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Yung-Yun Cheng
Chia-Tung Chang
Buo-Fu Chen
Hung-Chi Kuo
, and
Cheng-Shang Lee


This paper proposes a new quantitative precipitation estimation (QPE) technique to provide accurate rainfall estimates in complex terrain, where conventional QPE has limitations. The operational radar QPE in Taiwan is mainly based on the simplified relationship between radar reflectivity Z and rain rate R [R(Z) relation] and only utilizes the single-point lowest available echo to estimate rain rates, leading to low accuracy in complex terrain. Here, we conduct QPE using deep learning that extracts features from 3D radar reflectivities to address the above issues. Convolutional neural networks (CNN) are used to analyze contoured frequency by altitude diagrams (CFADs) to generate the QPE. CNN models are trained on existing rain gauges in northern and eastern Taiwan with the 3-yr data during 2015–17 and validated and tested using 2018 data. The weights of heavy rains (≥10 mm h−1) are increased in the model loss calculation to handle the unbalanced rainfall data and improve accuracy. Results show that the CNN outperforms the R(Z) relation based on the 2018 rain gauge data. Furthermore, this research proposes methods to conduct 2D gridded QPE at every pixel by blending estimates from various trained CNN models. Verification based on independent rain gauges shows that the CNN QPE solves the underestimation of the R(Z) relation in mountainous areas. Case studies are presented to visualize the results, showing that the CNN QPE generates better small-scale rainfall features and more accurate precipitation information. This deep learning QPE technique may be helpful for the disaster prevention of small-scale flash floods in complex terrain.

Free access
Anirudhan Badrinath
Luca Delle Monache
Negin Hayatbini
Will Chapman
Forest Cannon
, and
Marty Ralph


A machine learning method based on spatial convolution to capture complex spatial precipitation patterns is proposed to identify and reduce biases affecting predictions of a dynamical model. The method is based on a combination of a classification and dual-regression model approach using modified U-Net convolutional neural networks (CNN) to postprocess daily accumulated precipitation over the U.S. West Coast. In this study, we leverage 34 years of high-resolution deterministic Western Weather Research and Forecasting (West-WRF) precipitation reforecasts as training data for the U-Net CNN. The data are split such that the test set contains 4 water years of data that encompass characteristic West Coast precipitation regimes: El Niño, La Niña, and dry and wet El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO neutral) water years. On the unseen 4-yr dataset, the trained CNN yields a 12.9%–15.9% reduction in root-mean-square error (RMSE) and 2.7%–3.4% improvement in Pearson correlation (PC) over West-WRF for lead times of 1–4 days. Compared to an adapted model output statistics correction, the CNN reduces RMSE by 7.4%–8.9% and improves PC by 3.3%–4.2% across all events. Effectively, the CNN adds more than a day of predictive skill when compared to West-WRF. The CNN outperforms the other methods also for the prediction of extreme events, which we define as the top 10% of events with the greatest average daily accumulated precipitation. The improvement over West-WRF’s RMSE (PC) for these events is 19.8%–21.0% (4.9%–5.5%) and MOS’s RMSE (PC) is 8.8%–9.7% (4.2%–4.7%). Hence, the proposed U-Net CNN shows significantly improved forecast skill over existing methods, highlighting a promising path forward for improving precipitation forecasts.

Significance Statement

Extreme precipitation events and atmospheric rivers, which contain narrow bands of water vapor transport, can cause millions of dollars in damages. We demonstrate the utility of a computer vision-based machine learning technique for improving precipitation forecasts. We show that there is a significant increase in predictive accuracy for daily accumulated precipitation using these machine learning methods, over a 4-yr period of unseen cases, including those corresponding to the extreme precipitation associated with atmospheric rivers.

Free access
Partha S. Bhattacharjee
Li Zhang
Barry Baker
Li Pan
Raffaele Montuoro
Georg A. Grell
, and
Jeffery T. McQueen


The NWS/NCEP recently implemented a new global deterministic aerosol forecast model named the Global Ensemble Forecast Systems Aerosols (GEFS-Aerosols), which is based on the Finite Volume version 3 GFS (FV3GFS). It replaced the operational NOAA Environmental Modeling System (NEMS) GFS Aerosol Component version 2 (NGACv2), which was based on a global spectral model (GSM). GEFS-Aerosols uses aerosol modules from the GOCART previously integrated in the WRF Model with Chemistry (WRF-Chem), FENGSHA dust scheme, and several other updates. In this study, we have extensively evaluated aerosol optical depth (AOD) forecasts from GEFS-Aerosols against various observations over a timespan longer than one year (2019–20). The total AOD improvement (in terms of seasonal mean) in GEFS-Aerosols is about 40% compared to NGACv2 in the fall and winter season of 2019. In terms of aerosol species, the biggest improvement came from the enhanced representation of biomass burning aerosol species as GEFS-Aerosols is able to capture more fire events in southern Africa, South America, and Asia than its predecessor. Dust AODs reproduce the seasonal variation over Africa and the Middle East. We have found that correlation of total AOD over large regions of the globe remains consistent for forecast days 3–5. However, we have found that GEFS-Aerosols generates some systematic positive biases for organic carbon AOD near biomass burning regions and sulfate AOD over prediction over East Asia. The addition of a data assimilation capability to GEFS-Aerosols in the near future is expected to address these biases and provide a positive impact to aerosol forecasts by the model.

