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Friederike Pollmann
Jonas Nycander


Breaking internal tides contribute substantially to small-scale turbulent mixing in the ocean interior and hence to maintaining the large-scale overturning circulation. How much internal tide energy is available for ocean mixing can be estimated by using semianalytical methods based on linear theory. Until recently, a method resolving the horizontal direction of the internal waves generated by conversion of the barotropic tide was lacking. We here present the first global application of such a method to the first vertical mode of the principal lunar semidiurnal internal tide. We also show that the effect of supercritical slopes on the modally decomposed internal tides is different than previously suggested. To deal with this the continental shelf and the shelf slope are masked in the global computation. The global energy conversion obtained agrees roughly with the previous results by Falahat et al. if the mask is applied to their result, which decreases their energy conversion by half. Thus, around half of the energy conversion obtained by their linear calculations occurs at continental slopes and shelves, where linear theory tends to break down. The barotropic-to-baroclinic energy flux at subcritical slopes away from the continental margins is shown to vary substantially with direction depending on the shape and orientation of topographic obstacles and the direction of the local tidal currents. Taking this additional information into account in tidal mixing parameterizations could have important ramifications for vertical mixing and water mass properties in global numerical simulations.

Free access
Chuanyin Wang
Zhiyu Liu
, and
Hongyang Lin


A long-standing challenge in dynamical oceanography is to distinguish nonlinearly intermingled dynamical regimes of oceanic flows. Conventional approaches focus on time-scale or space-scale decomposition. Here, we pursue a dynamics-based decomposition, where a mean flow is introduced to extend the classic theory of wavy and vortical modes. Mainly based on relative magnitudes of the relative vorticity and the modified horizontal divergence in spectral space, the full flow is decomposed into wavy and vortical motions. The proposed approach proves simple and efficient and can be used particularly for online disentangling vortical and wavy motions of the simulated flows by ever-popular tide-resolving high-resolution numerical models. This dynamical approach, combined with conventional time-scale- or space-scale-based approaches, paves the way for online mixing parameterizations using model simulated vortical (for isopycnal mixing) and wavy (for diapycnal mixing) motions and for understanding of multiregime and multiscale interactions of oceanic flows.

Open access
Charly de Marez
Jörn Callies
Bruce Haines
Daniela Rodriguez-Chavez
, and
Jinbo Wang


A combination of in situ and remotely sensed observations are used to constrain the imprint of submesoscale turbulence in the sea surface height (SSH) field. The distribution of SSH variance across frequencies and wavenumbers is estimated by comparing an empirical model spectrum to two sets of observations. First, submesoscale SSH variance is constrained using a pair of GPS buoys spaced at about 10 km. From these data, one can estimate frequency spectra not only of SSH variance but also of the variance in the SSH difference between the buoys. The ratio between these two spectral estimates is sensitive to how much SSH variance is present in the submesoscale range and thus constrains the spectral roll-off of SSH variance in wavenumber space. Second, a combination of moored current meters and nadir altimetry is used to obtain an independent constraint. This constraint is enabled by geostrophy and the nonseparability of the wavenumber–frequency spectrum of SSH variance revealed by the GPS data. The frequency spectra of kinetic energy and SSH variance follow different power laws, and the difference constrains the spectral content in wavenumber space, allowing for a constraint without the need to actually resolve the submesoscales in space. In all four locations studied, spanning the midlatitude and subtropical ocean, these constraints indicate that the wavenumber spectral roll-off of submesoscale SSH variance is between about k 4 and k 5, where k is the wavenumber. These estimates are consistent with previous observations, model results, and theoretical predictions. They provide for a strong prior for the interpretation of upcoming high-resolution satellite data.

Free access
Andrew L. Stewart
Nicole K. Neumann
, and
Aviv Solodoch


It is now well established that changes in the zonal wind stress over the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) do not lead to changes in its baroclinicity nor baroclinic transport, a phenomenon referred to as “eddy saturation.” Previous studies provide contrasting dynamical mechanisms for this phenomenon: on one extreme, changes in the winds lead to changes in the efficiency with which transient eddies transfer momentum to the sea floor; on the other extreme, structural adjustments of the ACC’s standing meanders increase the efficiency of momentum transfer. In this study the authors investigate the relative importance of these mechanisms using an idealized, isopycnal channel model of the ACC. Via separate diagnoses of the model’s time-mean flow and eddy diffusivity, the authors decompose the model’s response to changes in wind stress into contributions from transient eddies and the mean flow. A key result is that holding the transient eddy diffusivity constant while varying the mean flow very closely compensates for changes in the wind stress, whereas holding the mean flow constant and varying the eddy diffusivity does not. This implies that eddy saturation primarily occurs due to adjustments in the ACC’s standing waves/meanders, rather than due to adjustments of transient eddy behavior. The authors derive a quasigeostrophic theory for ACC transport saturation by standing waves, in which the transient eddy diffusivity is held fixed, and thus provides dynamical insights into standing wave adjustment to wind changes. These findings imply that representing eddy saturation in global models requires adequate resolution of the ACC’s standing meanders, with wind-responsive parameterizations of the transient eddies being of secondary importance.

