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Abebe Sine Gebregiorgis
Pierre-Emmanuel Kirstetter
Yang E. Hong
Nicholas J. Carr
Jonathan J. Gourley
Walt Petersen
, and
Yaoyao Zheng


The Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Multisatellite Precipitation Analysis (TMPA) has provided the global community a widely used multisatellite (and multisensor type) estimate of quasi-global precipitation. One of the TMPA level-3 products, 3B42RT/TMPA-RT (where RT indicates real time), is a merged product of microwave (MW) and infrared (IR) precipitation estimates, which attempts to exploit the most desirable aspects of both types of sensors, namely, quality rainfall estimation and spatiotemporal resolution. This study extensively and systematically evaluates multisatellite precipitation errors by tracking the sensor-specific error sources and quantifying the biases originating from multiple sensors. High-resolution, ground-based radar precipitation estimates from the Multi-Radar Multi-Sensor (MRMS) system, developed by the National Severe Storms Laboratory (NSSL), are utilized as reference data. The analysis procedure involves segregating the grid precipitation estimate as a function of sensor source, decomposing the bias, and then quantifying the error contribution per grid. The results of this study reveal that while all three aspects of detection (i.e., hit, missed-rain, and false-rain biases) contribute to the total bias associated with IR precipitation estimates, overestimation bias (positive hit bias) and missed precipitation are the dominant error sources for MW precipitation estimates. Considering only MW sensors, the TRMM Microwave Imager (TMI) shows the largest missed-rain and overestimation biases (nearly double that of the other MW estimates) per grid box during the summer and winter seasons. The Special Sensor Microwave Imagers/Sounders (SSMIS on board F17 and F16) also show major error during winter and spring, respectively.

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E. Cattani
A. Merino
, and
V. Levizzani


East Africa experienced in the 2001–11 time period some of the worst drought events to date, culminating in the high-impact drought of 2010/11. Long-term monitoring of precipitation is thus essential, and satellite-based precipitation products can help in coping with the relatively sparse rain gauge ground networks of this area of the world. However, the complex topography and the marked geographic variability of precipitation in the region make precipitation retrieval from satellites problematic and product validation and intercomparison necessary. Six state-of-the-art monthly satellite precipitation products over East Africa during the 2001–09 time frame are evaluated. Eight areas (clusters) are identified by investigating the precipitation seasonality through the Global Precipitation Climatology Centre (GPCC) climatological gauge data. Seasonality was fully reproduced by satellite data in each of the GPCC-identified clusters. Not surprisingly, complex terrain (mountain regions in particular) represents a challenge for satellite precipitation estimates, as demonstrated by the standard deviations of the six-product ensemble. A further confirmation comes from the comparison between satellite estimates and rain gauge measurements as a function of terrain elevation. The 3B42 product performs best, although the satellite–gauge comparative analysis was not completely independent since a few of the products include a rain gauge bias correction.

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Assessing the Efficacy of High-Resolution Satellite-Based PERSIANN-CDR Precipitation Product in Simulating Streamflow

Hamed Ashouri
Phu Nguyen
Andrea Thorstensen
Kuo-lin Hsu
Soroosh Sorooshian
, and
Dan Braithwaite