Significance Statement

The purpose of this study is to quantify improvements associated with the newly implemented global aerosol forecast model at NWS/NCEP. The monthly and seasonal variations of AOD forecasts of various aerosol regimes are overall consistent with the observations. Our results provide a guide to downstream regional air quality models like CMAQ that will use GEFS-Aerosols to provide lateral boundary conditions.

Free access
Aaron J. Hill
Russ S. Schumacher
, and
Israel L. Jirak


Historical observations of severe weather and simulated severe weather environments (i.e., features) from the Global Ensemble Forecast System v12 (GEFSv12) Reforecast Dataset (GEFS/R) are used in conjunction to train and test random forest (RF) machine learning (ML) models to probabilistically forecast severe weather out to days 4–8. RFs are trained with ∼9 years of the GEFS/R and severe weather reports to establish statistical relationships. Feature engineering is briefly explored to examine alternative methods for gathering features around observed events, including simplifying features using spatial averaging and increasing the GEFS/R ensemble size with time lagging. Validated RF models are tested with ∼1.5 years of real-time forecast output from the operational GEFSv12 ensemble and are evaluated alongside expert human-generated outlooks from the Storm Prediction Center (SPC). Both RF-based forecasts and SPC outlooks are skillful with respect to climatology at days 4 and 5 with diminishing skill thereafter. The RF-based forecasts exhibit tendencies to slightly underforecast severe weather events, but they tend to be well-calibrated at lower probability thresholds. Spatially averaging predictors during RF training allows for prior-day thermodynamic and kinematic environments to generate skillful forecasts, while time lagging acts to expand the forecast areas, increasing resolution but decreasing overall skill. The results highlight the utility of ML-generated products to aid SPC forecast operations into the medium range.

Significance Statement

Medium-range severe weather forecasts generated from statistical models are explored here alongside operational forecasts from the Storm Prediction Center (SPC). Human forecasters at the SPC rely on traditional numerical weather prediction model output to make medium-range outlooks and statistical products that mimic operational forecasts can be used as guidance tools for forecasters. The statistical models relate simulated severe weather environments from a global weather model to historical records of severe weather and perform noticeably better than human-generated outlooks at shorter lead times (e.g., day 4 and 5) and are capable of capturing the general location of severe weather events 8 days in advance. The results highlight the value in these data-driven methods in supporting operational forecasting.

Free access
Guo Deng
Jun Du
Yushu Zhou
Ling Yan
Jing Chen
Fajing Chen
Hongqi Li
, and
Jingzhou Wang


Using a 3-km regional ensemble prediction system (EPS), this study tested a three-dimensional (3D) rescaling mask for initial condition (IC) perturbation. Whether the 3D mask-based EPS improves ensemble forecasts over current two-dimensional (2D) mask-based EPS has been evaluated in three aspects: ensemble mean, spread, and probability. The forecasts of wind, temperature, geopotential height, sea level pressure, and precipitation were examined for a summer month (1–28 July 2018) and a winter month (1–27 February 2019) over a region in North China. The EPS was run twice per day (initiated at 0000 and 1200 UTC) to 36 h in forecast length, providing 56 warm-season forecast cases and 54 cold-season cases for verification. The warm and cold seasons are verified separately for comparison. The study found the following: 1) The vertical profile of IC perturbation becomes closer to that of analysis uncertainty with the 3D rescaling mask. 2) Ensemble performance is significantly improved in all three aspects. The biggest improvement is in the ensemble spread, followed by the probabilistic forecast, and the least improvement is in the ensemble mean forecast. Larger improvements are seen in the warm season than in the cold season. 3) More improvement is in the shorter time range (<24 h) than in the longer range. 4) Surface and lower-level variables are improved more than upper-level ones. 5) The underlying mechanism for the improvement has been investigated. Convective instability is found to be responsible for the spread increment and, thus, overall ensemble forecast improvement. Therefore, using a 3D rescaling mask is recommended for an EPS to increase its utility especially for shorter time range and surface weather elements.

