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Coralie E. Adams
Luis Garcia-Carreras


The Congo Basin is severely understudied compared to other tropical regions; this is partly due to the lack of meteorological stations and the ubiquitous cloudiness hampering the use of remote sensing products. Clustering of small-scale agricultural deforestation events within the basin may result in deforestation on scales that are atmospherically important. This study uses 500-m MODIS data and the Global Forest Change dataset (GFC) to detect deforestation at a monthly and subkilometer scale and to quantify how deforestation impacts vegetation proxies (VPs) within the basin, the time scales over which these changes persist, and how they are affected by the deforestation driver. Missing MODIS data meant that a new method, based on two-date image differencing, was developed to detect deforestation on a monthly scale. Evaluation against the yearly GFC data shows that the highest detection rate was 79% for clearing sizes larger than 500 m2. Recovery to predeforestation levels occurred faster than expected; analysis of postdeforestation evolution of the VPs found 66% of locations recovered within a year. Separation by land-cover type also showed unexpected regrowth, as over 50% of rural complex and plantation land recovered within a year. The fallow period in the study region was typically short; by the sixth year after the initial deforestation event, ∼88% of the locations underwent a further considerable drop. These results show the importance of fine spatial and temporal information to assess Congo Basin deforestation and highlight the large differences in the impacts of land-use change compared to other rain forests.

Open access
Adrienne M. Wootten
Elinor Martin
Charles R. Randklev
, and
Ryan Smith


Riverine ecosystems are dependent in large part on the climate of the region, and climate change is expected to alter climatic factors of interest, such as precipitation, temperature, and evapotranspiration. In central Texas, precipitation is expected to decrease while temperature increases as the climate changes. Drought and flooding events are also expected to increase in the region, which will also affect streamflow and stream temperature in riverine ecosystems. Numerous studies have assessed the potential impacts of climate change on riverine species. This study examines the projected climate changes, determines potential changes in streamflow and stream temperature for river basins in central Texas, and assesses the appropriate uses of climate projections for riverine species impact assessments, using the Texas fatmucket (Lampsilis bracteata) as a case study. Previously established regression methods were used to produce projections of streamflow and stream temperature. This study finds that streamflow is projected to decrease and stream temperature is projected to increase. Using thermal tolerance thresholds previously determined for the Lampsilis bracteata, this study also finds that the lethal temperature events for the Lampsilis bracteata will increase. This study makes several recommendations on the use of downscaled climate projections for impact assessments for riverine species such as the Lampsilis bracteata.

Open access
Vasubandhu Misra
Shubham Dixit
, and
C. B. Jayasankar


In this paper, we introduce a novel strategy to robustly diagnose the onset and demise of the rainy season using daily observed rainfall over seven specific regions across Australia, as demarcated by the Natural Resource Management (NRM) agency of Australia. The methodology lies in developing an ensemble spread of the diagnosed onset and demise from randomly perturbing the observed daily time series of rainfall at synoptic scales to obtain a measure of the uncertainty of the diagnosis. Our results indicate that the spread of the ensemble in the diagnosis of the onset and demise dates of the rainy season is higher in the subtropical region than the tropical region. Secular change of earlier onset, later demise, longer length, and wetter season are also identified in many of these regions. The influence of the PDO at decadal scale, ENSO and Indian Ocean dipole at interannual scale, and MJO at intraseasonal scale also reveals significant influence on the evolution of the rainy season over these regions in Australia. Most important, the covariability of the onset date with the length of the season and seasonal rainfall anomaly of the season is highlighted as a valuable relationship that can be exploited for real-time monitoring and providing an outlook of the forthcoming rainy season, which could serve some of the NRM regions.

Significance Statement

We document the rainfall variability during the rainy season over tropical, subtropical, and semiarid regions of Australia and relate them to modes of climate variability spanning from intraseasonal to secular time scales. The study highlights the varied influence of the modes of climate variability on various aspects of the evolution of the rainy season, such as its onset and demise dates and the seasonal rainfall anomaly over these Australian regions. The study uses 114 years of data and shows that the variations in the length of the rainy season and its seasonal rainfall anomaly are strongly dictated by variations of rainy-season onset date. This provides a quick seasonal outlook of the forthcoming rainy season by just monitoring the onset-date evolution in these regions.

