Western boundary currents (WBCs) under no-slip boundary conditions tend to separate from the coast prematurely (without reaching the intergyre boundary) and form eastward jets. This study theoretically considers the meridional structure and location of a prematurely separated WBC extension jet using a two-layer quasigeostrophic model. Assuming homogenized potential vorticity (PV) regions on both sides of and below the jet, we constructed a simple model for the meridional profiles of the zonal flows in the western subtropical gyre. This work clarifies that the meridional structure can be determined if two variables, such as the strength of the PV front (difference in PV across the jet) and the value of the streamfunction at the jet’s center, are given in addition to the meridional profile of the Sverdrup zonal flow and the vertical stratification. The zonal velocity profiles in both layers agreed well with those obtained by numerical experiments. When the jet is close to the intergyre boundary, the meridional location of the jet depends only on the front’s strength. When the northern recirculation gyre is detached from the intergyre boundary and the local wind effect on the jet is negligible, comparisons with the numerical experiments suggest that the jet’s central streamline connects to the central streamline of the eastward Sverdrup flow. We also found that a downward Ekman pumping velocity shifts the jet southward.
Western boundary currents (WBCs) under no-slip boundary conditions tend to separate from the coast prematurely (without reaching the intergyre boundary) and form eastward jets. This study theoretically considers the meridional structure and location of a prematurely separated WBC extension jet using a two-layer quasigeostrophic model. Assuming homogenized potential vorticity (PV) regions on both sides of and below the jet, we constructed a simple model for the meridional profiles of the zonal flows in the western subtropical gyre. This work clarifies that the meridional structure can be determined if two variables, such as the strength of the PV front (difference in PV across the jet) and the value of the streamfunction at the jet’s center, are given in addition to the meridional profile of the Sverdrup zonal flow and the vertical stratification. The zonal velocity profiles in both layers agreed well with those obtained by numerical experiments. When the jet is close to the intergyre boundary, the meridional location of the jet depends only on the front’s strength. When the northern recirculation gyre is detached from the intergyre boundary and the local wind effect on the jet is negligible, comparisons with the numerical experiments suggest that the jet’s central streamline connects to the central streamline of the eastward Sverdrup flow. We also found that a downward Ekman pumping velocity shifts the jet southward.
We use salinity observations from drifters and moorings at the Quinault River mouth to investigate mixing and stratification in a surf-zone-trapped river plume. We quantify mixing based on the rate of change of salinity DS/Dt in the drifters’ quasi-Lagrangian reference frame. We estimate a constant value of the vertical eddy diffusivity of salt of Kz = (2.2 ± 0.6) × 10−3 m2 s−1, based on the relationship between vertically integrated DS/Dt and stratification, with values as high as 1 × 10−2 m2 s−1 when stratification is low. Mixing, quantified as DS/Dt, is directly correlated to surf-zone stratification, and is therefore modulated by changes in stratification caused by tidal variability in freshwater volume flux. High DS/Dt is observed when the near-surface stratification is high and salinity gradients are collocated with wave-breaking turbulence. We observe a transition from low stratification and low DS/Dt at low tidal stage to high stratification and high DS/Dt at high tidal stage. Observed wave-breaking turbulence does not change significantly with stratification, tidal stage, or offshore wave height; as a result, we observe no relationship between plume mixing and offshore wave height for the range of conditions sampled. Thus, plume mixing in the surf zone is altered by changes in stratification; these are due to tidal variability in freshwater flux from the river and not wave conditions, presumably because depth-limited wave breaking causes sufficient turbulence for mixing to occur during all observed conditions.
