NWS) forecasters to examine (i) how they make guidance use decisions and (ii) how the AI model technique used, training, input variables, performance, and developers as well as interacting with the model output influenced their assessments of trustworthiness of new guidance. The interviews pertained to either a random forest model predicting the probability of severe hail or a 2D convolutional neural network model predicting the probability of storm mode. When taken as a whole, our findings illustrate how forecasters’ assessment of AI guidance trustworthiness is a process that occurs over time rather than automatically or at first introduction. We recommend developers center end users when creating new AI guidance tools, making end users integral to their thinking and efforts. This approach is essential for the development of useful and used tools. The details of these findings can help AI developers understand how forecasters perceive AI guidance and inform AI development and refinement efforts.
Significance Statement
We used a mixed-methods quantitative and qualitative approach to understand how National Weather Service (NWS) forecasters 1) make guidance use decisions within their operational forecasting process and 2) assess the trustworthiness of prototype guidance developed using artificial intelligence (AI). When taken as a whole, our findings illustrate that forecasters’ assessment of AI guidance trustworthiness is a process that occurs over time rather than automatically and suggest that developers must center the end user when creating new AI guidance tools to ensure that the developed tools are useful and used.
As artificial intelligence (AI) methods are increasingly used to develop new guidance intended for operational use by forecasters, it is critical to evaluate whether forecasters deem the guidance trustworthy. Past trust-related AI research suggests that certain attributes (e.g., understanding how the AI was trained, interactivity, and performance) contribute to users perceiving the AI as trustworthy. However, little research has been done to examine the role of these and other attributes for weather forecasters. In this study, we conducted 16 online interviews with National Weather Service (NWS) forecasters to examine (i) how they make guidance use decisions and (ii) how the AI model technique used, training, input variables, performance, and developers as well as interacting with the model output influenced their assessments of trustworthiness of new guidance. The interviews pertained to either a random forest model predicting the probability of severe hail or a 2D convolutional neural network model predicting the probability of storm mode. When taken as a whole, our findings illustrate how forecasters’ assessment of AI guidance trustworthiness is a process that occurs over time rather than automatically or at first introduction. We recommend developers center end users when creating new AI guidance tools, making end users integral to their thinking and efforts. This approach is essential for the development of useful and used tools. The details of these findings can help AI developers understand how forecasters perceive AI guidance and inform AI development and refinement efforts.
Significance Statement
We used a mixed-methods quantitative and qualitative approach to understand how National Weather Service (NWS) forecasters 1) make guidance use decisions within their operational forecasting process and 2) assess the trustworthiness of prototype guidance developed using artificial intelligence (AI). When taken as a whole, our findings illustrate that forecasters’ assessment of AI guidance trustworthiness is a process that occurs over time rather than automatically and suggest that developers must center the end user when creating new AI guidance tools to ensure that the developed tools are useful and used.
This paper examines ice particle reorganization by three-dimensional horizontal kinematic flows within the comma head regions of two U.S. East Coast winter storms and the effect of reorganization on particle concentrations within snowbands in each storm. In these simplified experiments, the kinematic flows are from the initialization of the HRRR model. Ice particles falling through the comma head were started from either 9-, 8-, or 7-km altitude, spaced every 200 m, and were transported north or northwest, arriving within the north or northwest half of the primary snowband in each storm. The greatest particle concentration enhancement within each band was a factor of 2.32–3.84 for the 16–17 December 2020 storm and 1.76–2.32 for the 29–30 January 2022 storm. Trajectory analyses for particles originating at 4 km on the southeast side of the comma head beneath the dry slot showed that this region supplied particles to the south side of the band with particle enhancements of factor of 1.36–2.08 for the 16–17 December 2020 storm and 1.04–2.16 for the 29–30 January 2022 storm. Snowfall within the bands had two source regions: 1) on the north/northwestern side, from ice particles falling from the comma head, and 2) on the southeastern side, from particles forming at or below 4-km altitude and transported northwestward by low-level flow off the Atlantic. While the findings give information on the source of particles in the bands, they do not definitively determine the cause of precipitation banding since other factors, such as large-scale ascent and embedded convection, also contribute to snow growth.