Open access
Abdulghani Swesi
Yusri Yusup
Mardiana Idayu Ahmad
Haitem M. Almdhun
Ehsan Jolous Jamshidi
Muhammad Fikri Sigid
Anis Ibrahim
, and
John Stephen Kayode


Carbon dioxide (CO2) flux from Earth’s surface is a critical component of the global carbon budget, and the ocean surface is a significant CO2 source and sink. The tropical coast absorbs CO2 due to phytoplankton abundance and the all-year availability of photosynthetically active radiation. However, the role of the tropical coastal ocean in the global carbon budget is uncertain because of its underrepresentation in the literature. This study is the first to describe the variations of long-term CO2 flux in the tropical coast on monthly and annual scales using the eddy covariance method and remote sensing data. The 5-yr average of the CO2 flux is −0.089 ± 0.024 mmol m−2 day−1, which indicates that it is a moderate carbon sink. The results show that the CO2 flux varied seasonally: the fall transitional, southwest, spring transitional, and northeast monsoons partitioned the flux into three phases: increasing, stable, and decreasing. The rising and falling stages can be identified by the erratic behavior of the flux, whereas the stable phase’s fluxes were relatively constant. The environmental parameters that regulated CO2 flux were chlorophyll a, sea surface temperatures, wind, and atmospheric stability, which modulated the CO2 flux on the monthly time scale. Wavelet analysis corroborated the finding and revealed the role of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) on CO2 flux through El Niño–Southern Oscillation. On the monthly time scale, sea surface temperature only slightly affected the fluxes, unlike chlorophyll a, but temperature’s control on the flux became more apparent on the yearly time scale. These findings help us to understand the monthly and yearly controls of CO2 flux and could contribute to developing models for predicting the flux on the tropical coast.

Open access
John C. Risley
Christian Zammit


Air temperature and precipitation outputs from 10 CMIP6 GCMs were input to the Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System hydrologic model to evaluate water and energy responses in three headwater basins to projected climate change over the twenty-first century. The headwater basins (398–801 km2) are located within the Mataura River basin in the South Island of New Zealand. CMIP6 datasets included two emission scenarios [shared socioeconomic pathways (SSPs) SSP2-4.5 and SSP5-8.5]. Half of the 10 GCMs selected in the study have equilibrium climate sensitivity (ECS) values above 4.5°C, which has been considered the upper end of equilibrium climate sensitivity. Modeling results included increased annual air temperature, evapotranspiration, and precipitation by the end of the twenty-first century for both SSP emissions scenarios, both high- and low-ECS GCMs, and all three headwater basins. Monthly precipitation and evapotranspiration totals also increased for all or most months. Monthly streamflow changes generally corresponded with monthly precipitation changes. Snowpack decreased significantly in depth and seasonal duration in all basins. However, streamflow increased for all SSP and ECS groups and basins because increased precipitation was consistently greater than increased evapotranspiration losses. Sources of uncertainty include the GCMs, climate sensitivity, downscaling, bias adjustment, emission scenarios, and the hydrologic model. Simulated hydrologic responses based on climate data from GCMs with ECS values of greater than 4.5°C could be less plausible since previous studies have suggested true ECS ranges from 1.5° to 4.5°C.

Open access
Shannon A. Nelson
Paul W. Miller


Despite prompting persistent meteorological changes, severe defoliation following a tropical cyclone (TC) landfall has received relatively little attention and is largely overlooked within hurricane preparedness and recovery planning. Changes to near-track vegetation can modify evapotranspiration for months after tropical cyclone passage, thereby altering boundary layer moisture and energy fluxes that drive the local water cycle. This study seeks to understand potential spatial and temporal changes in defoliation-driven meteorological conditions using Hurricane Michael (2018) as a testbed. In this sensitivity study, two Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model simulations, a normal-landscape and a post-TC scenario, are compared to determine how a defoliation scar placed along Michael’s path alters surface heat fluxes, temperature, relative humidity, and precipitation near the storm’s track. In the month following the foliage reduction, WRF resolves a 0.7°C 2-m temperature increase, with the greatest changes occurring at night. Meanwhile, the simulations produce changes to the sensible and latent heat fluxes of +8.3 and −13.9 W m−2, respectively, while average relative humidity decreases from 73% to 70.1%. Although the accumulated precipitation in the defoliated simulation was larger along a narrow corridor paralleling and downwind of the hurricane track, neither simulation satisfactorily replicated post-Michael precipitation patterns as recorded by NCEP Stage IV QPE, casting doubt as to whether the downwind enhancement was exclusively due to the defoliation scar. This sensitivity analysis provides insight into the types of changes that may be possible following rapid and widespread defoliation during a TC landfall.