Significance Statement
River outflows are important sources of pollutants, sediment, and nutrients to the coastal ocean. Small rivers often meet large breaking waves in the surf zone close to shore, trapping river water and river-borne material near the beach. Such trapped material can influence coastal public health, beach morphology, and nearshore ecology. This study investigates how trapped fresh river water mixes with salty ocean water in the presence of large breaking waves by using high-resolution measurements of waves, salinity, and turbulence. We find that the surf zone is often fresh and stratified, which could have significant implications for the fate of riverine material. Wave breaking provides a constant source of turbulence, and the amount of mixing is limited by the degree of vertical salt stratification; more mixing occurs when stratification is higher.
We use salinity observations from drifters and moorings at the Quinault River mouth to investigate mixing and stratification in a surf-zone-trapped river plume. We quantify mixing based on the rate of change of salinity DS/Dt in the drifters’ quasi-Lagrangian reference frame. We estimate a constant value of the vertical eddy diffusivity of salt of Kz = (2.2 ± 0.6) × 10−3 m2 s−1, based on the relationship between vertically integrated DS/Dt and stratification, with values as high as 1 × 10−2 m2 s−1 when stratification is low. Mixing, quantified as DS/Dt, is directly correlated to surf-zone stratification, and is therefore modulated by changes in stratification caused by tidal variability in freshwater volume flux. High DS/Dt is observed when the near-surface stratification is high and salinity gradients are collocated with wave-breaking turbulence. We observe a transition from low stratification and low DS/Dt at low tidal stage to high stratification and high DS/Dt at high tidal stage. Observed wave-breaking turbulence does not change significantly with stratification, tidal stage, or offshore wave height; as a result, we observe no relationship between plume mixing and offshore wave height for the range of conditions sampled. Thus, plume mixing in the surf zone is altered by changes in stratification; these are due to tidal variability in freshwater flux from the river and not wave conditions, presumably because depth-limited wave breaking causes sufficient turbulence for mixing to occur during all observed conditions.
Significance Statement
River outflows are important sources of pollutants, sediment, and nutrients to the coastal ocean. Small rivers often meet large breaking waves in the surf zone close to shore, trapping river water and river-borne material near the beach. Such trapped material can influence coastal public health, beach morphology, and nearshore ecology. This study investigates how trapped fresh river water mixes with salty ocean water in the presence of large breaking waves by using high-resolution measurements of waves, salinity, and turbulence. We find that the surf zone is often fresh and stratified, which could have significant implications for the fate of riverine material. Wave breaking provides a constant source of turbulence, and the amount of mixing is limited by the degree of vertical salt stratification; more mixing occurs when stratification is higher.
The influence of a large-scale circulation (LSC) in a marginal sea on a hysteresis western boundary current (WBC) flowing across a gap is studied using a nonlinear 1.5-layer ocean model. Results show that both single-gyre LSC and double-gyre LSC are able to induce the critical-state WBC transition from the eddy-shedding regime to the leaping regime, while only double-gyre LSC is able to induce the critical-state WBC transition from the leaping regime to the eddy-shedding regime. The dynamics of WBC transition suggests that the meridional advection enhanced by the perturbation of the LSC is responsible for the regime shift from penetration to leap and that the meridional advection reduced by the perturbation of the LSC is responsible for the regime shift from leap to penetration. We also present the parameter space of the critical LSC that can induce the regime shift of WBC far away from the critical state. When the WBC is in the eddy-shedding regime, the critical strength of the single-gyre LSC increases as the WBC transport decreases regardless of the island’s presence in the gap. The critical strength of the double-gyre LSC increases as the WBC transport decreases in the no-island case, while the critical parameter increases as the WBC transport at first decreases and then increases in the island case. When the WBC is in the leaping regime, the critical strength of the double-gyre LSC increases as the WBC transport increases. These results help to explain the observed fact that the Kuroshio flows across the Luzon Strait in the leaping regime or the penetrating regime.