Significance Statement
Wintertime storms along the east coast of North America can produce heavy snowfall, high winds, coastal flooding, and cold temperatures, resulting in major economic impacts within the northeast U.S. urban corridor. The heaviest snowfall typically occurs within snowbands, elongated narrow regions identifiable by high reflectivity on radar. This paper examines the potential sources of the ice particles contributing to the snowbands and how the flow fields throughout the storm can contribute to enhanced particle concentrations within the bands.
This paper examines ice particle reorganization by three-dimensional horizontal kinematic flows within the comma head regions of two U.S. East Coast winter storms and the effect of reorganization on particle concentrations within snowbands in each storm. In these simplified experiments, the kinematic flows are from the initialization of the HRRR model. Ice particles falling through the comma head were started from either 9-, 8-, or 7-km altitude, spaced every 200 m, and were transported north or northwest, arriving within the north or northwest half of the primary snowband in each storm. The greatest particle concentration enhancement within each band was a factor of 2.32–3.84 for the 16–17 December 2020 storm and 1.76–2.32 for the 29–30 January 2022 storm. Trajectory analyses for particles originating at 4 km on the southeast side of the comma head beneath the dry slot showed that this region supplied particles to the south side of the band with particle enhancements of factor of 1.36–2.08 for the 16–17 December 2020 storm and 1.04–2.16 for the 29–30 January 2022 storm. Snowfall within the bands had two source regions: 1) on the north/northwestern side, from ice particles falling from the comma head, and 2) on the southeastern side, from particles forming at or below 4-km altitude and transported northwestward by low-level flow off the Atlantic. While the findings give information on the source of particles in the bands, they do not definitively determine the cause of precipitation banding since other factors, such as large-scale ascent and embedded convection, also contribute to snow growth.
Significance Statement
Wintertime storms along the east coast of North America can produce heavy snowfall, high winds, coastal flooding, and cold temperatures, resulting in major economic impacts within the northeast U.S. urban corridor. The heaviest snowfall typically occurs within snowbands, elongated narrow regions identifiable by high reflectivity on radar. This paper examines the potential sources of the ice particles contributing to the snowbands and how the flow fields throughout the storm can contribute to enhanced particle concentrations within the bands.
There is growing interest in impact-based decision support services to address complex decision-making, especially for winter storm forecasting. Understanding users’ needs for winter storm forecast information is necessary to make such impact-based winter forecasts relevant and useful to the diverse regions affected. A mixed-method social science research study investigated extending the winter storm severity index (WSSI) [operational for the contiguous United States (CONUS)] to Alaska, with consideration of the distinct needs of Alaskan stakeholders and the Alaskan climate. Data availability differences suggest the need for an Alaska-specific WSSI, calling for user feedback to inform the direction of product modifications. Focus groups and surveys in six regions of Alaska provided information on how the WSSI components, definitions, and categorization of impacts could align with stakeholder expectations and led to recommendations for the Weather Prediction Center to consider in developing the WSSI Alaska product. Overall, wind (strength and direction) and precipitation are key components to include. Air travel is a critical concern requiring wind and visibility information, while road travel is less emphasized (contrasting with CONUS needs). Special Weather Statements and Winter Storm Warnings are highly valued, and storm trajectory and transition (between precipitation types) information are the important contexts for decision-makers. Alaska is accustomed to and prepared for winter impacts but being able to understand how components (wind, snow, and ice) contribute to overall impact enhances the ability to respond and mitigate damage effectively. The WSSI adapted for Alaska can help address regional forecast needs, particularly valuable as the climate changes and typical winter conditions become more variable.
Significance Statement
Impact-based support services can assist decision-makers in prioritizing preparedness and mitigation actions related to winter storm events. The winter storm severity index adapted for specific considerations in Alaska (such as including wind and visibility components) can extend winter weather impact-based forecasting’s utility. Additionally, lessons learned from the process of adapting a national product to specific regional needs may inform best practices for gathering stakeholder input and feedback.