Significant Statement

A weather prediction model is a complex system that consists of nonlinear differential equations. Small errors in either its inputs or model itself will grow with time during model integration, which will contaminate a forecast. To quantify such contamination (“uncertainty”) of a forecast, the ensemble forecasting technique is used. An ensemble of forecasts is a multiple of model runs at the same time but with slightly “perturbed” inputs or model versions. These small perturbations are supposed to represent true “uncertainty” in inputs or model representation. This study proposed a technique that makes a perturbation’s vertical structure more resemble real uncertainty (intrinsic error) in input data and confirmed that it can significantly improve ensemble forecast quality especially for a shorter time range and lower-level weather elements. It is found that convective instability is responsible for the improvement.

Open access
Rory Laiho
Katja Friedrich
, and
Andrew C. Winters


Warm season heavy rainfall in Minnesota can lead to flooding with serious impacts on life and infrastructure. Situated in a transition zone between humid eastern and semiarid western conditions in the United States, Minnesota experiences large spatial variability in precipitation. Previous research has often lacked spatiotemporal detail important for heavy rainfall analysis for Minnesota. This research used Stage-IV hourly precipitation data with 4-km grid spacing during May–September 2004–20 to analyze Minnesota spatial, seasonal, and event-based characteristics. Rain event frequency, accumulation, hours, and intensities were compared for all rain events (>2.5 mm) and heavy rain events (>36 mm). For all rain events, results showed the highest regional median monthly rain event frequency (>6 events) in June and the lowest (<5 events) in September. Median monthly accumulations were largest (∼75 mm) in June, followed by July and August. Monthly total rain event hours at a point peaked around 20 h in May in southeastern Minnesota. Smaller event accumulations occurred more frequently than larger accumulations, and event mean intensities were higher in summertime (June–August) than in May and September for rain events and heavy rain events. Heavy rain event region-based analyses showed monthly peaks for frequency in July–August, accumulation in July, and event hours in June–July and September. Median heavy rain event durations were shorter during June–August than in May and September. Monthly heavy rain event accumulation as a percent of all rain event accumulation was greatest in September (24%). These results establish a foundation for future research into precipitation patterns and trends.

Significance Statement

Climate analysis has indicated that Minnesota is in a region where increases in heavy rainfall are anticipated for the future. Heavy rainfall in Minnesota has led to flooding with severe adverse impacts. This study addresses a gap in information about heavy precipitation in Minnesota and provides heavy rainfall analyses useful for climate-related planning. Stage-IV hourly precipitation data for the warm season (May–September) during 2004–20 enabled the identification of rain events and heavy rain events, as well as their characteristic frequency, rainfall accumulation, duration, and intensity. The results help establish a baseline for past and future analyses of precipitation patterns and trends. They also build a foundation for future research investigating the weather patterns that lead to heavy rainfall.

Free access
Sarah M. Purpura
Casey E. Davenport
Matthew D. Eastin
Katherine E. McKeown
, and
Roger R. Riggin


The Appalachian Mountains have a considerable impact on daily weather, including severe convection, across the eastern United States. However, the impact of the Appalachians on supercells is not well understood, posing a short-term forecast challenge across the region. While case studies have been conducted, there has been no large multicase analysis of supercells interacting with complex terrain. To address this gap, we examined 62 isolated warm-season supercells that occurred within the central or southern Appalachians. Each supercell was broadly classified as “crossing” or “noncrossing” based on their maintenance of supercellular structure during interaction with significant terrain features. Rapid Update Cycle (RUC) and the Rapid Refresh (RAP) model analyses were used to identify key synoptic and mesoscale factors that distinguish between environments supportive of crossing versus noncrossing supercells. Roughly 40% of supercells were sustained crossing significant terrain. Pre-storm synoptic features common among crossing storms (relative to noncrossing storms) included a stronger polar jet, a deeper trough, a north–south-oriented cold front, a strong prefrontal low-level jet, and no wedge front leeward of the terrain. Mesoscale environmental differences were determined using near-storm model soundings collected for each supercell at three locations: upstream initiation, peak terrain, and downstream dissipation. The most significant mesoscale differences were present in the peak and downstream environments, whereby crossing storms encountered stronger low-level vertical shear, greater storm-relative helicity, and greater midlevel moisture than noncrossing storms. Such results reenforce the notion that sustained dynamical support for mesocyclones is critical to supercell maintenance when interacting with significant terrain.

Significance Statement

The ability of isolated storms with rotating updrafts to traverse complex terrain is not well understood and is a notable forecast problem in the eastern United States due to the Appalachian Mountains. This study represents the first systematic analysis of numerous warm-season supercells in the vicinity of the central and southern Appalachians. We focus on synoptic and near-storm mesoscale environmental differences between storms that maintain supercellular structure following terrain interaction (“crossing”) and those that do not (“noncrossing”). The results provide useful environmental metrics for forecasting supercell longevity in the vicinity of the Appalachian Mountains.

