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Ajitha Cyriac
Amelie Meyer
Helen E. Phillips
, and
Nathaniel L. Bindoff


We characterize the internal wave field at a standing meander of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) where strong winds, bathymetry, and a strong eddy field combine to form a dynamic environment for the generation and dissipation of internal waves. We use Electromagnetic Autonomous Profiling Explorer float data spanning 0–1600 m depth collected from a meander near the Macquarie Ridge, south of Australia. Of the 112 internal waves identified, 69% are associated with upward energy propagation. Most of the upward propagating waves (35%) are found near the Polar Front and are likely generated by mean flow–topography interactions. Generation by wind forcing at the sea surface is likely responsible for more than 40% of the downward propagating waves. Our results highlight advection of the waves and wave–mean flow interactions within the ACC as the dominant processes affecting the wave dynamics. The larger dissipation time scales of the waves compared to advection suggests they are likely to dissipate away from the generation site. We find that about 79% (66%) of the waves in cyclonic eddies (the Subantarctic Front) are influenced by horizontal strain, whereas 92% of the waves in the slower Polar Front are influenced by the relative vorticity of the background flow. There is energy exchange between internal waves and the mean flow, in both directions. The mean energy transfer (1.4 ± 1.0 × 10−11 m2 s−3) is from the mean flow to the waves in all dynamic regions except in anticyclonic eddies. The strongest energy exchange (5.0 ± 3.7 × 10−11 m2 s−3) is associated with waves in cyclonic eddies.

Open access
Louis Clément
E. Frajka-Williams
N. von Oppeln-Bronikowski
I. Goszczko
, and
B. de Young


By ventilating the deep ocean, deep convection in the Labrador Sea plays a crucial role in the climate system. Unfortunately, the mechanisms leading to the cessation of convection and, hence, the mechanisms by which a changing climate might affect deep convection remain unclear. In winter 2020, three autonomous underwater gliders sampled the convective region and both its spatial and temporal boundaries. Both boundaries are characterized by higher subdaily mixed layer depth variability sampled by the gliders than the convective region. At the convection boundaries, buoyant intrusions—including eddies and filaments—instead of atmospheric warming primarily trigger restratification by bringing buoyancy with a comparable contribution from either fresh or warm intrusions. At the edges of these intrusions, submesoscale instabilities, such as symmetric instabilities and mixed layer baroclinic instabilities, seem to contribute to the decay of the intrusions. In winter, enhanced lateral buoyancy gradients are correlated with strong destabilizing surface heat fluxes and alongfront winds. Consequently, winter atmospheric conditions and buoyant intrusions participate in halting convection by triggering restratification while surface fluxes are still destratifying. This study reveals freshwater anomalies in a narrow area offshore of the Labrador Current and near the convective region; this area has received less attention than the more eddy-rich West Greenland Current, but is a potential source of freshwater in closer proximity to the region of deep convection. Freshwater fluxes from the Arctic and Greenland are expected to increase under a changing climate, and our findings suggest that they may play an active role in the restratification of deep convection.

Open access
Carlyn R. Schmidgall
Yidongfang Si
Andrew L. Stewart
Andrew F. Thompson
, and
Andrew McC. Hogg


The export of Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) supplies the bottom cell of the global overturning circulation and plays a key role in regulating climate. This AABW outflow must cross, and is therefore mediated by, the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC). Previous studies present widely varying conceptions of the role of the ACC in directing AABW across the Southern Ocean, suggesting either that AABW may be zonally recirculated by the ACC, or that AABW may flow northward within deep western boundary currents (DWBC) against bathymetry. In this study the authors investigate how the forcing and geometry of the ACC influences the transport and transformation of AABW using a suite of process-oriented model simulations. The model exhibits a strong dependence on the elevation of bathymetry relative to AABW layer thickness: higher meridional ridges suppress zonal AABW exchange, increase the strength of flow in the DWBC, and reduce the meridional variation in AABW density across the ACC. Furthermore, the transport and transformation vary with density within the AABW layer, with denser varieties of AABW being less efficiently transported between basins. These findings indicate that changes in the thickness of the AABW layer, for example, due to changes in Antarctic shelf processes, and tectonic changes in the sea floor shape may alter the pathways and transformation of AABW across the ACC.