There is growing interest in impact-based decision support services to address complex decision-making, especially for winter storm forecasting. Understanding users’ needs for winter storm forecast information is necessary to make such impact-based winter forecasts relevant and useful to the diverse regions affected. A mixed-method social science research study investigated extending the winter storm severity index (WSSI) [operational for the contiguous United States (CONUS)] to Alaska, with consideration of the distinct needs of Alaskan stakeholders and the Alaskan climate. Data availability differences suggest the need for an Alaska-specific WSSI, calling for user feedback to inform the direction of product modifications. Focus groups and surveys in six regions of Alaska provided information on how the WSSI components, definitions, and categorization of impacts could align with stakeholder expectations and led to recommendations for the Weather Prediction Center to consider in developing the WSSI Alaska product. Overall, wind (strength and direction) and precipitation are key components to include. Air travel is a critical concern requiring wind and visibility information, while road travel is less emphasized (contrasting with CONUS needs). Special Weather Statements and Winter Storm Warnings are highly valued, and storm trajectory and transition (between precipitation types) information are the important contexts for decision-makers. Alaska is accustomed to and prepared for winter impacts but being able to understand how components (wind, snow, and ice) contribute to overall impact enhances the ability to respond and mitigate damage effectively. The WSSI adapted for Alaska can help address regional forecast needs, particularly valuable as the climate changes and typical winter conditions become more variable.
Significance Statement
Impact-based support services can assist decision-makers in prioritizing preparedness and mitigation actions related to winter storm events. The winter storm severity index adapted for specific considerations in Alaska (such as including wind and visibility components) can extend winter weather impact-based forecasting’s utility. Additionally, lessons learned from the process of adapting a national product to specific regional needs may inform best practices for gathering stakeholder input and feedback.
While many studies have examined intense rainfall and flash flooding during the North American monsoon (NAM) in Arizona, Nevada, and New Mexico, less attention has focused on the NAM’s extension into southwestern Utah. This study relates flash flood reports and Multi-Radar Multi-Sensor (MRMS) precipitation across southwestern Utah to atmospheric moisture content and instability analyses and forecasts from the High-Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR) model during the 2021–23 monsoon seasons. MRMS quantitative precipitation estimates over southwestern Utah during the summer depend largely on the areal coverage from the KICX WSR-88D radar near Cedar City, Utah. Those estimates are generally consistent with the limited number of precipitation gauge reports in the region except at extended distances from the radar. A strong relationship is evident between days with widespread precipitation and afternoons with above-average precipitable water (PWAT) and convective available potential energy (CAPE) estimated from HRRR analyses across the region. Time-lagged ensembles of HRRR forecasts (initialization times from 0300 to 0600 UTC) that are 13–18 h prior to the afternoon period when convection is initiating (1800–2100 UTC) are useful for situational awareness of widespread precipitation events after adjusting for underprediction of afternoon CAPE. Improved skill is possible using random forest classification relying only on PWAT and CAPE to predict days experiencing excessive (upper quartile) precipitation. Such HRRR predictions may be useful for forecasters at the Salt Lake City National Weather Service Forecast Office to assist in issuing flash flood potential statements for visitors to national parks and other recreational areas in the region.
Significance Statement
Summer flash floods in southwestern Utah are a risk to area residents and millions of visitors annually to the region’s national parks, monuments, and recreational areas. The likelihood of flash floods within the region’s catchments depends on the intense afternoon and early evening convection initiated by lift and instability primarily due to terrain–flow interactions over elevated plateaus and mountains. Forecasts at lead times of 13–18 h of moisture and instability from the operational High-Resolution Rapid Refresh model have the potential to predict summer afternoons that are likely to have increased risks for higher rainfall amounts across southwestern Utah, although they are not expected to predict the likelihood of flash floods in any specific locale.
While many studies have examined intense rainfall and flash flooding during the North American monsoon (NAM) in Arizona, Nevada, and New Mexico, less attention has focused on the NAM’s extension into southwestern Utah. This study relates flash flood reports and Multi-Radar Multi-Sensor (MRMS) precipitation across southwestern Utah to atmospheric moisture content and instability analyses and forecasts from the High-Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR) model during the 2021–23 monsoon seasons. MRMS quantitative precipitation estimates over southwestern Utah during the summer depend largely on the areal coverage from the KICX WSR-88D radar near Cedar City, Utah. Those estimates are generally consistent with the limited number of precipitation gauge reports in the region except at extended distances from the radar. A strong relationship is evident between days with widespread precipitation and afternoons with above-average precipitable water (PWAT) and convective available potential energy (CAPE) estimated from HRRR analyses across the region. Time-lagged ensembles of HRRR forecasts (initialization times from 0300 to 0600 UTC) that are 13–18 h prior to the afternoon period when convection is initiating (1800–2100 UTC) are useful for situational awareness of widespread precipitation events after adjusting for underprediction of afternoon CAPE. Improved skill is possible using random forest classification relying only on PWAT and CAPE to predict days experiencing excessive (upper quartile) precipitation. Such HRRR predictions may be useful for forecasters at the Salt Lake City National Weather Service Forecast Office to assist in issuing flash flood potential statements for visitors to national parks and other recreational areas in the region.