Free access
Hyeyum Hailey Shin
Wiebke Deierling
, and
Robert Sharman


The skill of operational deterministic turbulence forecasts is impacted by the uncertainties in both weather forecasts from the underlying numerical weather prediction (NWP) models and diagnoses of turbulence from the NWP model output. This study compares various probabilistic turbulence forecasting approaches to quantify these uncertainties and provides recommendations on the most suitable approach for operational implementation. The approaches considered are all based on ensembles of NWP forecasts and/or turbulence diagnostics, and include a multi-diagnostic ensemble (MDE), a time-lagged NWP ensemble (TLE), a forecast-model NWP ensemble (FME), and combined time-lagged MDE (TMDE) and forecast-model MDE (FMDE). Both case studies and statistical analyses are provided. The case studies show that the MDE approach that represents the uncertainty in turbulence diagnostics provides a larger ensemble spread than the TLE and FME approaches that represent the uncertainty in NWP forecasts. The larger spreads of MDE, TMDE, and FMDE allow for higher probabilities of detection for low percentage thresholds at the cost of increased false alarms. The small spreads of TLE and FME result in either hits with higher confidence or missed events, highly dependent on the performance of the underlying NWP model. Statistical evaluations reveal that increasing the number of diagnostics in MDE is a cost-effective and powerful method for describing the uncertainty of turbulence forecasts, considering trade-offs between accuracy and computational cost associated with using NWP ensembles. Combining either time-lagged or forecast-model NWP ensembles with MDE can further improve prediction skill and could be considered if sufficient computational resources are available.

Free access
Weiguo Wang
Lin Zhu
Bin Liu
Zhan Zhang
Avichal Mehra
, and
Vijay Tallapragada


An evaluation framework for tropical cyclone rapid intensification (RI) forecasts is introduced and applied to evaluate the performance of RI forecasts by the operational Hurricane Weather Research and Forecasting (HWRF) Model. The framework is based on the performance of each 5-day forecast cycle, while the conventional RI evaluation is based on the statistics of successful or false RI forecasts at individual lead times. The framework can be used to compare RI forecasts of different cycles, which helps model developers and forecasters to characterize RI forecasts under different scenarios. It also can provide the evaluation of statistical performance in the context of 5-day forecast cycles. The RI forecast of each cycle is assessed using a modified probability-based approach that takes the absolute errors in intensity changes into account. The overall performance of RI forecasts during a given period is assessed based on the fractions of the individual forecast cycles during which RI events are successfully or falsely predicted. The framework is applied to evaluate the performance of RI forecasts by the HWRF Model for the whole life cycle of a single hurricane, as well as for each of the hurricane seasons from 2009 to 2021. The metric based on the probabilities of detection and false alarm rate of RI is compared with that based on the absolute errors in the intensity and intensity change during RI events.

Significance Statement

An evaluation framework for tropical cyclone rapid intensification (RI) forecasts is introduced, focusing on the performance of RI forecasts in each 5-day forecast cycle. The cycle-based approach can help to characterize RI forecasts under different conditions such as certain synoptic scenarios, initial conditions, or vortex structures. It also can be used to assess the overall performance of RI forecasts in terms of the percentages of individual forecast cycles that successfully or falsely predict RI events.

Free access
Brett Roberts
Adam J. Clark
Israel L. Jirak
Burkely T. Gallo
Caroline Bain
David L. A. Flack
James Warner
Craig S. Schwartz
, and
Larissa J. Reames


As part of NOAA’s Hazardous Weather Testbed Spring Forecasting Experiment (SFE) in 2020, an international collaboration yielded a set of real-time convection-allowing model (CAM) forecasts over the contiguous United States in which the model configurations and initial/boundary conditions were varied in a controlled manner. Three model configurations were employed, among which the Finite Volume Cubed-Sphere (FV3), Unified Model (UM), and Advanced Research version of the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF-ARW) Model dynamical cores were represented. Two runs were produced for each configuration: one driven by NOAA’s Global Forecast System for initial and boundary conditions, and the other driven by the Met Office’s operational global UM. For 32 cases during SFE2020, these runs were initialized at 0000 UTC and integrated for 36 h. Objective verification of model fields relevant to convective forecasting illuminates differences in the influence of configuration versus driving model pertinent to the ongoing problem of optimizing spread and skill in CAM ensembles. The UM and WRF configurations tend to outperform FV3 for forecasts of precipitation, thermodynamics, and simulated radar reflectivity; using a driving model with the native CAM core also tends to produce better skill in aggregate. Reflectivity and thermodynamic forecasts were found to cluster more by configuration than by driving model at lead times greater than 18 h. The two UM configuration experiments had notably similar solutions that, despite competitive aggregate skill, had large errors in the diurnal convective cycle.

Free access