The influence of a large-scale circulation (LSC) in a marginal sea on a hysteresis western boundary current (WBC) flowing across a gap is studied using a nonlinear 1.5-layer ocean model. Results show that both single-gyre LSC and double-gyre LSC are able to induce the critical-state WBC transition from the eddy-shedding regime to the leaping regime, while only double-gyre LSC is able to induce the critical-state WBC transition from the leaping regime to the eddy-shedding regime. The dynamics of WBC transition suggests that the meridional advection enhanced by the perturbation of the LSC is responsible for the regime shift from penetration to leap and that the meridional advection reduced by the perturbation of the LSC is responsible for the regime shift from leap to penetration. We also present the parameter space of the critical LSC that can induce the regime shift of WBC far away from the critical state. When the WBC is in the eddy-shedding regime, the critical strength of the single-gyre LSC increases as the WBC transport decreases regardless of the island’s presence in the gap. The critical strength of the double-gyre LSC increases as the WBC transport decreases in the no-island case, while the critical parameter increases as the WBC transport at first decreases and then increases in the island case. When the WBC is in the leaping regime, the critical strength of the double-gyre LSC increases as the WBC transport increases. These results help to explain the observed fact that the Kuroshio flows across the Luzon Strait in the leaping regime or the penetrating regime.
Ocean bottom pressure pB is an important oceanic variable that is dynamically related to the abyssal ocean circulation through geostrophy. In this study we examine the seasonal pB variability in the North Pacific Ocean by analyzing satellite gravimetric observations from the GRACE program and a data-assimilated ocean-state estimate from ECCOv4. The seasonal pB variability is characterized by alternations of low and high anomalies among three regions, the subpolar and subtropical basins as well as the equatorial region. A linear two-layer wind-driven model is used to examine forcing mechanisms and topographic effects on seasonal pB variations. The model control run, which uses a realistic topography, is able to simulate a basinwide seasonal pB variability that is remarkably similar to that from GRACE and ECCOv4. Since the model is driven by wind stress alone, the good model–data agreement indicates that wind stress is the leading forcing for seasonal changes in pB . An additional model simulation was conducted by setting the water depth uniformly at 5000 m. The magnitude of seasonal pB anomaly is amplified significantly in the flat-bottom simulation as compared with that in the control run. The difference can be explained in terms of the topographic Sverdrup balance. In addition, the spatial pattern of the seasonal pB variability is also profoundly affected by topography especially on continental margins, ridges, and trenches. Such differences are due to topographic effects on the propagation pathways of Rossby waves.
Ocean bottom pressure pB is an important oceanic variable that is dynamically related to the abyssal ocean circulation through geostrophy. In this study we examine the seasonal pB variability in the North Pacific Ocean by analyzing satellite gravimetric observations from the GRACE program and a data-assimilated ocean-state estimate from ECCOv4. The seasonal pB variability is characterized by alternations of low and high anomalies among three regions, the subpolar and subtropical basins as well as the equatorial region. A linear two-layer wind-driven model is used to examine forcing mechanisms and topographic effects on seasonal pB variations. The model control run, which uses a realistic topography, is able to simulate a basinwide seasonal pB variability that is remarkably similar to that from GRACE and ECCOv4. Since the model is driven by wind stress alone, the good model–data agreement indicates that wind stress is the leading forcing for seasonal changes in pB . An additional model simulation was conducted by setting the water depth uniformly at 5000 m. The magnitude of seasonal pB anomaly is amplified significantly in the flat-bottom simulation as compared with that in the control run. The difference can be explained in terms of the topographic Sverdrup balance. In addition, the spatial pattern of the seasonal pB variability is also profoundly affected by topography especially on continental margins, ridges, and trenches. Such differences are due to topographic effects on the propagation pathways of Rossby waves.
