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AMS Publications Commission
Open access
Dié Wang
Emily C. Melvin
Noah Smith
Michael P. Jensen
Siddhant Gupta
Ayman Abdullah-Smoot
Natalia Pszeniczny
, and
Travis Hahn


This study explores gulf-breeze circulations (GBCs) and bay-breeze circulations (BBCs) in Houston–Galveston, investigating their characteristics, large-scale weather influences, and impacts on surface properties, boundary layer updrafts, and convective clouds. The results are derived from a combination of datasets, including satellite observations, ground-based measurements, and reanalysis datasets, using machine learning, changepoint detection method, and Lagrangian cell tracking. We find that anticyclonic synoptic patterns during the summer months (June–September) favor GBC/BBC formation and the associated convective cloud development, representing 74% of cases. The main Tracking Aerosol Convection Interactions Experiment (TRACER) site located close to the Galveston Bay is influenced by both GBC and BBC, with nearly half of the cases showing evident BBC features. The site experiences early frontal passages ranging from 1040 to 1630 local time (LT), with 1300 LT being the most frequent. These fronts are stronger than those observed at the ancillary site which is located further inland from the Galveston Bay, including larger changes in surface temperature, moisture, and wind speed. Furthermore, these fronts trigger boundary layer updrafts, likely promoting isolated convective precipitating cores that are short lived (average convective lifetime of 63 min) and slow moving (average propagation speed of 5 m s−1), primarily within 20–40 km from the coast.

Open access
Free access
Michael K. Tippett
Kelsey Malloy
, and
Simon H. Lee


Here, we examine the relation between U.S. tornado activity and a new year-round classification of North American weather regimes. The regime classification is based on 500-hPa geopotential height anomalies and classifies each day as Pacific Trough, Pacific Ridge, Alaskan Ridge, Greenland High, or No regime. During the period 1979–2022, we find statistically significant relations between average tornado report numbers and weather regimes in all months except June–August. Tornado activity is enhanced on Pacific Ridge days during late winter and spring, reduced on Pacific Trough days in spring, and reduced on Alaskan Ridge and Greenland High days during fall and early winter. During active regimes, the probability of many tornadoes occurring also increases, and there is greater variability in the number of tornadoes reported each day. A reanalysis-based tornado index reproduces the regional features of the modulation of tornado activity by the weather regimes and attributes them to changes in storm relative helicity, convective available potential energy, and convective precipitation. The phase of El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) also plays a role. In winter and spring, Pacific Ridge days occur more often and average more reports per day during cool ENSO conditions. During warm ENSO conditions, Pacific Trough days occur more often and are associated with widespread reduced tornado activity.

Significance Statement

Daily weather patterns over North America can be classified into five categories. The purpose of this study was to examine whether the number of U.S. tornado reports on a given day depends on the weather category of that day. We found robust relations between the average number of tornado reports and the weather pattern category in all months except June–August, with some weather patterns associated with increased tornado numbers and others with decreased tornado numbers. The El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon plays a role, with weather patterns that are favorable for tornadoes being more frequent and having more tornadoes per day during cool ENSO conditions.

Open access
Neil P. Lareau
Tracen Knopp
, and
Daniel J. Kirshbaum


The upslope flow processes affecting the vertical extent of orographic cumulus convection are examined using observations from the Cloud, Aerosol, and Complex Terrain Interactions (CACTI) field campaign. Specifically, clear air returns from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) second-generation C-band scanning Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) precipitation radar (CSAPR2) are used to characterize the structure and variability of the ridge-normal (i.e., up/downslope) flow components, which transport mass to the crest of Argentina’s Sierras de Córdoba and contribute to convective initiation. Data are compiled for the entire CACTI period (October–April), including days with clear skies, shallow cumuli, cumulus congestus, and deep convection. To examine shared variability among >70 000 radar scans, we use (i) a principal component analysis (PCA) to isolate modes of variability in the upslope flow and (ii) composite analysis based on convective outcomes, determined from GOES-16 satellite observations. These data are contextualized with observed surface sensible heat fluxes, thermodynamic profiles, and synoptic-scale analysis. Results indicate distinct thermally and mechanically forced upslope flow modes, modulated by diurnal heating and synoptic-scale variations, respectively. In some instances, there is a superposition of thermal and mechanical forcing, yielding either deeper or shallower upslope flow. The composite analyses based on satellite data show that successively deeper convective outcomes are associated with successively deeper upslope flow layers that more readily transport mass to the ridge crest in conjunction with lower lifting condensation levels, facilitating convective initiation. These results help to isolate the forcing mechanisms for orographic convection and thus provide a foundation for parameterizing orographic convective processes in coarse resolution models.