Significance Statement

The ocean plays an outsized role in the movement of heat and trace gases around Earth, and the northward export of dense Antarctic Bottom Water is a crucial component of this climate-regulating process. This study aims to understand what sets the pathways of Antarctic Bottom Water as it travels northward across the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, and thus what controls its partitioning between the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific basins. Our results highlight the importance of seafloor elevation relative to the thickness of the Antarctic Bottom Water layer for directing the flow northward versus between basins. This study motivates future investigation of long-term changes in Antarctic Bottom Water properties and their consequences for its global distribution.

Free access
Madeleine K. Youngs
Glenn R. Flierl


The Southern Ocean plays a major role in global air–sea carbon fluxes, with some estimates suggesting it contributes to up to 40% of the oceanic anthropogenic carbon dioxide uptake, despite only comprising about 20% of oceanic surface area. Thus, the Southern Ocean overturning, the circulation that transports tracers between the surface and deep ocean interior, is particularly important for climate. Recent studies show that vertical velocities and tracer transport are largest just downstream of bottom topography; these quantities are related to the overturning, but provide incomplete information about the net Lagrangian transport, usually described with the residual-mean theory in a zonally integrated sense. This study uses an idealized Southern Ocean–like channel model with particle tracking to visualize the thickness-weighted velocities that capture the net overturning transport of a parcel, connecting residual-mean overturning theory to the three-dimensional, localized nature of the overturning. From this, we split the flow into three main drivers of transport: a wind-driven Ekman pumping into or out of a density layer, and standing eddies and transient eddies, both of which are localized near the topography. In this framework, the three-dimensional overturning circulation is not a small residual between the eddy and Eulerian-mean transport. The existence of a ridge weakens the response of the overturning to changes in wind, especially in the lower cell. This local understanding of the overturning framework suggests that careful modeling and sampling of specific regions near topography in the Southern Ocean are vital to understand climate sensitivity, transport, carbon export, and connections with the oceans to the north.

Free access
I. S. Giddy
I. Fer
S. Swart
, and
S.-A. Nicholson


The seasonal warming of Antarctic Winter Water (WW) is a key process that occurs along the path of deep water transformation to intermediate waters. These intermediate waters then enter the upper branch of the circumpolar overturning circulation. Despite its importance, the driving mechanisms that mediate the warming of Antarctic WW remain unknown, and their quantitative evaluation is lacking. Using 38 days of glider measurements of microstructure shear, we characterize the rate of turbulent dissipation and its drivers over a summer season in the northern Weddell Sea. Observed dissipation rates in the surface layer are mainly forced by winds and explained by the stress scaling (r 2 = 0.84). However, mixing to the base of the mixed layer during strong wind events is suppressed by vertical stratification from sea ice melt. Between the WW layer and the warm and saline circumpolar deep water, a subsurface layer of enhanced dissipation is maintained by double-diffusive convection (DDC). We develop a WW layer temperature budget and show that a warming trend (0.2°C over 28 days) is driven by a convergence of heat flux through mechanically driven mixing at the base of the mixed layer and DDC at the base of the WW layer. Notably, excluding the contribution from DDC results in an underestimation of WW warming by 23%, highlighting the importance of adequately representing DDC in ocean models. These results further suggest that an increase in storm intensity and frequency during summer could increase the rate of warming of WW with implications for rates of upper-ocean water mass transformation.

Significance Statement

Around Antarctica, the summer warming of the subsurface cold Antarctic Winter Water feeds the upper layer of the overturning circulation. This study aims to quantify the mechanisms that mediate the warming of Antarctic Winter Water. Our results reveal that the observed warming of this layer can be explained by both surface wind-driven mixing processes as well as double-diffusive convection occurring beneath the Winter Water layer. Understanding the role of these mechanisms is important for understanding the regions upper-ocean heat distribution, the rates of water mass transformation and how they might respond to changes in sea ice, stratification, and the overlying large-scale winds.