This study aims to investigate the performance of Precipitation Estimation from Remotely Sensed Information Using Artificial Neural Networks–Climate Data Record (PERSIANN-CDR) in a rainfall–runoff modeling application over the past three decades. PERSIANN-CDR provides precipitation data at daily and 0.25° temporal and spatial resolutions from 1983 to present for the 60°S–60°N latitude band and 0°–360° longitude. The study is conducted in two phases over three test basins from the Distributed Hydrologic Model Intercomparison Project, phase 2 (DMIP2). In phase 1, a more recent period of time (2003–10) when other high-resolution satellite-based precipitation products are available is chosen. Precipitation evaluation analysis, conducted against stage IV gauge-adjusted radar data, shows that PERSIANN-CDR and TRMM Multisatellite Precipitation Analysis (TMPA) have close performances with a higher correlation coefficient for TMPA (~0.8 vs 0.75 for PERSIANN-CDR) and almost the same root-mean-square deviation (~6) for both products. TMPA and PERSIANN-CDR outperform PERSIANN, mainly because, unlike PERSIANN, TMPA and PERSIANN-CDR are gauge-adjusted precipitation products. The National Weather Service Office of Hydrologic Development Hydrology Laboratory Research Distributed Hydrologic Model (HL-RDHM) is then forced with PERSIANN, PERSIANN-CDR, TMPA, and stage IV data. Quantitative analysis using five different statistical and model efficiency measures against USGS streamflow observation show that in general in all three DMIP2 basins, the simulated hydrographs forced with PERSIANN-CDR and TMPA have close agreement. Given the promising results in the first phase, the simulation process is extended back to 1983 where only PERSIANN-CDR rainfall estimates are available. The results show that PERSIANN-CDR-derived streamflow simulations are comparable to USGS observations with correlation coefficients of ~0.67–0.73, relatively low biases (~5%–12%), and high index of agreement criterion (~0.68–0.83) between PERSIANN-CDR-simulated daily streamflow and USGS daily observations. The results prove the capability of PERSIANN-CDR in hydrological rainfall–runoff modeling application, especially for long-term streamflow simulations over the past three decades.

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A Multiscale Evaluation of the Detection Capabilities of High-Resolution Satellite Precipitation Products in West Africa

Clément Guilloteau
Rémy Roca
, and
Marielle Gosset


Validation studies have assessed the accuracy of satellite-based precipitation estimates at coarse scale (1° and 1 day or coarser) in the tropics, but little is known about their ability to capture the finescale variability of precipitation. Rain detection masks derived from four multisatellite passive sensor products [Tropical Amount of Precipitation with an Estimate of Errors (TAPEER), PERSIANN-CCS, CMORPH, and GSMaP] are evaluated against ground radar data in Burkina Faso. The multiscale evaluation is performed down to 2.8 km and 15 min through discrete wavelet transform. The comparison of wavelet coefficients allows identification of the scales for which the precipitation fraction (fraction of space and time that is rainy) derived from satellite observations is consistent with the reference. The wavelet-based spectral analysis indicates that the energy distribution associated with the rain/no rain variability throughout spatial and temporal scales in satellite products agrees well with radar-based precipitation fields. The wavelet coefficients characterizing very finescale variations (finer than 40 km and 2 h) of satellite and ground radar masks are poorly correlated. Coarse spatial and temporal scales are essentially responsible for the agreement between satellite and radar masks. Consequently, the spectral energy of the difference between the two masks is concentrated in fine scales. Satellite-derived multiyear mean diurnal cycles of rain occurrence are in good agreement with gauge data in Benin and Niger. Spectral analysis and diurnal cycle computation are also performed in the West Africa region using the TRMM Precipitation Radar. The results at the regional scale are consistent with the results obtained over the ground radar and gauge sites.

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Yiwen Mei
Efthymios I. Nikolopoulos
Emmanouil N. Anagnostou
, and
Marco Borga


This study investigates the error characteristics of six quasi-global satellite precipitation products and their error propagation in flow simulations for a range of mountainous basin scales (255–6967 km2) and two different periods (May–August and September–November) in northeast Italy. Statistics describing the systematic and random error, the temporal similarity, and error ratios between precipitation and runoff are presented. Overall, strong over-/underestimation associated with the near-real-time 3B42/Climate Prediction Center morphing technique (CMORPH) products is shown. Results suggest positive correlation between the systematic error and basin elevation. Performance evaluation of flow simulations yields a higher degree of consistency for the moderate to large basin scales and the May–August period. Gauge adjustment for the different satellite products is shown to moderate their error magnitude and increase their correlation with reference precipitation and streamflow simulations. Moreover, ratios of precipitation to streamflow simulation error metrics show dependencies in terms of magnitude and variability. Random error and temporal dissimilarity are shown to reduce from basin-average rainfall to the streamflow simulations, while the systematic error exhibits no clear pattern in the rainfall–runoff transformation.