In this study, modifications of the Held scaling (Held) are proposed and tested against simulations of f-plane, two-layer quasigeostrophic turbulence. The aim is to better constrain the eddy mixing length and rms barotropic velocity in response to varied quadratic and linear bottom drag. The proposed modifications allow eddies to be partially barotropized, to relax the commonly invoked barotropization approximation, and consider a drag-dependent cascade rate per energy input, to account for the lack of an inertial range. Quantitative comparisons with the vortex gas scaling are also carried out. It is shown that the progressively weakened sensitivity in eddy scales to increased drag strength is mainly a result of eddy partial barotropization. For both drag forms except toward the limit of weak linear drag, accounting for partial barotropization alone leads to good predictions of eddy velocity, although not of mixing length. It also partly resolves the degeneracy of balance constraints for linear drag because partial barotropization acts like scale-dependent damping. Adding a cascade correction, which is interpreted as allowing for changes in spectral room for cascade, further improves the mixing length representation. Overall, the proposed theory can augment the existing scalings by extending the eddy scale predictions to O(1) quadratic drag and has skills generally comparable to the vortex gas scaling for linear drag. However, toward the weak linear drag limit where eddies approach complete barotropization, the proposed theory breaks down but the vortex gas performs well. Potential issues concerning the applicability of vortex gas to this limit are discussed.
In this study, modifications of the Held scaling (Held) are proposed and tested against simulations of f-plane, two-layer quasigeostrophic turbulence. The aim is to better constrain the eddy mixing length and rms barotropic velocity in response to varied quadratic and linear bottom drag. The proposed modifications allow eddies to be partially barotropized, to relax the commonly invoked barotropization approximation, and consider a drag-dependent cascade rate per energy input, to account for the lack of an inertial range. Quantitative comparisons with the vortex gas scaling are also carried out. It is shown that the progressively weakened sensitivity in eddy scales to increased drag strength is mainly a result of eddy partial barotropization. For both drag forms except toward the limit of weak linear drag, accounting for partial barotropization alone leads to good predictions of eddy velocity, although not of mixing length. It also partly resolves the degeneracy of balance constraints for linear drag because partial barotropization acts like scale-dependent damping. Adding a cascade correction, which is interpreted as allowing for changes in spectral room for cascade, further improves the mixing length representation. Overall, the proposed theory can augment the existing scalings by extending the eddy scale predictions to O(1) quadratic drag and has skills generally comparable to the vortex gas scaling for linear drag. However, toward the weak linear drag limit where eddies approach complete barotropization, the proposed theory breaks down but the vortex gas performs well. Potential issues concerning the applicability of vortex gas to this limit are discussed.
Observations from Coastal Data Information Program (CDIP) moored buoys off the coast of Florida reveal tidally driven wave–current interactions that modify significant wave heights by up to 25% and shift peak periods by up to a second. A case study at Fernandina Beach, Florida, shows surface waves steepening on following tidal currents and becoming less steep on opposing tidal currents, with the largest modulations occurring in the long-period swell band. To better understand tidal modulations as a function of the phase of the tide, we use simplified analytical and numerical solutions to the equations of geometrical optics and conservation of wave action under the assumption of a one-dimensional tide acting as a progressive shallow-water wave. The theoretical frameworks allow us to identify parameters that characterize the magnitude of variation in surface waves due to tidally induced currents and changes in water depth. We compute modulations to the omnidirectional and directional wave spectrum (between 0.05 and 0.15 Hz), as well as characteristic bulk parameters such as significant wave height and peak period. The theory is corroborated using directional wave and surface current observations from the Fernandina Beach CDIP station (located in water of average depth of 16 m). We find that the numerical results reproduce the observed wave modulations due to tidal currents and changes in water depth. Specifically, surface waves traveling in the direction of the tide are strongly modulated, and the relative speeds between the tide and surface waves set the sign and magnitude of these modulations. Given knowledge of tidal currents, water-depth variations, and wave climatology, theoretical and numerical predictions may be used to provide both statistical and instantaneous estimates of wave-height variations due to tides. Because operational forecasts and nowcasts do not routinely include tides or currents, these findings can help to accurately represent nearshore surface wave variability.