Open access
Samuel E. Muñoz
Brynnydd Hamilton
, and
B. Parazin


The Mississippi River basin drains nearly one-half of the contiguous United States, and its rivers serve as economic corridors that facilitate trade and transportation. Flooding remains a perennial hazard on the major tributaries of the Mississippi River basin, and reducing the economic and humanitarian consequences of these events depends on improving their seasonal predictability. Here, we use climate reanalysis and river gauge data to document the evolution of floods on the Missouri and Ohio Rivers—the two largest tributaries of the Mississippi River—and how they are influenced by major modes of climate variability centered in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. We show that the largest floods on these tributaries are preceded by the advection and convergence of moisture from the Gulf of Mexico following distinct atmospheric mechanisms, where Missouri River floods are associated with heavy spring and summer precipitation events delivered by the Great Plains low-level jet, whereas Ohio River floods are associated with frontal precipitation events in winter when the North Atlantic subtropical high is anomalously strong. Further, we demonstrate that the El Niño–Southern Oscillation can serve as a precursor for floods on these rivers by mediating antecedent soil moisture, with Missouri River floods often preceded by a warm eastern tropical Pacific (El Niño) and Ohio River floods often preceded by a cool eastern tropical Pacific (La Niña) in the months leading up peak discharge. We also use recent floods in 2019 and 2021 to demonstrate how linking flood hazard to sea surface temperature anomalies holds potential to improve seasonal predictability of hydrologic extremes on these rivers.

Open access
Sonali Shukla McDermid
Ensheng Weng
Michael Puma
Benjamin Cook
Tomislav Hengl
Jonathan Sanderman
Gabrielle J. M. De Lannoy
, and
Igor Aleinov


Most agricultural soils have experienced substantial soil organic carbon losses in time. These losses motivate recent calls to restore organic carbon in agricultural lands to improve biogeochemical cycling and for climate change mitigation. Declines in organic carbon also reduce soil infiltration and water holding capacity, which may have important effects on regional hydrology and climate. To explore the regional hydroclimate impacts of soil organic carbon changes, we conduct new global climate model experiments with NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies ModelE that include spatially explicit soil organic carbon concentrations associated with different human land management scenarios. Compared to a “no land use” case, a year 2010 soil degradation scenario, in which organic carbon content (OCC; weight %) is reduced by a factor of ∼0.12 on average across agricultural soils, resulted in soil moisture losses between 0.5 and 1 temporal standard deviations over eastern Asia, northern Europe, and the eastern United States. In a more extreme idealized scenario where OCC is reduced uniformly by 0.66 across agricultural soils, soil moisture losses exceed one standard deviation in both hemispheres. Within the model, these soil moisture declines occur primarily due to reductions in porosity (and to a lesser extent infiltration) that overall soil water holding capacity. These results demonstrate that changes in soil organic carbon can have meaningful, large-scale effects on regional hydroclimate and should be considered in climate model evaluations and developments. Further, this also suggests that soil restoration efforts targeting the carbon cycle are likely to have additional benefits for improving drought resilience.

Free access
Patrick W. Keys
Rekha Warrier
Ruud J. van der Ent
Kathleen A. Galvin
, and
Randall B. Boone


Achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is contingent on understanding the potential interactions among human and natural systems. In Kenya, the goal of conserving and expanding forest cover to achieve SDG 15 “Life on Land” may be related to other SDGs because it plays a role in regulating some aspects of Kenyan precipitation. We present a 40-yr analysis of the sources of precipitation in Kenya and the fate of the evaporation that arises from within Kenya. Using MERRA-2 climate reanalysis and the Water Accounting Model 2 layers, we examine the annual and seasonal changes in moisture sources and sinks. We find that most of Kenya’s precipitation originates as oceanic evaporation but that 10% of its precipitation originates as evaporation within Kenya. This internal recycling is concentrated in the mountainous and forested Kenyan highlands, with some locations recycling more than 15% of evaporation to Kenyan precipitation. We also find that 75% of Kenyan evaporation falls as precipitation elsewhere over land, including 10% in Kenya, 25% in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and around 5% falling in Tanzania and Uganda. Further, we find a positive relationship between increasing rates of moisture recycling and fractional forest cover within Kenya. By beginning to understand both the seasonal and biophysical interactions taking place, we may begin to understand the types of leverage points that exist for integrated atmospheric water cycle management. These findings have broader implications for disentangling environmental management and conservation and have relevance for large-scale discussions about sustainable development.

Free access
Robyn N. Holmes
Alex Mayer
David S. Gutzler
, and
Luis Garnica Chavira


The middle Rio Grande is a vital source of water for irrigation in the region. Climate change is impacting regional hydrology and is likely to put additional stress on a water supply that is already stretched thin. To gain insight on the hydrologic effects of climate change on reservoir storage, a simple water balance model was used to simulate the Elephant Butte–Caballo Reservoir system (southern New Mexico). The water balance model was forced by hydrologic inputs generated by 97 climate simulations derived from CMIP5 global climate models, coupled to a surface hydrologic model. Results suggest that the percentage of years that reservoir releases satisfy agricultural water rights allocations over the next 50 years (2021–70) will decrease relative to the past 50 years (1971–2020). The modeling also projects an increase in multiyear drought events that hinder reservoir management strategies to maintain high storage levels. In most cases, changes in reservoir inflows from distant upstream snowmelt is projected to have a greater influence on reservoir storage and water availability downstream of the reservoirs than will changes in local evaporation and precipitation from the reservoir surfaces.

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