Significance Statement
Summer flash floods in southwestern Utah are a risk to area residents and millions of visitors annually to the region’s national parks, monuments, and recreational areas. The likelihood of flash floods within the region’s catchments depends on the intense afternoon and early evening convection initiated by lift and instability primarily due to terrain–flow interactions over elevated plateaus and mountains. Forecasts at lead times of 13–18 h of moisture and instability from the operational High-Resolution Rapid Refresh model have the potential to predict summer afternoons that are likely to have increased risks for higher rainfall amounts across southwestern Utah, although they are not expected to predict the likelihood of flash floods in any specific locale.
Wildfire agencies use fire danger rating systems (FDRSs) to deploy resources and issue public safety measures. The most widely used FDRS is the Canadian fire weather index (FWI) system, which uses weather inputs to estimate the potential for wildfires to start and spread. Current FWI forecasts provide a daily numerical value, representing potential fire severity at an assumed midafternoon time for peak fire activity. This assumption, based on typical diurnal weather patterns, is not always valid. To address this, we developed an hourly FWI (HFWI) system using numerical weather prediction. We validate HFWI against the traditional daily FWI (DFWI) by comparing HFWI forecasts with observation-derived DFWI values from 917 surface fire weather stations in western North America. Results indicate strong correlations between forecasted HFWI and the observation-derived DFWI. A positive mean bias in the daily maximum values of HFWI compared to the traditional DFWI suggests that HFWI can better capture severe fire weather variations regardless of when they occur. We confirm this by comparing HFWI with hourly fire radiative power (FRP) satellite observations for nine wildfire case studies in Canada and the United States. We demonstrate HFWI’s ability to forecast shifts in fire danger timing, especially during intensified fire activity in the late evening and early morning hours, while allowing for multiple periods of increased fire danger per day—a contrast to the conventional DFWI. This research highlights the HFWI system’s value in improving fire danger assessments and predictions, hopefully enhancing wildfire management, especially during atypical fire behavior.
Wildfire agencies use fire danger rating systems (FDRSs) to deploy resources and issue public safety measures. The most widely used FDRS is the Canadian fire weather index (FWI) system, which uses weather inputs to estimate the potential for wildfires to start and spread. Current FWI forecasts provide a daily numerical value, representing potential fire severity at an assumed midafternoon time for peak fire activity. This assumption, based on typical diurnal weather patterns, is not always valid. To address this, we developed an hourly FWI (HFWI) system using numerical weather prediction. We validate HFWI against the traditional daily FWI (DFWI) by comparing HFWI forecasts with observation-derived DFWI values from 917 surface fire weather stations in western North America. Results indicate strong correlations between forecasted HFWI and the observation-derived DFWI. A positive mean bias in the daily maximum values of HFWI compared to the traditional DFWI suggests that HFWI can better capture severe fire weather variations regardless of when they occur. We confirm this by comparing HFWI with hourly fire radiative power (FRP) satellite observations for nine wildfire case studies in Canada and the United States. We demonstrate HFWI’s ability to forecast shifts in fire danger timing, especially during intensified fire activity in the late evening and early morning hours, while allowing for multiple periods of increased fire danger per day—a contrast to the conventional DFWI. This research highlights the HFWI system’s value in improving fire danger assessments and predictions, hopefully enhancing wildfire management, especially during atypical fire behavior.