Open access
Theresa Diefenbach
Leonhard Scheck
Martin Weissmann
, and
George Craig


The analyses produced by a data assimilation system may be unbalanced, which is dynamically inconsistent with the forecasting model, leading to noisy forecasts and reduced skill. While there are effective procedures to reduce synoptic-scale imbalance, the situation on the convective scale is less clear because the flow on this scale is strongly divergent and nonhydrostatic. In this study, we compare three measures of imbalance relevant to convective-scale data assimilation: (i) surface pressure tendencies, (ii) vertical velocity variance in the vicinity of convective clouds, and (iii) departures from the vertical velocity prescribed by the weak temperature gradient (WTG) approximation. These are applied in a numerical weather prediction system, with three different data assimilation algorithms: 1) latent heat nudging (LHN), 2) local ensemble transform Kalman filter (LETKF), and 3) LETKF in combination with incremental analysis updates (IAUs). Results indicate that surface pressure tendency diagnoses a different type of imbalance than the vertical velocity variance and the WTG departure. The LETKF induces a spike in surface pressure tendencies, with a large-scale spatial pattern that is not clearly related to the precipitation pattern. This anomaly is notably reduced by the IAU. LHN does not generate a pronounced signal in the surface pressure but produces the most imbalance in the other two measures. The imbalances measured by the partitioned vertical velocity variance and WTG departures are similar and closely coupled to the convective precipitation. Between these two measures, the WTG departure has the advantage of being simpler and more economical to compute.

Open access
Eva-Maria Walz
Peter Knippertz
Andreas H. Fink
Gregor Köhler
, and
Tilmann Gneiting


Numerical weather prediction (NWP) models struggle to skillfully predict tropical precipitation occurrence and amount, calling for alternative approaches. For instance, it has been shown that fairly simple, purely data-driven logistic regression models for 24-h precipitation occurrence outperform both climatological and NWP forecasts for the West African summer monsoon. More complex neural network–based approaches, however, remain underdeveloped due to the non-Gaussian character of precipitation. In this study, we develop, apply, and evaluate a novel two-stage approach, where we train a U-Net convolutional neural network (CNN) model on gridded rainfall data to obtain a deterministic forecast and then apply the recently developed, nonparametric Easy Uncertainty Quantification (EasyUQ) approach to convert it into a probabilistic forecast. We evaluate CNN+EasyUQ for 1-day-ahead 24-h accumulated precipitation forecasts over northern tropical Africa for 2011–19, with the Integrated Multi-satellitE Retrievals for GPM (IMERG) data serving as ground truth. In the most comprehensive assessment to date, we compare CNN+EasyUQ to state-of-the-art physics-based and data-driven approaches such as monthly probabilistic climatology, raw and postprocessed ensemble forecasts from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), and traditional statistical approaches that use up to 25 predictor variables from IMERG and the ERA5 reanalysis. Generally, statistical approaches perform about on par with postprocessed ECMWF ensemble forecasts. The CNN+EasyUQ approach, however, clearly outperforms all competitors in terms of both occurrence and amount. Hybrid methods that merge CNN+EasyUQ and physics-based forecasts show slight further improvement. Thus, the CNN+EasyUQ approach can likely improve operational probabilistic forecasts of rainfall in the tropics and potentially even beyond.

Significance Statement

Precipitation forecasts in the tropics remain a great challenge despite their enormous potential to create socioeconomic benefits in sectors such as food and energy production. Here, we develop a purely data-driven, machine learning–based prediction model that outperforms traditional, physics-based approaches to 1-day-ahead forecasts of rainfall occurrence and rainfall amount over northern tropical Africa in terms of both forecast skill and computational costs. A combined data-driven and physics-based (hybrid) approach yields further (slight) improvement in terms of forecast skill. These results suggest new avenues to more accurate and more resource-efficient operational precipitation forecasts in the Global South.