Observations from Coastal Data Information Program (CDIP) moored buoys off the coast of Florida reveal tidally driven wave–current interactions that modify significant wave heights by up to 25% and shift peak periods by up to a second. A case study at Fernandina Beach, Florida, shows surface waves steepening on following tidal currents and becoming less steep on opposing tidal currents, with the largest modulations occurring in the long-period swell band. To better understand tidal modulations as a function of the phase of the tide, we use simplified analytical and numerical solutions to the equations of geometrical optics and conservation of wave action under the assumption of a one-dimensional tide acting as a progressive shallow-water wave. The theoretical frameworks allow us to identify parameters that characterize the magnitude of variation in surface waves due to tidally induced currents and changes in water depth. We compute modulations to the omnidirectional and directional wave spectrum (between 0.05 and 0.15 Hz), as well as characteristic bulk parameters such as significant wave height and peak period. The theory is corroborated using directional wave and surface current observations from the Fernandina Beach CDIP station (located in water of average depth of 16 m). We find that the numerical results reproduce the observed wave modulations due to tidal currents and changes in water depth. Specifically, surface waves traveling in the direction of the tide are strongly modulated, and the relative speeds between the tide and surface waves set the sign and magnitude of these modulations. Given knowledge of tidal currents, water-depth variations, and wave climatology, theoretical and numerical predictions may be used to provide both statistical and instantaneous estimates of wave-height variations due to tides. Because operational forecasts and nowcasts do not routinely include tides or currents, these findings can help to accurately represent nearshore surface wave variability.
Deep ocean passages are advantageous sites for long-term monitoring of deep transport and other physical properties relevant to climate. Rotating hydraulic theory provides potential for simplifying monitoring strategy by reducing the number of quantities that need to be measured. However, the applicability of these theories has been limited by idealizations such as restriction to zero or uniform potential vorticity (pv) and to channels with rectangular cross sections. Here the relationship between the flow characteristics in a canonical sea strait and its upstream condition is studied using uniform pv rotating hydraulic theory and a reduced-gravity shallow-water numerical model that allows for variation in pv. The paper is focused mainly on the sensitivity of the hydraulic solution to the strait geometry. We study the dynamics of channels with continuously varying (parabolic) cross sections to account for the rounded nature of sea-strait topographies and potentially improve monitoring strategies for realistic channel geometries. The results show that far enough from the channel entrance, the hydraulically controlled flow in the strait is insensitive to the basin circulation regardless of parabolic curvature. The controlled transport relation is derived for the case of uniform pv theory. Comparing the model to theory, we find that the measurement of the wetted edges of the interface height at the critical section can be used to estimate the volume flux. Based on this finding, we suggest three monitoring strategies for transport estimation and compare the estimates with the observed values at the Faroe Bank Channel. The results showed that the estimated transports are within the range of observed values.
Significance Statement
The paper investigates the relationship between the flow characteristics in an idealized sea strait and its upstream condition using rotating hydraulic theory and numerical modeling. We study the dynamics of channels with continuously varying (parabolic) cross sections to account for the rounded nature of sea-strait topographies and potentially improve monitoring strategies for realistic channel geometries. We suggest three monitoring strategies for transport estimation and apply the methods to the Faroe Bank Channel. Our estimates of dense water transport are within the range of observed values. This is significant, because the suggested monitoring strategies only require 1–3 measurements to estimate the transport at a given passage and can be used to guide observing systems.