It is widely known from energy balances that global oceans play a fundamental role in atmospheric seasonal anomalies via coupling mechanisms. However, numerical weather prediction models still have limitations in long-term forecasting due to their nonlinear sensitivity to initial deep oceanic conditions. As the Mediterranean climate has highly unpredictable seasonal variability, we designed a complementary method by supposing that 1) delayed teleconnection patterns provide information about ocean–atmosphere coupling on subseasonal time scales through the lens of 2) partially predictable quasi-periodic oscillations since 3) forecast signals can be extracted by smoothing noise in a continuous lead-time horizon. To validate these hypotheses, the subseasonal predictability of temperature and precipitation was analyzed at 11 reference stations in the Mediterranean area in the 1993–2021 period. The novel method, presented here, consists of combining lag-correlated teleconnections (15 indices) with self-predictability techniques of residual quasi-oscillation based on wavelet (cyclic) and autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) (linear) analyses. The prediction skill of this teleconnection–wavelet–ARIMA (TeWA) combination was cross-validated and compared to that of the ECMWF’s Seasonal Forecast System 5 (SEAS5)–ECMWF model (3 months ahead). Results show that the proposed TeWA approach improves the predictability of first-month temperature and precipitation anomalies by 50%–70% compared with the forecast of SEAS5. On a moving-averaged daily scale, the optimum prediction window is 30 days for temperature and 16 days for precipitation. The predictable ranges are consistent with atmospheric bridges in teleconnection patterns [e.g., Upper-Level Mediterranean Oscillation (ULMO)] and are reflected by spatial correlation with sea surface temperature (SST). Our results suggest that combinations of the TeWA approach and numerical models could boost new research lines in subseasonal-to-seasonal forecasting.
Significance Statement
The Mediterranean climate presents a high natural variability that makes skillful seasonal forecasts very difficult to achieve. We propose to complement the current forecasting methods with a statistical approach that combines two conceptual models: First, climate anomalies (cold/warm or dry/wet periods) are considered as smooth waves (with slow changes); and second, atmospheric and oceanic indices perform the role of atmosphere–ocean interactions, which impact Mediterranean climate variability in a delayed way. The key findings are that combining both sides, a better predictability of climate variability is provided, which is an opportunity to improve natural resource management and planning.
It is widely known from energy balances that global oceans play a fundamental role in atmospheric seasonal anomalies via coupling mechanisms. However, numerical weather prediction models still have limitations in long-term forecasting due to their nonlinear sensitivity to initial deep oceanic conditions. As the Mediterranean climate has highly unpredictable seasonal variability, we designed a complementary method by supposing that 1) delayed teleconnection patterns provide information about ocean–atmosphere coupling on subseasonal time scales through the lens of 2) partially predictable quasi-periodic oscillations since 3) forecast signals can be extracted by smoothing noise in a continuous lead-time horizon. To validate these hypotheses, the subseasonal predictability of temperature and precipitation was analyzed at 11 reference stations in the Mediterranean area in the 1993–2021 period. The novel method, presented here, consists of combining lag-correlated teleconnections (15 indices) with self-predictability techniques of residual quasi-oscillation based on wavelet (cyclic) and autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) (linear) analyses. The prediction skill of this teleconnection–wavelet–ARIMA (TeWA) combination was cross-validated and compared to that of the ECMWF’s Seasonal Forecast System 5 (SEAS5)–ECMWF model (3 months ahead). Results show that the proposed TeWA approach improves the predictability of first-month temperature and precipitation anomalies by 50%–70% compared with the forecast of SEAS5. On a moving-averaged daily scale, the optimum prediction window is 30 days for temperature and 16 days for precipitation. The predictable ranges are consistent with atmospheric bridges in teleconnection patterns [e.g., Upper-Level Mediterranean Oscillation (ULMO)] and are reflected by spatial correlation with sea surface temperature (SST). Our results suggest that combinations of the TeWA approach and numerical models could boost new research lines in subseasonal-to-seasonal forecasting.
Significance Statement
The Mediterranean climate presents a high natural variability that makes skillful seasonal forecasts very difficult to achieve. We propose to complement the current forecasting methods with a statistical approach that combines two conceptual models: First, climate anomalies (cold/warm or dry/wet periods) are considered as smooth waves (with slow changes); and second, atmospheric and oceanic indices perform the role of atmosphere–ocean interactions, which impact Mediterranean climate variability in a delayed way. The key findings are that combining both sides, a better predictability of climate variability is provided, which is an opportunity to improve natural resource management and planning.