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Toshi Matsui
Jiun-Dar Chern
Wei-Kuo Tao
Stephen Lang
Masaki Satoh
Tempei Hashino
, and
Takuji Kubota


A 14-yr climatology of Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) collocated multisensor signal statistics reveals a distinct land–ocean contrast as well as geographical variability of precipitation type, intensity, and microphysics. Microphysics information inferred from the TRMM Precipitation Radar and Microwave Imager show a large land–ocean contrast for the deep category, suggesting continental convective vigor. Over land, TRMM shows higher echo-top heights and larger maximum echoes, suggesting taller storms and more intense precipitation, as well as larger microwave scattering, suggesting the presence of more/larger frozen convective hydrometeors. This strong land–ocean contrast in deep convection is invariant over seasonal and multiyear time scales. Consequently, relatively short-term simulations from two global storm-resolving models can be evaluated in terms of their land–ocean statistics using the TRMM Triple-Sensor Three-Step Evaluation Framework via a satellite simulator. The models evaluated are the NASA Multiscale Modeling Framework (MMF) and the Nonhydrostatic Icosahedral Cloud Atmospheric Model (NICAM). While both simulations can represent convective land–ocean contrasts in warm precipitation to some extent, near-surface conditions over land are relatively moister in NICAM than MMF, which appears to be the key driver in the divergent warm precipitation results between the two models. Both the MMF and NICAM produced similar frequencies of large CAPE between land and ocean. The dry MMF boundary layer enhanced microwave scattering signals over land, but only NICAM had an enhanced deep convection frequency over land. Neither model could reproduce a realistic land–ocean contrast in deep convective precipitation microphysics. A realistic contrast between land and ocean remains an issue in global storm-resolving modeling.

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A Shallow Cumuliform Snowfall Census Using Spaceborne Radar

Mark S. Kulie
Lisa Milani
Norman B. Wood
Samantha A. Tushaus
Ralf Bennartz
, and
Tristan S. L’Ecuyer


The first observationally based near-global shallow cumuliform snowfall census is undertaken using multiyear CloudSat Cloud Profiling Radar observations. CloudSat snowfall observations and snowfall rate estimates from the CloudSat 2C-Snow Water Content and Snowfall Rate (2C-SNOW-PROFILE) product are partitioned between shallow cumuliform and nimbostratus cloud structures by utilizing coincident cloud category classifications from the CloudSat 2B-Cloud Scenario Classification (2B-CLDCLASS) product. Shallow cumuliform (nimbostratus) snowfall events comprise about 36% (59%) of snowfall events in the CloudSat snowfall dataset. The remaining 5% of snowfall events are distributed between other categories. Distinct oceanic versus continental trends exist between the two major snowfall categories, as shallow cumuliform snow-producing clouds occur predominantly over the oceans. Regional differences are also noted in the partitioned dataset, with over-ocean regions near Greenland, the far North Atlantic Ocean, the Barents Sea, the western Pacific Ocean, the southern Bering Sea, and the Southern Hemispheric pan-oceanic region containing distinct shallow snowfall occurrence maxima exceeding 60%. Certain Northern Hemispheric continental regions also experience frequent shallow cumuliform snowfall events (e.g., inland Russia), as well as some mountainous regions. CloudSat-generated snowfall rates are also partitioned between the two major snowfall categories to illustrate the importance of shallow snow-producing cloud structures to the average annual snowfall. While shallow cumuliform snowfall produces over 50% of the annual estimated surface snowfall flux regionally, about 18% (82%) of global snowfall is attributed to shallow (nimbostratus) snowfall. This foundational spaceborne snowfall study will be utilized for follow-on evaluative studies with independent model, reanalysis, and ground-based observational datasets to characterize respective dataset biases and to better quantify CloudSat snowfall detection and quantitative snowfall estimate uncertainties.