Free access
Peng Cheng


The dynamic theory of curvature-induced lateral circulation has been developed for open channel flows but not for oscillatory tides. A linear three-dimensional analytical model was developed to investigate the lateral circulation in an elongated tidal channel with mildly curved bends of which the radius of curvature is larger than the width. The curvature-induced lateral circulation has two components with the same amplitude, namely, a periodic component having an overtide frequency and a steady component. The combination of the two components allows the strength of the lateral circulation to vary periodically and the rotation direction to be unchanged during a tidal period. Friction modifies the strength and structure of the lateral circulation. The phase between the lateral flow and streamwise tidal flow decreases with increasing friction, indicating that the two flows are not necessarily in phase unless friction is strong. The lateral circulations driven by the Coriolis and curvature centrifugal forces augment each other during one phase and compete in the opposite phase, and the relative importance of the two circulations is determined by the Rossby number and friction. The adaptation time is the same for spinup and spindown of the curvature-induced lateral circulation and is determined by water depth and vertical eddy viscosity. The estimation of the adaptation time depends on the leading modes because the transition solution of the curvature-induced lateral circulation comprises a series of cosine modes. These results provide a theoretical basis for interpreting curvature-induced lateral circulation in tidal channels and coastal headlands.

Significance Statement

The dynamic theory of curvature-induced lateral circulation in a tidal flow remains unexplored. The purpose of this study is to understand the essentials of curvature-induced lateral circulation in an elongated tidal channel using a three-dimensional analytical model. The results showed that the curvature-induced lateral circulation has two components with the same amplitude: a periodic component having an overtide frequency and a steady component. This is significantly different from the curvature-induced lateral circulation associated with open channel flows, which is steady and in phase with the streamwise flow. Future work may show the role of curvature-induced lateral circulation in streamwise dynamics and mass transport.

Free access
Xuhua Cheng
Lanman Li
Zhiyou Jing
Haijin Cao
Guidi Zhou
Wei Duan
, and
Yifei Zhou


This study investigates the seasonal features and generation mechanisms of submesoscale processes (SMPs) in the southern Bay of Bengal (BoB) during 2011/12, based on the output of a high-resolution model, LLC4320 (latitude–longitude–polar cap). The results show that the southern BoB exhibits the most energetic SMPs, with significant seasonal variations. The SMPs are more active during the summer and winter monsoon periods. During the monsoon periods, the sharpening horizontal buoyancy gradients associated with strong straining effects favor the frontogenesis and mixed layer instability (MLI), which are responsible for the SMPs generation. The symmetric instability (SI) scale is about 3–10 km in the southern BoB, which can be partially resolved by LLC4320. The SI is more active during summer and winter, with a proportion of 40%–80% during the study period when the necessary conditions for SI are satisfied. Energetics analysis suggests that the energy source of SMPs is mainly from the local large-scale and mesoscale processes. Baroclinic instability at submesoscales plays a significant role, further confirming the importance of frontogenesis and MLI. Barotropic instability also has considerable contribution to the submesoscale kinetic energy, especially during summer.

Significance Statement

Submesoscale processes (SMPs) are ubiquitous in the Bay of Bengal (BoB). Affected by the seasonally reversing monsoon, abundant rainfall and runoff, and equatorial remote forcing, the upper circulation in the BoB is complex, featuring active mesoscale eddies and rich submesoscale phenomena, making the BoB a “natural test ground” for submesoscale studies. It is found in this work that characteristics of SMPs in the BoB are quite different from other regions. In the southern bay, SMPs are most active during the summer and winter monsoons due to the frontogenesis, enhanced mixed layer instability (MLI), and symmetric instability. These findings could deepen our understanding on multiscale dynamic processes and energy cascade in the BoB and have implications for the study of marine ecology and biogeochemical processes.

Free access
F. J. Beron-Vera
M. J. Olascoaga
L. Helfmann
, and
P. Miron


In this note, we apply transition path theory (TPT) from Markov chains to shed light on the problem of Iceland–Scotland Overflow Water (ISOW) equatorward export. A recent analysis of observed trajectories of submerged floats demanded revision of the traditional abyssal circulation theory, which postulates that ISOW should steadily flow along a deep boundary current (DBC) around the subpolar North Atlantic prior to exiting it. The TPT analyses carried out here allow attention to be focused on the portions of flow from the origin of ISOW to the region where ISOW exits the subpolar North Atlantic and suggest that insufficient sampling may be biasing the aforementioned demand. The analyses, appropriately adapted to represent a continuous input of ISOW, are carried out on three time-homogeneous Markov chains modeling the ISOW flow. One is constructed using a high number of simulated trajectories homogeneously covering the flow domain. The other two use much fewer trajectories which heterogeneously cover the domain. The trajectories in the latter two chains are observed trajectories or simulated trajectories subsampled at the observed frequency. While the densely sampled chain supports a well-defined DBC, whether this is a peculiarity of the simulation considered or not, the more heterogeneously sampled chains do not, irrespective of the nature of the trajectories used, i.e., observed or simulated. Studying the sampling sensitivity of the Markov chains, we can give recommendations for enlarging the existing float dataset to improve the significance of conclusions about long-time-asymptotic aspects of the ISOW circulation.