Deep ocean passages are advantageous sites for long-term monitoring of deep transport and other physical properties relevant to climate. Rotating hydraulic theory provides potential for simplifying monitoring strategy by reducing the number of quantities that need to be measured. However, the applicability of these theories has been limited by idealizations such as restriction to zero or uniform potential vorticity (pv) and to channels with rectangular cross sections. Here the relationship between the flow characteristics in a canonical sea strait and its upstream condition is studied using uniform pv rotating hydraulic theory and a reduced-gravity shallow-water numerical model that allows for variation in pv. The paper is focused mainly on the sensitivity of the hydraulic solution to the strait geometry. We study the dynamics of channels with continuously varying (parabolic) cross sections to account for the rounded nature of sea-strait topographies and potentially improve monitoring strategies for realistic channel geometries. The results show that far enough from the channel entrance, the hydraulically controlled flow in the strait is insensitive to the basin circulation regardless of parabolic curvature. The controlled transport relation is derived for the case of uniform pv theory. Comparing the model to theory, we find that the measurement of the wetted edges of the interface height at the critical section can be used to estimate the volume flux. Based on this finding, we suggest three monitoring strategies for transport estimation and compare the estimates with the observed values at the Faroe Bank Channel. The results showed that the estimated transports are within the range of observed values.
Significance Statement
The paper investigates the relationship between the flow characteristics in an idealized sea strait and its upstream condition using rotating hydraulic theory and numerical modeling. We study the dynamics of channels with continuously varying (parabolic) cross sections to account for the rounded nature of sea-strait topographies and potentially improve monitoring strategies for realistic channel geometries. We suggest three monitoring strategies for transport estimation and apply the methods to the Faroe Bank Channel. Our estimates of dense water transport are within the range of observed values. This is significant, because the suggested monitoring strategies only require 1–3 measurements to estimate the transport at a given passage and can be used to guide observing systems.
High-frequency observations of surface winds over the open ocean are available only at limited locations. However, these observations are essential for assessing atmospheric influences on the ocean, validating reanalysis products, and building parameterization schemes. By analyzing high-frequency measurements from the Global Tropical Moored Buoy Array, the effects of subdaily winds on the mean surface wind stress magnitude are systematically examined. Subdaily winds account for 12.4% of the total stress magnitude on average. The contribution is enhanced over the intertropical convergence zone and reaches a maximum (28.5%) in the equatorial western Pacific. The magnitude of the contribution is primarily determined by the kinetic energy of subdaily winds. Compared to the buoy observations, the ERA5 and MERRA2 subdaily winds underestimate this contribution by 51% and 63% due to underestimations of subdaily kinetic energy, leading to 7% and 8% underestimations in the total stress magnitude, respectively. Two new gustiness parameterization schemes related to precipitation are developed to account for the effect of subdaily winds, explaining ∼80% of the contribution from subdaily winds. Considering the importance of wind stress for ocean–atmosphere interactions, the inclusion of these parameterization schemes in climate models is expected to substantially improve simulations of large-scale climate variability.
Significance Statement
Surface wind stress drives upper-ocean circulation, which is critical for the redistribution of mass, momentum, and energy in the ocean. Moreover, it is one of the key factors controlling oceanic turbulent mixing and therefore has significant impacts on the distribution of temperature, salinity, and associated ocean variability. Using high-resolution buoy observations, this study highlights the importance of subdaily winds for integrated wind stress estimates. In addition, it finds that current state-of-the-art and widely used reanalysis products largely underestimate the effect of subdaily winds. Two new parameterization schemes are developed, leading to a better representation of the effect of subdaily winds. Including the proposed parameterization schemes in climate models is expected to substantially improve their simulations of large-scale climate variability.
High-frequency observations of surface winds over the open ocean are available only at limited locations. However, these observations are essential for assessing atmospheric influences on the ocean, validating reanalysis products, and building parameterization schemes. By analyzing high-frequency measurements from the Global Tropical Moored Buoy Array, the effects of subdaily winds on the mean surface wind stress magnitude are systematically examined. Subdaily winds account for 12.4% of the total stress magnitude on average. The contribution is enhanced over the intertropical convergence zone and reaches a maximum (28.5%) in the equatorial western Pacific. The magnitude of the contribution is primarily determined by the kinetic energy of subdaily winds. Compared to the buoy observations, the ERA5 and MERRA2 subdaily winds underestimate this contribution by 51% and 63% due to underestimations of subdaily kinetic energy, leading to 7% and 8% underestimations in the total stress magnitude, respectively. Two new gustiness parameterization schemes related to precipitation are developed to account for the effect of subdaily winds, explaining ∼80% of the contribution from subdaily winds. Considering the importance of wind stress for ocean–atmosphere interactions, the inclusion of these parameterization schemes in climate models is expected to substantially improve simulations of large-scale climate variability.