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Yumeng Tao
Xiaogang Gao
Kuolin Hsu
Soroosh Sorooshian
, and
Alexander Ihler


Despite the advantage of global coverage at high spatiotemporal resolutions, satellite remotely sensed precipitation estimates still suffer from insufficient accuracy that needs to be improved for weather, climate, and hydrologic applications. This paper presents a framework of a deep neural network (DNN) that improves the accuracy of satellite precipitation products, focusing on reducing the bias and false alarms. The state-of-the-art deep learning techniques developed in the area of machine learning specialize in extracting structural information from a massive amount of image data, which fits nicely into the task of retrieving precipitation data from satellite cloud images. Stacked denoising autoencoder (SDAE), a widely used DNN, is applied to perform bias correction of satellite precipitation products. A case study is conducted on the Precipitation Estimation from Remotely Sensed Information Using Artificial Neural Networks Cloud Classification System (PERSIANN-CCS) with spatial resolution of 0.08° × 0.08° over the central United States, where SDAE is used to process satellite cloud imagery to extract information over a window of 15 × 15 pixels. In the study, the summer of 2012 (June–August) and the winter of 2012/13 (December–February) serve as the training periods, while the same seasons of the following year (summer of 2013 and winter of 2013/14) are used for validation purposes. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the methodology outside the study area, three more regions are selected for additional validation. Significant improvements are achieved in both rain/no-rain (R/NR) detection and precipitation rate quantification: the results make 33% and 43% corrections on false alarm pixels and 98% and 78% bias reductions in precipitation rates over the validation periods of the summer and winter seasons, respectively.

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Chris Kidd
Toshihisa Matsui
Jiundar Chern
Karen Mohr
Chris Kummerow
, and
Dave Randel


The estimation of precipitation across the globe from satellite sensors provides a key resource in the observation and understanding of our climate system. Estimates from all pertinent satellite observations are critical in providing the necessary temporal sampling. However, consistency in these estimates from instruments with different frequencies and resolutions is critical. This paper details the physically based retrieval scheme to estimate precipitation from cross-track (XT) passive microwave (PM) sensors on board the constellation satellites of the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission. Here the Goddard profiling algorithm (GPROF), a physically based Bayesian scheme developed for conically scanning (CS) sensors, is adapted for use with XT PM sensors. The present XT GPROF scheme utilizes a model-generated database to overcome issues encountered with an observational database as used by the CS scheme. The model database ensures greater consistency across meteorological regimes and surface types by providing a more comprehensive set of precipitation profiles. The database is corrected for bias against the CS database to ensure consistency in the final product. Statistical comparisons over western Europe and the United States show that the XT GPROF estimates are comparable with those from the CS scheme. Indeed, the XT estimates have higher correlations against surface radar data, while maintaining similar root-mean-square errors. Latitudinal profiles of precipitation show the XT estimates are generally comparable with the CS estimates, although in the southern midlatitudes the peak precipitation is shifted equatorward while over the Arctic large differences are seen between the XT and the CS retrievals.

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Ali Behrangi
Bin Guan
Paul J. Neiman
Mathias Schreier
, and
Bjorn Lambrigtsen


Atmospheric rivers (ARs) are often associated with extreme precipitation, which can lead to flooding or alleviate droughts. A decade (2003–12) of landfalling ARs impacting the North American west coast (between 32.5° and 52.5°N) is collected to assess the skill of five commonly used satellite-based precipitation products [T3B42, T3B42 real-time (T3B42RT), CPC morphing technique (CMORPH), PERSIANN, and PERSIANN–Cloud Classification System (CCS)] in capturing ARs’ precipitation rate and pattern. AR detection was carried out using a database containing twice-daily satellite-based integrated water vapor composite observations. It was found that satellite products are more consistent over ocean than land and often significantly underestimate precipitation rate over land compared to ground observations. Incorrect detection of precipitation from IR-based methods is prevalent over snow and ice surfaces where microwave estimates often show underestimation or missing data. Bias adjustment using ground observation is found very effective to improve satellite products, but it also raises concern regarding near-real-time applicability of satellite products for ARs. The analysis using individual case studies (6–8 January and 13–14 October 2009) and an ensemble of AR events suggests that further advancement in capturing orographic precipitation and precipitation over cold and frozen surfaces is needed to more reliably quantify AR precipitation from space.

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