Free access
R. D. Ray
J.-P. Boy
S. Y. Erofeeva
, and
G. D. Egbert


Terdiurnal atmospheric tides induce an S3 radiational ocean tide, similar to radiational tides S1 and S2 in the diurnal and semidiurnal bands. Although of small amplitude, the terdiurnal tide has some intriguing properties. The tide has an unusually pronounced seasonal variation, manifested by annual sidelines here denoted R3 and T3, which causes the tide to nearly vanish during times near an equinox. Forcing is generally largest in the winter hemisphere. Complicating matters, the two sideline frequencies coincide with those of nonlinear compound tides SK3 and SP3. Whether radiational tides or nonlinear tides (or both) are appearing at any given tide gauge can usually be determined by the relative amplitudes and phase differences of the two sidelines. The amplitudes of R3 and T3 are generally comparable; the amplitudes of SK3 and SP3 are not. Proper identification can lead to a small improvement in tidal prediction, but more importantly can lead to improved physical interpretation. An example from recent measurements under the Ross Ice Shelf bears on the role of nonlinearity in interactions between the ocean tide and the floating ice shelf.

Free access
Haijin Cao
Baylor Fox-Kemper
Zhiyou Jing
Xiangzhou Song
, and
Yuyi Liu


Oceanic submesoscale dynamics with horizontal scales < 20 km have similar temporal and spatial scales as internal gravity waves (IGWs), but they differ dynamically and have distinct impacts on the ocean. Separating unbalanced submesoscale motions (USMs), quasi-balanced submesoscale motions (QBMs), and IGWs in observations remains a great challenge. Based on the wave–vortex decomposition and the vertical scale separation approach for distinguishing IGWs and USMs, the long-term repeat Oleander observations in the Gulf Stream region provide an opportunity to quantify these processes separately. Here in this study, the role of USMs in the divergence is emphasized, which has confounded the wave–vortex decomposition of wintertime data in previous analyses. We also adopt the vertical filtering approach to identify the USMs by applying a high-pass filter to the vertical scales, as USMs are characterized by smaller vertical scales. This approach is tested with submesoscale-permitting model data to confirm its effectiveness in filtering the submesoscale velocity perturbations, before being applied to the compiled velocity data of the Oleander dataset (years 2005–18). The results show that the averaged submesoscale eddy kinetic energy by USMs can reach ∼1 × 10−3 m2 s−2 at z = −30 m in winter, much stronger than found in other seasons. Importantly, this study exemplifies the possibility of obtaining USMs from existing ADCP observations and reveals the seasonal dynamical regimes for the submesoscales.

Free access
Wenbo Lu
Chun Zhou
Wei Zhao
Cunjie Zhang
Tao Geng
, and
Xin Xiao


At 26.5°N in the North Atlantic, a continuous transbasin observational array has been established since 2004 to detect the strength of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation. The observational record shows that the subtropical Atlantic meridional overturning circulation has weakened by 2.5 ± 1.5 Sv (as mean ± 95% interval; 1 Sv ≡ 106 m3 s−1) since 2008 compared to the initial 4-yr average. Strengthening of the upper southward geostrophic transport (with a 2.6 ± 1.6 Sv southward increase) derived from thermal wind dominates this Atlantic meridional overturning circulation decline. We decompose the geostrophic transport into its temperature and salinity components to compare their contributions to the transport variability. The contributions of temperature and salinity components to the southward geostrophic transport strengthening are 1.0 ± 2.5 and 1.6 ± 1.3 Sv, respectively. The variation of salinity component is significant at the 95% confidence level, while the temperature component’s variation is not. This result highlights the vital role that salinity plays in the subtropical Atlantic meridional overturning circulation variability, which has been overlooked in previous studies. We further analyze the geostrophic transport variations and their temperature and salinity components arising from different water masses, which shows that a warming signal in Labrador Sea Water and a freshening signal in Nordic Sea Water are two prominent sources of the geostrophic transport increase. Comparison of the temperature and salinity records of the 26.5°N array with the upstream records from repeated hydrographic sections across the Labrador Sea suggests that these thermohaline signals may be exported from the subpolar Atlantic via the deep western boundary current.

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