Open access
R. M. Samelson
S. M. Durski
D. B. Chelton
E. D. Skyllingstad
, and
P. L. Barbour


The dependence of surface-current damping on the definition of surface current for the relative wind is examined in coupled ocean–atmosphere numerical simulations of the northern California Current System (nCCS) during March–October 2009. The model response is analyzed for wind stress computed from relative wind for six different choices of effective model surface velocity. Simulations without surface-current coupling are also considered. As a function of the geographically varying uppermost grid-level depth, the model uppermost grid-level velocity is found to have a wind-drift component with a log-layer structure. Mean geostrophic wind work is concentrated in the shelf and slope regions during March–May (MAM) and in the deep offshore region in June–September (JJAS). The surface-current damping effect on ocean kinetic energy depends more strongly on the parameterization of atmospheric planetary boundary layer (PBL) turbulence than on the surface-current coupling formulation: weaker PBL mixing gives stronger surface-current damping. The damping effect is stronger in the less energetic offshore region than in the more energetic region closer to the coast. During MAM, the changes in kinetic energy and geostrophic wind work in the shelf and slope regions are spatially correlated, while during JJAS, the changes in geostrophic wind work are strongly modulated by SST–stress coupling. The wind-drift-corrected surface-current formulations result in large changes in the effective wind work based on the product of stress and relative-wind surface current but result in only small changes in the kinetic energy of the circulation.

Significance Statement

Ocean currents and atmospheric winds are coupled by the exchange of momentum across the air–sea interface, the strength of which depends on the relative wind, the difference between the surface wind and surface current. The purpose of this work was to examine the dependence of a coupled ocean–atmosphere model of the northern California Current System (nCCS) on the representations of the relative-wind surface current and turbulent mixing in the lower atmosphere. The model surface current was found to have a shallow wind-drift response. The model ocean circulation was driven primarily by near-coast winds during the spring and by offshore winds during the summer. The ocean response depended more strongly on the atmospheric turbulent mixing than on the surface current representation.

Open access
Carly R. Tozer
James S. Risbey
Michael J. Pook
Didier P. Monselesan
Damien B. Irving
Nandini Ramesh
, and
Doug Richardson


Despite common background La Niña conditions, Australia was very dry in November 2020 and wet in November 2021. This paper aims to provide an explanation for this difference. Large-scale drivers of Australian rainfall, including El Niño–Southern Oscillation, Indian Ocean dipole, Southern Annular Mode, and Madden–Julian oscillation, were examined but did not provide obvious clues for the differences. We found that the absence (in 2020) or presence (in 2021) of an enhanced thermal wind and subtropical jet over the Australian continent contributed to the rainfall anomalies. In general, La Niña sets up warm sea surface temperatures around northern Australia, which enhances the meridional temperature gradient over the continent and hence thermal wind and subtropical jet. In November 2021, these warm sea surface temperatures, coupled with a persistent midlatitude trough, which advected cold air over the Australian continent, led to an enhanced meridional temperature gradient and subtropical jet over Australia. The enhanced jet provided favorable conditions for the development of rain-bearing weather systems across Australia. In 2020, the continent was warm, displacing the latitude of maximum meridional temperature gradient south of the continent, resulting in fewer instances of the subtropical jet over Australia, and little development of weather systems over the continent. We highlight that although La Niña tilts the odds to wetter conditions for Australia, in any given month, variability in temperatures over the continent can contribute to subtropical jet variability and resulting rainfall in ways which confound the normal expectation from La Niña.

Significance Statement

Forecasts of El Niño–Southern Oscillation are eagerly awaited, as the state of this climate driver has profound impacts on the likelihood of rainfall in regions around the world. While El Niño and La Niña do change rainfall likelihoods, the actual outcomes of these events are sometimes counter to expectation. This work explores one of the confounding factors to those expectations in the Australian context—the role of the meridional temperature gradient over the continent in modifying the storm track over Australia, which can disrupt the expected El Niño and La Niña teleconnections. We present case studies for two La Niña springs, highlighting that the Australian continent can help shape its own weather toward wetter or drier outcomes.

Open access
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