Significance Statement
Surface wind stress drives upper-ocean circulation, which is critical for the redistribution of mass, momentum, and energy in the ocean. Moreover, it is one of the key factors controlling oceanic turbulent mixing and therefore has significant impacts on the distribution of temperature, salinity, and associated ocean variability. Using high-resolution buoy observations, this study highlights the importance of subdaily winds for integrated wind stress estimates. In addition, it finds that current state-of-the-art and widely used reanalysis products largely underestimate the effect of subdaily winds. Two new parameterization schemes are developed, leading to a better representation of the effect of subdaily winds. Including the proposed parameterization schemes in climate models is expected to substantially improve their simulations of large-scale climate variability.
Glacial fjord circulation modulates the connection between marine-terminating glaciers and the ocean currents offshore. These fjords exhibit a complex 3D circulation with overturning and horizontal recirculation components, which are both primarily driven by water mass transformation at the head of the fjord via subglacial discharge plumes and distributed meltwater plumes. However, little is known about the 3D circulation in realistic fjord geometries. In this study, we present high-resolution numerical simulations of three glacial fjords (Ilulissat, Sermilik, and Kangerdlugssuaq), which exhibit along-fjord overturning circulations similar to previous studies. However, one important new phenomenon that deviates from previous results is the emergence of multiple standing eddies in each of the simulated fjords, as a result of realistic fjord geometries. These standing eddies are long-lived, take months to spin up, and prefer locations over the widest regions of deep-water fjords, with some that periodically merge with other eddies. The residence time of Lagrangian particles within these eddies are significantly larger than waters outside of the eddies. These eddies are most significant for two reasons: 1) they account for a majority of the vorticity dissipation required to balance the vorticity generated by discharge and meltwater plume entrainment and act to spin down the overall recirculation and 2) if the eddies prefer locations near the ice face, their azimuthal velocities can significantly increase melt rates. Therefore, the existence of standing eddies is an important factor to consider in glacial fjord circulation and melt rates and should be taken into account in models and observations.
Glacial fjord circulation modulates the connection between marine-terminating glaciers and the ocean currents offshore. These fjords exhibit a complex 3D circulation with overturning and horizontal recirculation components, which are both primarily driven by water mass transformation at the head of the fjord via subglacial discharge plumes and distributed meltwater plumes. However, little is known about the 3D circulation in realistic fjord geometries. In this study, we present high-resolution numerical simulations of three glacial fjords (Ilulissat, Sermilik, and Kangerdlugssuaq), which exhibit along-fjord overturning circulations similar to previous studies. However, one important new phenomenon that deviates from previous results is the emergence of multiple standing eddies in each of the simulated fjords, as a result of realistic fjord geometries. These standing eddies are long-lived, take months to spin up, and prefer locations over the widest regions of deep-water fjords, with some that periodically merge with other eddies. The residence time of Lagrangian particles within these eddies are significantly larger than waters outside of the eddies. These eddies are most significant for two reasons: 1) they account for a majority of the vorticity dissipation required to balance the vorticity generated by discharge and meltwater plume entrainment and act to spin down the overall recirculation and 2) if the eddies prefer locations near the ice face, their azimuthal velocities can significantly increase melt rates. Therefore, the existence of standing eddies is an important factor to consider in glacial fjord circulation and melt rates and should be taken into account in models and observations.