Open access
James N. Moum
William D. Smyth
Kenneth G. Hughes
Deepak Cherian
Sally J. Warner
Bernard Bourlès
Peter Brandt
, and
Marcus Dengler


Several years of moored turbulence measurements from χpods at three sites in the equatorial cold tongues of Atlantic and Pacific Oceans yield new insights into proxy estimates of turbulence that specifically target the cold tongues. They also reveal previously unknown wind dependencies of diurnally varying turbulence in the near-critical stratified shear layers beneath the mixed layer and above the core of the Equatorial Undercurrent that we have come to understand as deep cycle (DC) turbulence. Isolated by the mixed layer above, the DC layer is only indirectly linked to surface forcing. Yet, it varies diurnally in concert with daily changes in heating/cooling. Diurnal composites computed from 10-min averaged data at fixed χpod depths show that transitions from daytime to nighttime mixing regimes are increasingly delayed with weakening wind stress τ. These transitions are also delayed with respect to depth such that they follow a descent rate of roughly 6 m h−1, independent of τ. We hypothesize that this wind-dependent delay is a direct result of wind-dependent diurnal warm layer deepening, which acts as the trigger to DC layer instability by bringing shear from the surface downward but at rates much slower than 6 m h−1. This delay in initiation of DC layer instability contributes to a reduction in daily averaged values of turbulence dissipation. Both the absence of descending turbulence in the sheared DC layer prior to arrival of the diurnal warm layer shear and the magnitude of the subsequent descent rate after arrival are roughly predicted by laboratory experiments on entrainment in stratified shear flows.

Significance Statement

Only recently have long time series measurements of ocean turbulence been available anywhere. Important sites for these measurements are the equatorial cold tongues where the nature of upper-ocean turbulence differs from that in most of the world’s oceans and where heat uptake from the atmosphere is concentrated. Critical to heat transported downward from the mixed layer is the diurnally varying deep cycle of turbulence below the mixed layer and above the core of the Equatorial Undercurrent. Even though this layer does not directly contact the surface, here we show the influence of the surface winds on both the magnitude of the deep cycle turbulence and the timing of its descent into the depths below.

Free access
Eric D. Skyllingstad
Roger M. Samelson
Harper Simmons
Lou S. Laurent
Sophia Merrifield
Thilo Klenz
, and
Luca Centurioni


The observed development of deep mixed layers and the dependence of intense, deep-mixing events on wind and wave conditions are studied using an ocean LES model with and without an imposed Stokes-drift wave forcing. Model results are compared to glider measurements of the ocean vertical temperature, salinity, and turbulence kinetic energy (TKE) dissipation rate structure collected in the Icelandic Basin. Observed wind stress reached 0.8 N m−2 with significant wave height of 4–6 m, while boundary layer depths reached 180 m. We find that wave forcing, via the commonly used Stokes drift vortex force parameterization, is crucial for accurate prediction of boundary layer depth as characterized by measured and predicted TKE dissipation rate profiles. Analysis of the boundary layer kinetic energy (KE) budget using a modified total Lagrangian-mean energy equation, derived for the wave-averaged Boussinesq equations by requiring that the rotational inertial terms vanish identically as in the standard energy budget without Stokes forcing, suggests that wind work should be calculated using both the surface current and surface Stokes drift. A large percentage of total wind energy is transferred to model TKE via regular and Stokes drift shear production and dissipated. However, resonance by clockwise rotation of the winds can greatly enhance the generation of inertial current mean KE (MKE). Without resonance, TKE production is about 5 times greater than MKE generation, whereas with resonance this ratio decreases to roughly 2. The results have implications for the problem of estimating the global kinetic energy budget of the ocean.