Subsurface eddies are a special type of oceanic eddy that display the maximum velocity in the subsurface layer. Based on field observations, a lens-shaped subsurface anticyclonic eddy (SAE) was detected in the northern South China Sea (SCS) in May 2021. The SAE was located between 20 and 200 m, with a shoaling of the seasonal thermocline and deepening of the main thermocline. Satellite images showed that the SAE exhibited positive sea level anomaly (SLA) and negative sea surface temperature (SST) anomaly. Eddy track indicated that this SAE originated from the Luzon Strait and was generated in the Kuroshio Loop Current (KLC) last winter. The evolution of the SAE was related to the anomalous water properties inside the eddy and the seasonal change of sea surface heat flux. In winter, the continuous surface cooling and Kuroshio intrusion led to a cold, salty core in the upper part of the anticyclonic eddy, which resulted in a subsurface-intensified structure through geostrophic adjustment. As the season changed from winter to spring, sea surface temperature increased. The lens-shaped structure was formed when the seasonal thermocline appeared near the surface that capped the winter well-mixed water inside the eddy. From 1993 to 2021, nearly half of the winter KLC shedding eddies (12/25) survived to late spring and evolved into subsurface lens-shaped structures. This result indicates that the transition of KLC shedding eddy to SAE is a common phenomenon in the northern SCS, which is potentially important for local air–sea interaction, heat–salt balance, and biogeochemical processes.
Significance Statement
Subsurface eddies are lens-shaped eddies with anomalous water properties in the subsurface layer. While such eddies have been reported in many regions of the World Ocean, they are poorly investigated in the SCS, especially the periodic subsurface eddies that appear in a fixed time frame with similar patterns and trajectories. This study reported a subsurface anticyclonic eddy (SAE) in the northern SCS and elucidated its generation and evolution processes. Statistical results confirm that this is a periodic SAE, which occurs nearly annually in late spring and evolves from the Kuroshio shedding eddy with seasonal changes. This study provides a new perspective on the evolution of subsurface eddies in the SCS and will benefit targeted observations in the future.
Subsurface eddies are a special type of oceanic eddy that display the maximum velocity in the subsurface layer. Based on field observations, a lens-shaped subsurface anticyclonic eddy (SAE) was detected in the northern South China Sea (SCS) in May 2021. The SAE was located between 20 and 200 m, with a shoaling of the seasonal thermocline and deepening of the main thermocline. Satellite images showed that the SAE exhibited positive sea level anomaly (SLA) and negative sea surface temperature (SST) anomaly. Eddy track indicated that this SAE originated from the Luzon Strait and was generated in the Kuroshio Loop Current (KLC) last winter. The evolution of the SAE was related to the anomalous water properties inside the eddy and the seasonal change of sea surface heat flux. In winter, the continuous surface cooling and Kuroshio intrusion led to a cold, salty core in the upper part of the anticyclonic eddy, which resulted in a subsurface-intensified structure through geostrophic adjustment. As the season changed from winter to spring, sea surface temperature increased. The lens-shaped structure was formed when the seasonal thermocline appeared near the surface that capped the winter well-mixed water inside the eddy. From 1993 to 2021, nearly half of the winter KLC shedding eddies (12/25) survived to late spring and evolved into subsurface lens-shaped structures. This result indicates that the transition of KLC shedding eddy to SAE is a common phenomenon in the northern SCS, which is potentially important for local air–sea interaction, heat–salt balance, and biogeochemical processes.
Significance Statement
Subsurface eddies are lens-shaped eddies with anomalous water properties in the subsurface layer. While such eddies have been reported in many regions of the World Ocean, they are poorly investigated in the SCS, especially the periodic subsurface eddies that appear in a fixed time frame with similar patterns and trajectories. This study reported a subsurface anticyclonic eddy (SAE) in the northern SCS and elucidated its generation and evolution processes. Statistical results confirm that this is a periodic SAE, which occurs nearly annually in late spring and evolves from the Kuroshio shedding eddy with seasonal changes. This study provides a new perspective on the evolution of subsurface eddies in the SCS and will benefit targeted observations in the future.