Open access
Eric P. Chassignet
Xiaobiao Xu
Alexandra Bozec
, and
Takaya Uchida


The potential role of the New England seamount chain (NESC) on the Gulf Stream pathway and variability has been long recognized, and the series of numerical experiments presented in this paper further emphasize the importance of properly resolving the NESC when modeling the Gulf Stream. The NESC has a strong impact on the Gulf Stream pathway and variability, as demonstrated by comparison experiments with and without the NESC. With the NESC removed from the model bathymetry, the Gulf Stream remains a stable coherent jet much farther east than in the experiment with the NESC. The NESC is the leading factor destabilizing the Gulf Stream and, when it is not properly resolved by the model’s grid, its impact on the Gulf Stream’s pathway and variability is surprisingly large. A high-resolution bathymetry, which better resolves the New England seamounts (i.e., narrower and rising higher in the water column), leads to a tighter Gulf Stream mean path that better agrees with the observed path and a sea surface height variability distribution that is in excellent agreement with the observations.

Open access
Mingyue Liu
Ru Chen
Glenn R. Flierl
Wenting Guan
Hong Zhang
, and
Qianqian Geng


For eddy-permitting climate models, only eddies smaller than the smallest resolvable scale need to be parameterized. Therefore, it is important to study the diffusivities induced by eddies smaller than a specific separation scale L *, that is, the scale-dependent eddy diffusivities. Using a submesoscale-permitting model solution (MITgcm llc4320), we estimate the scale-dependent eddy diffusivity in the Kuroshio Extension. We find that, as the separation scale L * increases, the diffusivity increases, and the spatial structure approaches that of the total eddy diffusivity. We quantify this scale dependence through fitting the diffusivity to L * n . Our derivation shows that n is approximately (a + 1)/2, where a is the eddy kinetic energy spectral slope. For domain-averaged diffusivity, n is 1.33. We then extend four existing mixing theories by including scale dependence. Our results show that both of the theories designed for intense-jet regions, the suppressed mixing length theory and the multiwavenumber theory, closely match the magnitude of the scale-dependent diffusivity but fail to capture well the diffusivity’s spatial structure. However, the other two theories based on eddy size and Rhines scale can reasonably represent the spatial structure. Based on this finding, we propose an empirical formula for scale-dependent eddy diffusivity that well represents both the magnitude and the spatial structure of the eddy diffusivity. Our work demonstrates that climate models should use scale-dependent diffusivity, and designing appropriate empirical formulas may be a reasonable approach to represent these scale-dependent diffusivities. Also, our diagnostic framework and theories for scale-dependent eddy diffusivity may be applicable to the global ocean.

Open access
Leif N. Thomas
Eric D. Skyllingstad
Luc Rainville
Verena Hormann
Luca Centurioni
James N. Moum
Olivier Asselin
, and
Craig M. Lee


Along with boundary layer turbulence, downward radiation of near-inertial waves (NIWs) damps inertial oscillations (IOs) in the surface ocean; however, the latter can also energize abyssal mixing. Here we present observations made from a dipole vortex in the Iceland Basin where, after the period of direct wind forcing, IOs lost over half their kinetic energy (KE) in two inertial periods to radiation of NIWs with minimal turbulent dissipation of KE. The dipole’s vorticity gradient led to a rapid reduction in the NIW’s lateral wavelength via ζ refraction that was accompanied by isopycnal undulations below the surface mixed layer. Pressure anomalies associated with the undulations were correlated with the NIW’s velocity yielding an energy flux of 310 mW m−2 pointed antiparallel to the vorticity gradient and a downward flux of 1 mW m−2 capable of driving the observed drop in KE. The minimal role of turbulence in the energetics after the IOs had been generated by the winds was confirmed using a large-eddy simulation driven by the observed winds.

Significance Statement

We report direct observational estimates of the vector wave energy flux of a near-inertial wave. The energy flux points from high to low vorticity in the horizontal, consistent with the theory of ζ refraction. The downward energy flux dominates the observed damping of inertial motions over turbulent dissipation and mixing.

Open access